Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C805 Song with the Lord

C805 Song with the Lord

0Wang Hao was completely immersed in the beautiful music. His eyes were filled with confusion.    


No one knew when, but Supreme Moon God, who was on the Moon Osmanthus Tree, had stopped playing. However, the sound of the flute never stopped.    


He didn't know when, but a gust of wind blew over. The osmanthus flowers on the laurel tree were already fluttering like snow.    


The flowers were very beautiful and dangerous.    


Every Moon Osmanthus Flower was a sharp blade that contained Supreme Moon God's supreme divine power as it swept towards Wang Hao.    


The Moon Osmanthus Flower cut through his clothes and cut through his skin that had been forged by the True Dragon Bloodline. Bright red blood had already seeped out.    


However, Wang Hao didn't notice it at all. He didn't feel any pain at all.    


This was the killing move that Supreme Moon God had made famous in the past - the Moon Song of Tomorrow.    


The song ended, and the divine soul died!    


However, Supreme Moon God had been dead for too long. There were very few people who could remember this killing move.    


Supreme Moon God was about to succeed, but the expression on his face was still unusually calm. There was no joy or any other emotion on his face.    


He had been preparing for a long time and had been waiting for a long time. All of this should have happened naturally.    


However, Wang Hao did not think so.    


When the song was about to end, Wang Hao's eyes regained their clarity.    


He gently waved his hand, and the surrounding osmanthus flowers instantly dispersed.    


Wang Hao looked at Supreme Moon God and praised, "What a beautiful scenery, what a beautiful song. Unfortunately, it's used to kill people."    


Supreme Moon God was a little surprised, "You are the first one to wake up from my Moon Song."    


Wang Hao replied, "And also the last one."    


Supreme Moon God smiled, "I will naturally be the last one to kill you."    


Wang Hao shook his head, "You have misunderstood. No one knows what will happen in the future, but I will naturally be the last one to kill you."    


Supreme Moon God didn't say anything else. He put the flute back to his mouth.    


The song that was about to end became excited again.    


However, the difference was that Wang Hao's eyes did not fall into confusion again.    


His eyes were unusually clear, but the expression on his face was intoxicated, as if he was really just admiring Supreme Moon God's Moon Song.    


"Such a good flute song, it's a pity that there's no accompaniment."    


Wang Hao raised the True Dragon Sword in his hand, his left index finger slightly bent, and flicked on the sword.    




A crisp sound of impact was heard, like the sound of a zither.    


Supreme Moon God was startled, he looked at Wang Hao in disbelief.    


Wang Hao closed his eyes. His right index finger gently touched the blade of the sword. The blade of the sword trembled and actually produced a passionate sound of the zither.    


For a moment, the zither and the zither collided. The most moving song in the world resounded throughout the world.    


However, if one listened carefully, one would discover that the sound of the zither and the flute were fighting against each other in the wind.    


The osmanthus flowers that filled the sky had already been blown into disorder. No one knew where they would end up.    


Supreme Moon God's flute song represented his control over supreme power in the past.    


Wang Hao's sword song was an endless pursuit of the Sword Dao. His sword had inherited Supreme Sword God's sword, but it had already transcended.    


The song ended. Not a single osmanthus could be seen anymore. The originally lush osmanthus trees had become bare.    


Supreme Moon God was still standing on the osmanthus tree, but the flute in his hand had broken at some point.    


There was a trace of blood on the corner of Supreme Moon God's mouth.    


Victory and defeat had been decided.    


"You won."    


There was reluctance in Supreme Moon God's voice, but more of it was relief.    


Wang Hao came in front of Supreme Moon God and said, "In the next life, don't believe in any bullsh * t fate anymore. You have to fight for everything by yourself!"    


"Maybe you are right."    


Supreme Moon God closed his eyes. His figure and the Moon Osmanthus Tree slowly disappeared together.    


Sun Goddess rushed back. In her hand was Supreme Moon God's Divine Soul Fragment.    


"Palace Master, you won?"    


Wang Hao nodded and took the Divine Soul Fragment over. In an instant, the system in his body activated and absorbed all the Divine Soul Fragment.    


"System, what did you think of this time?"    


Every time he absorbed the Divine Soul Fragment, the system would recover a portion of his memory.    


The system's voice resounded in Wang Hao's mind, and it became more and more intelligent.    


"I remember a place, I hope you can go there."    




"Incense Burning Valley."    


Wang Hao asked why the system wanted to go to Incense Burning Valley, but the system did not know. She only remembered this name.    


Helpless, Wang Hao could only ask Sun Goddess, "Do you know where Incense Burning Valley is?"    


Sun Goddess revealed a surprised expression, "Palace Master, Incense Burning Valley is the place where the Divine Pill Master of Dragon Soaring Divine Domain gather. Do you want to buy the Medicine Pill?"    


At the place where the Divine Pill Master gathered, Wang Hao smiled. It seemed that something interesting would happen. He had always wanted to learn how to refine divine pills. He had never used the Sun Moon Pill Cauldron he obtained from Sun Divine Temple.    


Wang Hao waved his hand and a osmanthus flower landed in his hand. This osmanthus flower could be said to be perfect, like a crystal, without a single blemish.    


Sun Goddess looked at the osmanthus flower in Wang Hao's hand and was slightly startled.    


She knew what this was. This was Supreme Moon God's inheritance.    


"Although Moon Goddess said that she has all of the inheritance, this is the latest enlightenment of Supreme Moon God before he died. You can give it to her and consider it as returning a favor to her."    


"Understood. Leave this matter to me."    


Sun Goddess left first, but Wang Hao stayed behind.    


There wasn't even a divine weapon left in Supreme Moon God's palace. That's right. Why would a supreme existence need a divine weapon?    


However, Supreme Moon God still left a gift for Wang Hao. It was the best gift he could get - a pool of lake water.    


Wang Hao stayed in the temple for three hundred days. Such a time could be a long time for mortals, but for a god who had tens of thousands of years of life, it was a drop in the ocean.    


Wang Hao only practiced once, and three hundred days passed in the blink of an eye.    


The lake water had completely dried up, leaving only a huge pit in the lake.    


A golden tree was floating in the crater. It was a few hundred meters tall, and there was no top at all. The divine tree had absorbed the energy of the lake water.    


"System, the divine tree has grown. How can I open the Essence Martial Divine Domain?"    


"You have merged with the divine tree."    


Wang Hao came to the front of the divine tree and touched the trunk of the tree.    


His consciousness merged with the Tree of God.    


A golden fruit grew on the branch of the divine tree. The fruit matured and fell towards Wang Hao's head.    


The magical thing was that the fruit of the divine tree didn't hit Wang Hao. Instead, the moment it touched his body, the two of them merged together.    


Something shocking happened. Wang Hao and the divine tree disappeared at the same time!    


When Wang Hao discovered something unusual, he had already breathed in the familiar and unfamiliar air.    


This air was the air of Essence Martial Continent, so Wang Hao was naturally familiar with it. The strange thing was that there was a strong Divine Power in the air!    


"Is this the transformation of the continent to the Divine Realm?"    


Wang Hao breathed in the air of Essence Martial Divine Domain to his heart's content. Compared to Dragon Soaring Divine Domain, although Essence Martial Divine Domain was far from being comparable, it had a new flavor.    


Wang Hao flew towards the ground. He was surprised to find that the plants in the Essence Martial Divine Domain were extremely tall because of their divine power. The trees that used to be ten meters tall had now grown to a hundred meters tall.    


"The Holy Domain is over there!"    


With a thought, Wang Hao immediately arrived at the Holy Domain that was ten thousand miles away.    


"Who is it?"    


An angry shout was heard, and a red lightning bolt struck from afar.    


Wang Hao smiled and reached out his hand to block in front of his face.    




Wang Hao easily grabbed one of his ankles. The strength of his ankle that could collapse mountains and seas was like an itch in front of Wang Hao.    


The eyes of the person who attacked revealed a shocked expression.    


"Ms Hong, how long has it been? Don't you recognize me?"    


Wang Hao let go of the attacker's ankle. This red lightning was the supreme red lightning of the past!    


Of course, Hong was no longer a Supreme, but a God, even though it was only a Divine Weapon.    


Hong said in shock, "Wang Hao, why are you here? "    




The sound of the air being torn apart could be heard continuously. The people Wang Hao was familiar with appeared in front of him one by one.    


Jia Houwei, Zhao Muer, Lin Fei...    


"Wang Hao!"    


Zhao Muer and Lin Fei threw themselves into Wang Hao's arms. They looked forward to seeing Wang Hao again. It had been too long.    


Looking at the two of them who were crying with joy, Wang Hao pulled them into his arms.    




Jia Houwei walked forward. Wang Hao was surprised to find that Jia Houwei had also entered the Divine Weapon realm.    3


"Fatty, not bad!"    


Jia Houwei scratched his head in embarrassment, "How could you catch up to boss? I can't even see through your realm."    


"Alright, let's go back and talk! They are all being watched like monkeys."    


Wang Hao returned to the Essence Martial Sect. After he left, the Essence Martial Sect had become the biggest power in the Essence Martial Divine Domain.    


Wang Hao's parents were there as well. The family was reunited once again, and it was a happy occasion.    


Wang Hao's friends also arrived one after another.    


They had the biggest question in their hearts, and they needed Wang Hao to answer it.    


The one who raised this question was Hong.    


"Wang Hao, you have already opened the seal of this continent and destroyed the will of the heavens. Why can't we ascend?"    


Wang Hao explained with a smile, "Because you have already ascended."    


Everyone looked at each other, not understanding what Wang Hao meant.    


"Aren't we going to ascend to a higher plane like you?"    


"You're right, but the current Essence Martial Continent has already become the Essence Martial Divine Domain. In other words, all of you are already in the Divine Domain."    


Everyone was shocked. Jia Houwei said in astonishment, "No wonder the entire continent was filled with divine energy after our boss ascended. My cultivation speed has also increased by several times. So that's the reason."    


Wang Hao told everyone what he had seen and heard in the Dragon Soaring Divine Domain.    


Zhao Muer asked, "In other words, there were a total of 108 divine regions in the original world. Now, Essence Martial Divine Domain has become the 109th divine region?"    


"That's right. Furthermore, I am destined to fight for the throne of the King of Kings. I hope that the Essence Martial Divine Domain will become my trump card."    


Hong Jiao smiled and said, "Sounds interesting?"    


Jia Houwei also had an excited look on his face, "I can fight side by side with Boss again!"    


Wang Hao smiled and said, "I'll give you guys some gifts first."    


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