Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C799 Ruined Ancient City

C799 Ruined Ancient City

0Kelly looked at the elf in Moon Goddess's hand and was so excited that she could not control herself.    


Wang Hao asked curiously, "Is this elf very precious?"    


Kelly quickly nodded, but she was so excited that she could not say anything.    


Moon Goddess explained for her, "This elf is the most fundamental form of life for the elves. It is all the activities of the elves. It is built on its body and can reproduce infinitely. As long as one survives, it can reproduce for 100 days. Reform the entire forest.    


Since the elves are in danger, I'm afraid that not many of them will survive. I'll give this to her as a way to leave a trace of Xin Huo for the elves."    


Wang Hao understood. With Moon Goddess, even if the elves are really extinct, as long as Kelly is still alive, with the help of the elves, they can rebuild the elves.    


This was a great favor.    


Kelly carefully accepted the elf, "Thank you, really thank you!"    


Moon Goddess smiled and did not say anything more. She turned around and left.    


Watching Moon Goddess's back as she left, Kelly muttered, "When I save father, I will ask him to let the Night Elf return to the elf clan."    




Kelly asked, {Where are we going next?}"    


Wang Hao replied, "We will rest for the night and make a decision tomorrow."    


Kelly disappeared into the contract. Wang Hao asked in his heart, "System, come out."    


"I am here."    


Wang Hao took out the Divine Soul Fragment that the supreme Sun God gave him.    


"This is what you want."    


"Crush it."    


Wang Hao did as he was told. The Divine Soul Fragment that he crushed turned into glowing powder that flowed into his body.    


The system's voice did not ring again. Wang Hao could feel that the system was changing.    


After a long time, the system said again, "Thank you."    


Wang Hao could hear that after absorbing the Divine Soul Fragment, there were more emotions in the system's voice.    


"You have changed."    


"Yes, I remember many things."    


Wang Hao asked curiously, "What do you remember?"    


The system's voice sounded somewhat helpless, "Many things that I remember are fragments that cannot be linked together. I'm afraid that I need to get more Divine Soul Fragment to remember more."    


She paused for a moment and continued, "But I think of something that will be of great help to you."    




"[The method to enter the Treasure Vault]"    


"Treasure Vault?" Wang Hao said with a smile, "The kind that hides a lot of treasures?"    


"You'll understand once you see it."    


As soon as the system's voice faded, a huge suction force sucked Wang Hao's consciousness into Elf World.    


Wang Hao appeared in a huge palace. The palace was very tall, and Wang Hao couldn't even see his head when he looked up.    


The palace was also very wide, and there was a huge cylinder inside. All kinds of items were hung on the walls.    


Wang Hao's heart was filled with huge waves. He approached the wall and pulled out a sword from it.    


He caressed the sword, and his heart was filled with emotion.    


With his current realm, this sword was pitifully weak. It could be broken by just a breath of air.    


However, it had an extraordinary significance to Wang Hao. This was the first sword he had bought from the shopping mall in Essence Martial Continent.    


He scanned the surrounding walls. Apart from the Profound Artifact in the mortal world, there were also all kinds of Medicine Pills, scrolls, and materials...    


"System, this is the Merchant Shop?"    


"That's right, it is now completely open to you. You don't need to pay any fees. Then you can take the things in the mall away. Of course, the degree of the opening of the shopping mall is related to your current realm, treasures that are beyond your realm... It can't be taken away. "    


Wang Hao flew up. The higher he went, the higher grade the treasure on the wall would be.    


Finally, he saw a Divine Image level divine artifact, Medicine Pill, and materials that were at the same level as him.    


Further up, the higher grade treasure was like a fossil, without any luster. It must be what the system said, that Wang Hao needed to reach the same level before he could take it away.    


"Haha... Hahahahaha!"    


Wang Hao couldn't help but laugh out loud, "I've struck it rich, I've really struck it rich this time!"    


He had dreamed that he could use the treasures in the System Merchant Shop whenever he wanted, and now his dream had come true.    


He couldn't even believe it.    


"System, can I really take anything out?"    


The System replied with certainty, "Yes, as long as your realm is high enough, you can take out everything"    


Wang Hao returned to the real world. He opened his right hand and a Divine Image divine weapon appeared in his hand.    


"In the future, if I encounter any enemies, I can smash them to death with just these divine weapons!"    


With another thought, the divine weapon disappeared and returned to the Treasure Pavilion.    


He returned to the Treasure Pavilion once more, and began to study how to maximize the usefulness of the Treasure Pavilion.    


When the sun rose again, all the members of the Sun Tribe knelt in front of Wang Hao under Sun Goddess's lead.    


Looking at the thousands of people in front of him, Wang Hao's heart surged. He knew that the Sun Tribe would become an important force to him.    


He said to Sun Goddess, "I want to integrate the Sun Tribe into the Yama Hall. From today onwards, all of you will be members of the Yama Hall."    


Sun Goddess said respectfully, "Yes, Palace Master!"    


"Leave the people with weaker realms behind. Lead the soldiers and follow me back to the Yama Hall."    


Sun Goddess selected five hundred Divine Sovereign Level and above warriors and returned to Yama Hall with Wang Hao.    


Jing Yan led the group to welcome Wang Hao. When they saw the Sun Tribe Warrior behind Wang Hao, they were so shocked that they could not speak.    


Yin Miao swallowed her saliva and said, "Palace master, isn't this Sun Goddess? Why did she come back with you?"    


Wang Hao explained, "From today onwards, Sun Goddess and her Sun Tribe will be a part of Yama Hall."    


Hearing this, everyone became excited. Yama Hall's strength had once again been greatly expanded.    


After settling down the warriors of the Sun Tribe, Wang Hao gathered all the important people in the hall.    


He took out ten divine rings and placed them in front of everyone.    


"There are many precious resources in these ten divine rings. I hope you can make good use of them and make the brothers of Yama Hall stronger!"    


Sun Goddess took the lead to take out one of the divine rings. The divine ring had not been refined and anyone could check the items stored within.    


When she injected her divine sense into the divine ring, her mouth was wide open and could not close for a long time.    


Although the Sun Tribe had already declined, a starving camel was still bigger than a horse. The wealth that the Sun Tribe possessed was much more than that of many more powerful factions.    


But Sun Goddess discovered that even if she gathered all the resources of the entire tribe, it was still unable to compare to the value of the interspatial Essence Ring in her hands...    


And there were ten of these in the God Realm!    


The expressions on the other people's faces were very similar to Sun Goddess's. They were all shocked and could not close their mouths for a long time.    


Because of the shock, Roy stuttered as he spoke.    


"Palace Master... you... Where did you get it from?"    


"You don't have to ask. I just want to know, with these resources, can you make Yama Hall stronger?"    


"Yes!" Jing Yan said firmly. He said, "If this can't make the Yama Hall stronger, we might as well cut our necks."    


The others also had a determined look on their faces. With such resources, even a pig could become an existence that could shake the world, let alone the people of Yama Hall, who were all geniuses!    


"By the way, palace master, we have discovered a mysterious spatial zone while you were away."    


"Mysterious spatial zone?" Wang Hao was very surprised. One had to know that the space in the Divine Realm was extremely stable. It was not like the mortal world, where it was very easy to discover another space.    


The alternate space that could be entered from the God Territory was either opened up by a powerful God, or a mysterious place with a long history.    


Yin Miao explained, "During the time you left, we destroyed a force that tried to harm our Yama Hall and seized a divine artifact.    


There was a mysterious space hidden in this divine artifact. Roy tried to open it but failed. Your Divine Craftsman realm is higher than Roy's. Let's see if you can find anything new."    


Wang Hao took the divine weapon. It was a black diamond-shaped metal cube. It was cold to the touch and no one knew what material it was made of.    


Wang Hao lit the Golden Pupil. Through the Golden Pupil, he found that there were extremely complicated and precise parts inside the divine artifact.    


He tried to inject a trace of divine power into the divine artifact in his hand, and the divine artifact immediately changed.    


Many bumps suddenly appeared on the originally smooth and flat surface, and they began circulating with cracking sounds.    


These protrusions were operating in an irregular manner, making it impossible for others to make a move.    


Roy said from the side, "I tried to find a pattern, but I couldn't find any clues at all."    


Wang Hao held his breath and injected his surging Divine Power into the Golden Pupil.    


He focused his mind. The circulating Divine Weapon became very, very slow. Every time it changed, it was as if a long time had passed.    


The originally disordered circulation became rhythmic in Wang Hao's eyes.    


"So that's how it is."    


Wang Hao placed his hands on the divine artifact and quickly twisted it.    


The divine artifact kept changing shapes in Wang Hao's hands, and the protrusions on its surface became less and less.    


When the divine artifact became smooth and flat again, Wang Hao gently pulled on both sides, and the divine artifact split into two.    


An entrance to a spatial zone appeared in front of everyone.    


The door to the mysterious spatial zone opened.    


Wang Hao said with a smile, "Who will follow me to find out?"    


Everyone was eager to try. Wang Hao said, "Jing Yan and Yin Miao, follow me!"    


The three of them walked into the spatial entrance and disappeared.     0


The divine weapon merged back into one. The next time it opened would be the time for Wang Hao to return.    


In the mysterious space, Wang Hao, Jing Yan, and Yin Miao appeared in a vast wilderness. Under their feet were broken salt and alkali lands. There was no green at all.    


Jing Yan said, "This Space God's strength is so thin. If he didn't hide any secrets, why would the entrance be preserved by such a precise divine artifact?"    


Yin Miao could not guess either. Only Wang Hao had discovered something.    


"Did you guys sense that there is a very dense death Qi in this spatial zone?"    


Hearing Wang Hao's words, Jing Yan and Yin Miao carefully sensed it. Just like what Wang Hao had said, the air was filled with the death Qi.    


Suddenly, Yin Miao felt something strange behind her. She turned around and saw a skeleton arm reaching out from the ground and grabbing her ankle.    


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