Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C779 Greetings Palace Lord

C779 Greetings Palace Lord

0Wang Hao was somewhat dumbfounded. He recalled the scene when he ascended. He only remembered that he was getting closer and closer to the Divine Domain, and then he fainted.    


"Judging from the concentration of Divine Power in the air, I'm already in the Divine Domain. But, who locked me up?"    


Wang Hao tried to break free from the chains, but he found that he was somewhat powerless.    


"Did I consume too much energy during the ascension process?"    


Although he had just absorbed a lot of Divine Power, it would still take him at least two hours to fully recover.    


Wang Hao scanned his surroundings. It seemed like he was in a cage. There were a few empty cages around him, and there were signs that someone had lived in them before.    


"Let's cultivate first!"    


Wang Hao sat cross-legged and circulated the Nine Dragon Spell.    


He was surprised to find that the Nine Dragon Spell had become even stronger than before!    


When he circulated his cultivation technique, he felt a burning sensation on his back. The True Dragon Tattoo on his back would flicker continuously along with the circulation of his cultivation technique. It would release the power of the True Dragon and continuously strengthen the divine body that Wang Hao had just condensed.    


Wang Hao thought to himself, Has the power that the True Dragon Inheritance has given me increased the Nine Dragon Spell? Or, could it be that this is the complete version of the Nine Dragon Spell, or perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it the True Dragon Technique?    


Such a shocking cultivation technique, I wonder what level the True Dragon was when it was in the Divine Realm.    


What I don't know is, how could an existence like it be destroyed by someone? How could its soul be banished to the void?"    


When Wang Hao was cultivating for half an incense stick of time, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside the cage.    


After that, there were a few mocking voices.    


"This guy is awake, and he is still cultivating."    


"It's good to cultivate. If you don't cultivate, you won't have the strength to mine."    


Wang Hao opened his eyes and saw two men with long whips tied around their waists coming to his door.    


Behind them were a dozen or so men who were the same as him. They were chained up by iron chains, and these men were covered in whip wounds. Their eyes were grey and they could not see any signs of life. They opened the cage around Wang Hao. They sat down on their wounded bodies and started cultivating to replenish their Divine Power.    


Two men with obvious identities opened Wang Hao's cage.    


"Kid, come out. It's time to get to work!"    


Seeing that Wang Hao was not moved, one of them walked into the cage. He grabbed the long whip at his waist and raised his hand to whip Wang Hao.    


Wang Hao opened his mouth and said, "Wait a moment."    


That person's raised hand stopped.    


"This is the first time I've seen a slave who told me to stop. Interesting. What do you want to say?"    


Wang Hao ignored the sarcasm in the man's words. He asked calmly, "Where is this place?"    


The man in front of Wang Hao stared at Wang Hao as if he was looking at an idiot.    


"You aren't stupid, are you? This is Wanbao Palace."    


"Wanbao Palace?" Of course Wang Hao had never heard of this name. He raised the chain in his hand and asked the second question.    


"Why did you lock me up?"    


This time, it was the other party's turn to be stunned.    


"You aren't a slave bought by Wanbao Palace?"    


"No, I just ascended to this world. When I woke up, I was already here."    


The two of them looked at each other. One of them cursed angrily, "Mom! Those two bastards must have taken the money of a slave for themselves. They must have caught a fledgling who had just ascended and messed with us.    


What should we do now?"    


" What else can we do? We can't delay the mining progress! If we investigate this matter, neither of us will be able to bear the responsibility!    


The fledgling that just ascended hasn't been accepted by the sect elders yet. There must be no power backing him. Just treat him as a slave and wait to settle the score with those two fellows!"    


Wang Hao understood the sequence of events from the conversation between the two. After he ascended, he was picked up by someone and used as a slave to fill up the numbers in the mine.    


He thought to himself, "When I first came to Essence Martial Continent, I woke up in the mine. I didn't expect that I would ascend to the Divine Realm and become a mine again. It really is fate."    


The two men from Wanbao Palace looked at Wang Hao fiercely. "Kid, consider yourself unlucky. I'll give you two choices now. Either you go down to the mine to work or we kill you to keep your mouth shut. Choose yourself!"    


Wang Hao asked back, "It seems there is no peaceful solution?"    


These words made the two of them laugh.    


"You really are an idiot."    


Before they could finish their words, their throats were stopped by a huge force.    


The two of them widened their eyes and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.    


The chains on Wang Hao's hands were broken.    


Both of them shouted in their hearts at the same time.    


"This is impossible!"    


The chains used for slaves were all unique characteristics of Wanbao Palace. Not to mention the fledglings that had just ascended, even the deacons and elders of Wanbao Palace did not have the ability to do so.    






With two crisp sounds, Wang Hao ended the lives of the two arrogant fellows.    


After throwing the two corpses to the side, Wang Hao looked at his own hands.    


Although he didn't know how the realms of the Divine Realm were divided, from the looks of the miscellaneous soldiers in Wanbao's palace, they were a bit too weak.    


After the two miscellaneous soldiers died, Wang Hao scanned his surroundings. He discovered that the slaves who were indifferent to him just now had all stopped cultivating and were looking at him.    


Wang Hao casually waved his hand, and several sword Qis destroyed the cage.    


He waved his hand again and several sword energies cut off the chains on the slaves' hands.    


"You are free now."    


However, the slaves that Wang Hao expected to be grateful did not happen. These slaves looked numbly at their hands that were no longer chained, and still did not dare to take a step out of the cage.    


Even though there was no longer a cage in front of them.    


Wang Hao sighed. Although these people were still alive, their hearts were dead.    


They seemed to have forgotten that before they ascended, they were once world-shaking existences in their own world.    


It was impossible for the people outside to not notice the movement in the prison. Wang Hao had only taken a few steps when he was stopped by more than a dozen people from Wanbao Palace.    


Wang Hao didn't have a good impression of Wanbao Palace's men. He said coldly, "Move aside!"    


What answered him was the group attack of Wanbao Palace's men.    


Facing the attack, Wang Hao made a very simple move. He slightly leaned to the side and raised his fist.    


After that, he swung his fist with all his might.    


The True Dragon Tattoo behind Wang Hao seemed to come alive. An indescribable pure dragon's might injected the divine power in Wang Hao's body.    


Divine Power poured out. In an instant, half of the prison was razed to the ground.    


As for the people of Wanbao Palace, they had already turned into ashes.    


Wang Hao bent his body and picked up a tattered long spear that had been washed by his own strength. With a gentle twist of his hands, the long spear broke into pieces.    


He muttered to himself, "Is this really the Divine Realm? Why are these people so weak?"    


Wang Hao strode out of the prison. The sky was shockingly high, and the fresh air was filled with divine power.    


He couldn't help but sigh. "No wonder everyone wants to ascend to the God Domain. It's really a good place!"    


What surprised Wang Hao even more was that the cage he was in just now was on a small island. The island was less than a hundred meters wide. When he turned around, there was only the door of the cage that had exploded, and not the cage itself.    


It was very obvious that the cage was built in a small space.    


The reason Wang Hao was surprised was that when he woke up, he discovered that the Space Law of the God Realm was exceptionally powerful.    


In the God Realm's space, Wang Hao could not tear it apart at all. This was also why back in the mortal world, the power that came from those gods was less than one in a hundred.    


"Someone who can build a small space in the God Domain must be an existence that people look up to, right?"    


Wang Hao walked to the edge of the island. What surrounded the island was not the sea water, but the clouds.    


This island was actually floating in the air!    


Empty Island!    


Other than the small island where Wang Hao was, there were also all kinds of islands of varying sizes floating in the air.    


Wang Hao looked at the largest island in the distance. He could feel that there were hundreds of divine senses locking onto his body.    


The people of Wanbao Palace had arrived.    


In an instant, Wang Hao was completely surrounded.    


One of them was glaring at Wang Hao.    


"Who is it?! Why did you kill the people of Wanbao Palace?!"    


Wang Hao sneered, "I was kidnapped by you guys for no reason, and you want me to be your slave? Why do you think I killed your people?"    


"Humph!" The leader said angrily, "I am the master of Wanbao Palace, Fang Lei! You better surrender, or your divine soul will scatter!"    


Wang Hao said disdainfully, "Wanbao Palace really has a temper. If you want to fight, why talk so much nonsense?"    


Wang Hao purposely provoked his opponent. He wanted to see how powerful he was.    


Hearing Wang Hao's words, Fang Lei's anger intensified.    


"Take him down!"    


As soon as his voice faded, three men descended from the sky.    


The speed of these three people was so fast that they broke through the sky, but in Wang Hao's eyes, they were no different from snails.    


Wang Hao stretched out his hand, and a powerful force surged out from his palm.    


"What? "    


Three exclamations sounded out. The three men who were attacking Wang Hao were tied up in the air, unable to move.    


To the three men who were tied up, this was an extremely terrifying moment.    


But to Wang Hao, this feeling was a novelty.     0


Controlling the three of them was as easy as blowing off dust with just a thought.    


Fang Lei was shocked. Controlling the three of them with one hand was something even he could not do.    


His voice started to stutter due to his shock and fear.    


"You're... a Hierarch?!"    


"Hierarch?" Wang Hao asked back, "What is that?"    


Just as Fang Lei was about to answer, a clear crane cry sounded from the distant horizon.    


Everyone looked over and saw a woman in white riding on a white crane flying to Wanbao Palace.    


Looking at the girl and the white crane under her feet, Fang Lei felt like he was going to break down.    


"Venerable Yin Miao... You have come to this small hall... Is there something you need..."    


The white-clothed woman didn't even look at Fang Lei. She jumped down from the white crane and arrived in front of Wang Hao.    


Under Wang Hao's astonished expression, the female named Luo Miao knelt down.    


"This subordinate, Luo Miao, greets the palace master!"    


This Palace Master obviously did not refer to Wanbao Palace...    


Fang Lei was so frightened by Luo Miao's words that he nearly bit off his tongue. Head, he felt his legs go soft.    


He actually... spoke rudely to the boss of that terrifying existence?    


The more he thought about it, the more afraid he became. Suddenly, his body went limp and he fainted from fright.    


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