Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C669 I'll See Him

C669 I'll See Him

0After Chiang Simeng said, "He's dead, I'm dead." Without waiting for Chiang Pao's reply, she left angrily.    


She used the most resolute attitude to protect her son.    


Looking at the study door, Chiang Pao's expression did not change at all. It was still very calm.    


However, there were waves in his heart.    


Outside the door, the Great Elder, Chiang Wo, slowly walked in.    


Chiang Pao said, "I have changed my mind. I will go and investigate this Wang Hao. I want to know his background and experiences."    


"Yes, Patriarch."    


Chiang Lulu saw Chiang Simeng returning to Bright Divine Temple with an angry face. She asked worriedly, "Aunt, what happened to you?"    


Chiang Simeng waved her hand and the soundproofing formation was set up again.    


"Patriarch wants to make a move on Hao."    


Chiang Lulu asked anxiously, "Then what should we do?"    


Chiang Pao wanted a person to die. This person would most likely not see the sun of the second day. As a member of the Chiang family, Chiang Lulu understood this logic too well.    


"Don't worry." Chiang Simeng calmed her heart down, "I will use my death to force him. Father should not make a move, but..."    


"Only?" Chiang Lulu did not understand. "What are you worried about?"    


"Although I have successfully made father stop, he will definitely send people to investigate Wang Hao's identity. He is my son's secret. I am afraid he will not keep it for long."    


Chiang Lulu was shocked. If the secret of Wang Hao being Chiang Simeng's son was found out, the consequences would be unimaginable. If it wasn't for Chiang Simeng, who also forced her to die, the Great Elder who brought her back would have already exterminated Wang Hao's entire family.    


"Aunt, do you want me to secretly inform Wang Hao?"    


"It won't work. You are too close to me. Since father is suspicious of you, he will definitely send someone to monitor your every move."    


"Then what should we do?"    


Chiang Simeng thought for a long time and thought of a way.    


"I will go and see him."    


"Go and see cousin?"    


Chiang Simeng shook her head. "During the time I've been in contact with him, I found out that his personality is very strong. If he knew the truth, he would definitely not let me continue to suffer and be imprisoned here.    


What I want to see is his father. "    


"You are going to see uncle? But with so many people watching your every move, you won't be able to get out of this temple. "    


Chiang Simeng sneered, "You will not be able to get out? It is just that I do not want to go out. Do you really think that a broken temple can trap me?"    


When she said this, her tone was unusually cold. The usual gentle aura had disappeared without a trace.    


Chiang Lulu could not help but shiver. When she thought of Chiang Simeng's name in the past, her heart was filled with great fear.    


She hurriedly consoled, "Aunt, don't do anything stupid!"    


Chiang Simeng used a breath to suppress the anger in her heart.    


"Forget it. Chiang family is my family after all. I can't go too far. But tonight, I must leave this place.    


Lulu, listen closely."    


Four hours later, Chiang Lulu left the temple and returned to the Chiang family.    


She was sent by the Chiang family to participate in the selection of the Situation Breaking Ten Persons. Naturally, she had to report this to the elders of her family.    


The strange thing was that the elders of the Chiang family were not surprised by the report of the Eighth Heaven. Only now did Chiang Lulu understand that the higher ups of the major powers of Fifth Heaven were well aware of this matter.    


After Chiang Lulu's report, the elders did not ask anything.    


She nervously returned to her room. After making sure that no one was following her, she took out an item from the Essence Ring.    


It was a blue crystal that was crystal clear and emitted a faint blue light.    


If one looked closer, they would be able to see that there was a transparent formation carved into the crystal.    


This crystal was secretly given to her by Chiang Simeng when Chiang Lulu left Bright Divine Temple. It allowed her to confirm that no one was monitoring the activation of the formation at night.    


Before the activation of the formation, Chiang Lulu repeatedly confirmed that no one was monitoring it. After returning from the Eighth Heaven, although she did not become a disciple of the Supreme Being, the Supreme Being had compensated her with some benefits.    


At least in the Chiang family, it was very difficult for anyone below the elders to hide in the dark and would not be discovered by Chiang Lulu.    


Chiang Lulu activated the crystal. The crystal shattered and turned into a blue spatial gate.    


"What is this?"    


While Chiang Lulu was still confused, an arm reached out from the other side of the spatial door and pulled her into the spatial door.    




Before Chiang Lulu could shout, her mouth was covered by someone. The other party did not release any power but Chiang Lulu was unable to resist.    


A pressing voice sounded by Chiang Lulu's ear.    


"Don't make a sound, it's me."    


Chiang Lulu let out a sigh of relief. It was Chiang Simeng's voice.    


The palm that was pressing down on Chiang Lulu's mouth was removed and Chiang Lulu carefully asked, "Is there no one watching?"    


Chiang Simeng sneered, "Who dares to watch me sleep? They are only monitoring the temple now. As long as I don't leave, no one will know."    


She paused, "But to avoid any accidents, I need someone here to replace me for the night."    


Chiang Lulu understood Chiang Simeng's arrangement. She needed to pretend to be Chiang Simeng and stay in the temple for a night.    


She asked somewhat nervously, "Will it be exposed?"    


"Of course not."    


Chiang Simeng took out a human skin mask from the Essence Ring and put it on Chiang Lulu's face. She also found a set of her own clothes and changed it for Chiang Lulu.    


Their figures were not much different. Facing each other, it was as if they were looking at a mirror.    


The similarity between the two had already exceeded 90%. It was impossible to tell if it was real or fake just by looking at them.    


However, the most fundamental thing was that their auras were different.    


"Aunt, although I can imitate your every word and action, our auras are completely different."    


Chiang Simeng smiled, "Of course there is a way."    


She took out a Medicine Pill and handed it to Chiang Lulu.    


"What is this?"    


Chiang Lulu took the Medicine Pill. This Medicine Pill was very ordinary, probably not even Profound Rank grade.    


Chiang Simeng smiled and said, "When I first met Rulong, I was surrounded by a group of giant lizards in the Burial Dragon Abyss of Ice Snow Domain. I relied on this Medicine Pill to escape disaster."    


Chiang Lulu took the Medicine Pill skeptically, but the strange thing was that there were no changes.    




Chiang Simeng bit her finger and a drop of blood entered Chiang Lulu's mouth.    


"Swallow it."    


Chiang Lulu swallowed the blood and in the next moment, her aura changed. It was exactly the same as Chiang Simeng's aura.    


"So magical!"    


Chiang Simeng smiled. After being locked up for 20 years, she could finally go out and take a breather.    


She changed into a tight black suit and crushed the second blue crystal.    


Chiang Simeng's figure appeared outside of the Chiang family's sphere of influence.    


"I heard from Hao that his Essence Martial Sect was built in the Sword Tomb in the past. I will go and take a look."    


After half an incense stick of time, Chiang Simeng arrived in front of the Essence Martial Sect.    


Looking at the imposing Essence Martial Sect and the Carefree Tower that had risen from the ground, a sense of pride welled up in Chiang Simeng's heart.    


"This is a power established by my son!"    


She glanced around and immediately found out that the Sect Protecting Array of the Essence Martial Sect had already been planted in a few nearby places.    


"The Sect Protecting Array set by Hao is really clever. I actually can't find any flaws in it! She heard that there were three Divine Martial Peak warriors in the Essence Martial Sect, including Rulong. Even if I go around the formation, I'm afraid I won't be able to sneak in quietly.    


It seems like I can only find a way to get Rulong to come out and see me. Rulong, I wonder if you still remember this song."    


A breeze blew past and a willow leaf landed on Chiang Simeng's palm.    


Chiang Simeng placed the leaf in her mouth and blew gently.    


It was clearly just a piece of willow leaf but in Chiang Simeng's mouth, it was a pleasant melody that could only be played by a jade flute.    


The melodious tune was transmitted into the Essence Martial Sect.    


Wang Hao, who was in the middle of cultivating, suddenly opened his eyes.    


"Strange. It's so late. Who is playing the jade flute?"    


Wang Hao listened for a long time. After confirming that the flute was not hostile to Essence Martial Sect, he continued cultivating.    


Black Sister and Heaven Howling Wolf also heard the jade flute. Like Wang Hao, they didn't pay too much attention to it.    


Only Wang Rulong had tears in his eyes.    


This song... He hadn't heard it for too long.    


"I'm not dreaming, am I? Simeng, did you come to find me?"    


Wang Rulong left his room quickly. When he passed by Wang Hao's secret room, he hesitated for a moment.    


He thought to himself, Simeng used this song that only I know to call me. She must not want Hao to know."    


He concealed his Qi and left Essence Martial Sect alone.    


He followed the voice and looked for it. When he arrived in front of a towering tree, the sound of the jade flute stopped.    


A graceful figure jumped down from the tree. It was a woman.    


The woman was carrying the moonlight on her back. Her face could not be seen clearly, but Wang Rulong recognized her.    


Because every night, he would dream of this figure.    


"Dream..."    3


Before he finished his words, the slim figure threw herself into Wang Hao's arms.    


"Rulong... it's you... it's really you..."    


Chiang Simeng was trembling and crying in Wang Rulong's arms. She tightly grabbed onto Wang Rulong's clothes, not willing to let go.    


Wang Rulong hugged Chiang Simeng tightly in his arms. He was so excited that he could not speak.    


The two of them hugged for a long time. Finally, Chiang Simeng wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and took them out from Wang Rulong's arms.    


When she borrowed the moonlight to see Wang Rulong's white hair, her heart ached.    


"Rulong, why are your hair white?"    


Wang Rulong smiled happily.    


"It's okay. You haven't changed at all. You are still so beautiful."    


Chiang Simeng's heart ached even more. She could imagine how much Wang Rulong had paid and how much effort he had put in to save her.    


The injuries that covered his body were the best proof.    


"Simeng, weren't you under house arrest by your father? Why are you here to see me?"    


"I heard from Hao that you were seriously injured. I was worried, so I came to see you."    


Wang Rulong was very surprised. "You met Hao?"    


He quickly reacted. "So you are the mysterious person who taught Hao alchemy."    


Chiang Simeng nodded, "I also just found out that Hao is our son. Don't tell him that I came to see you."    


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