Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C657 A Small Gap

C657 A Small Gap

3Chiang Mao's smile froze on his face.    


He never thought that Wang Hao would agree to his bet so easily.    


Hearing this, the warriors became excited. They couldn't help but think to themselves.    


"A battle between two geniuses with Pill Master. This kind of battle is not easy to see!"    


Chiang Mao stared at Wang Hao's eyes for a long time, but in the end, he still couldn't help but open his mouth.    


"You won't wait for me to finish talking about the rules before you decide whether you want to accept it or not?"    


Wang Hao's expression was surprisingly calm. He didn't seem to be affected by the bet that Chiang Mao had just made.    


"There's no need for that. I will be the one who will win in the end."    


His calm words were filled with undisguised confidence!    


Chiang Mao opened his mouth and did not close it for a long time.    


After that, a long burst of laughter erupted from his mouth.    


"Hahahahahaha! Hahahahaha!"    


He pointed his finger at Wang Hao, laughing so hard that tears were about to flow down his face.    


"Sir, you are too confident. I really don't know how my clever second brother was defeated by you, such an arrogant maniac!"    


Chiang Mao paused for a moment, and his tone sank.    


"If I win, the Essence Martial Sect will no longer be allowed to conduct any Medicine Pill business. Otherwise, the Chiang family will wipe you all out from the Fifth Heavenly Layer!"    


Wang Hao didn't continue to pay attention to Chiang Mao. Of course, the Chiang family had the ability to wipe out the Essence Martial Sect from the Fifth Heavenly Layer. However, it was impossible for the Chiang family to snatch back the Medicine Pill business that they had lost from them in terms of alchemy.    


All the participating Pill Master had arrived.    


A white-haired old man tremblingly walked onto the arena.    


The old man had a Divine Martial Stage cultivation base, but his aura was extremely weak.    


Anyone with discerning eyes could tell that the old man was about to die. Even a Martial Monarch would not be able to break free from the rules of the Heavens and Earth.    


Although the old man's body was trembling, his eyes were glowing brightly.    


When the surrounding martial practitioners saw the old man, respect appeared on their faces.    


This old man was of noble status, and his skill in alchemy had already ranked first in the continent for more than six hundred years.    


He was the current chairman of the Alchemist Association, and he was called the Heavenly Pill Great Emperor - Ying Zheng!    


The area within a thousand meter radius was completely silent. Everyone was waiting for Ying Zheng to speak.    


Ying Zheng glanced at the young Pill Master below the arena, who was preparing for battle, and nodded slightly.    


"Welcome, everyone, to participate in the rookie alchemy competition hosted by my Alchemist Association.    


This time, the Pill Gathering is no longer a place where the old fellows who have been famous for a long time enjoy themselves. Instead, it is a place for us to dig out the outstanding newcomers in the field of alchemy.    


A long, long time ago, when there were no historical records of the Wilderness, alchemy techniques were invented by us humans.    


It is also by relying on alchemy that the physique of human martial artists is strengthened, allowing us humans to survive in the Wilderness that is filled with danger at any time.    


Although after the end of the great war between humans and demons 10,000 years ago, the number of human powerhouses had deteriorated with each generation, and there was no longer any glorious feat of a Supreme Being breaking through the universe and becoming a god.    


However, the inheritance of pill techniques had never stopped, and it had even become even stronger.    


Everyone knew that in ancient times, there was such a legend. It was rumored that there was a Supreme Being Pill Master that refined a Medicine Pill that could allow one to become a god on the spot!    


I believe that one day, after generations of hard work from the Pill Master, such a divine pill will be refined once more.    


At that time, everyone in our human race will be able to break free from the cycle of life and death, and become a god on the spot!"    


Ying Zheng's words were very simple, but they carried a powerful inciting force.    


The reason why martial artists cultivated martial arts was to become stronger, so that they could become superior to humans and become gods!    


If one consumed a Medicine Pill, they could immediately become gods, then the entire world would be gods!    


People no longer had to worry about dying. Everyone's lifespan was limitless!    


And this hope was on the Pill Master. People believed that if the legend was true, when the Pill Master passed down generation after generation and the accumulation of alchemy techniques continued, there would be a genius Pill Master that would appear out of nowhere and enjoy a reputation of ten thousand years.    


Ying Zheng's words not only made the martial artists extremely excited, but also made the young Pill Master's blood boil.    


Every Pill Master wanted to become the saviour that Ying Zheng spoke of.    


There was only one person who was disdainful, and that was Wang Hao.    


He thought in his heart, "The path of cultivation is to constantly temper oneself and fight against the Heavenly Dao. Even if you rely on external forces to become a god, I'm afraid that it will be an illusion in the end."    


Ying Zheng, who was on the arena, paused for a moment and took out an item from his interspatial Essence Ring.    


It was a huge cauldron. When it landed on the arena, it let out a huge ring.    




The ringing of the bell rang far into the distance. Soon after, dark clouds covered the sky, and heavenly lightning surged.    


Everyone present could feel the powerful Profound Thunder energy from the cauldron in Ying Zheng's hand.    


First grade Heaven Rank Pill Furnace - Heavenly Fire Profound Thunder Cauldron!    


Many people took a deep breath. In the Fifth Heaven, Earth Rank Profound Artifact, treasure weapon, and Medicine Pill were not something they were used to.    


But when the quality reached the Heaven Rank, many people had never seen it with their own eyes in their entire lives.    


Just like its name, the difference between Heaven Rank and Earth Rank was like the difference between heaven and earth.    


Even Wang Hao had only seen Wang Rulong's Dragon Slaying Bow in his lifetime.    


Even though Wang Hao's heart was as calm as water, when he saw the Heavenly Fire Profound Lightning Cauldron, his state of mind couldn't help but fluctuate.    


There was no Pill Master that didn't want to obtain it.    


"This Pill Furnace is called the Heavenly Fire Profound Lightning Cauldron," Ying Zheng introduced. "This cauldron is a highly respected senior in the history of the Alchemist Association. He asked the seniors of the Artifact Refining Association to fly to the Nine Heavens and retrieve the Nine Heavens Profound Thunder. Create the Heavenly Fire.    


However, any Medicine Pill that is refined with this cauldron will contain a trace of Profound Thunder Flame, and it can double the medicinal effects of the Medicine Pill."    


Double the medicinal strength!    


Upon hearing these words, all the Pill Master present were shocked.    


As Pill Master, they naturally knew how difficult it was to double the medicinal strength of the Medicine Pill.    


Otherwise, the Medicine Pill sold in Carefree Tower would only be 20% higher than the Medicine Pill sold in Chiang family's Pill Shop. The price would be 30% higher, and the warriors would crazily pay for it.    


Any Medicine Pill that consumed too much would produce resistance to the body, especially when it was used to aid in cultivation and increase one's cultivation. A Medicine Pill could only be consumed once in its lifetime.    


If the effect of this Medicine Pill was twice as strong as the Medicine Pill used by others, it would be hard to imagine how terrifying the growth of this person's cultivation would be!    


For a moment, all the Pill Master that looked at the Heavenly Fire Profound Lightning Cauldron felt their hearts burning with passion. Wang Hao was one of them.    


Wang Hao took a deep breath. There was another reason why the Pill Gathering was victorious in this match.    


"If I use this cauldron to refine the Medicine Pill for father, his internal injuries will definitely be healed!"    


Of course, Wang Hao did not underestimate his opponent. He scanned the surrounding Pill Master and immediately locked onto a few people.    


The first person he locked onto was naturally Chiang Mao. As Ying Zheng's last disciple, it was naturally not his first time seeing the Heavenly Fire Profound Lightning Cauldron.    


Chiang Mao's expression was indifferent, but he didn't lose his confidence, as if victory was already within his grasp.    


The second person Wang Hao locked onto was a man. His body was emitting a strong medicinal fragrance. There were a few types of medicinal fragrance that could only be found in high quality Medicine Pill.    


Wang Hao recognized the uniform on his body - Essence Returning Sect.    


He sighed in his heart, "I wonder how this fatty Jia Houwei is doing in Essence Returning Sect. It seems like he didn't come to Pill Gathering this time. Otherwise, he would have rushed out the moment I jumped onto the arena.    


When the Pill Gathering is finished this time, I will go to the Essence Returning Sect to see him."    


The third person that Wang Hao had locked onto was a blind man. This man had no eyes. He had a pair of empty eye sockets as he stared at Ying Zheng who was standing on the arena. He looked somewhat horrifying.    


This man was holding two walnuts in his hand, playing with them.    


The last person Wang Hao locked onto was a woman with a veil covering her face. The veil was very thin, but it could not be seen through. It was likely that this veil was the same as the Heaven Howling Wolf's felt hat, and it had the effect of concealing her appearance.    


The reason Wang Hao locked onto this woman was because there was a familiar wave of energy coming from her body.    


The first time he had encountered this energy fluctuation was in a tribe in the Wilderness.    


When the priest communicated with the god, the energy fluctuation emitted from the totem - Divine Power!    


"Strange, this woman is clearly a human, why is there a faint Divine Power fluctuation coming from her body?"    


Just as Wang Hao was observing these four people, Ying Zheng announced the rules of the competition.    


"There are a hundred Pill Cauldrons and three hundred Pill Masters on this stage. There are a total of three rounds of competition, and sixteen outstanding Pill Master will be selected from each round to enter the Pill Gathering's finals.    


The questions for these three rounds of competition will be decided by drawing lots. 100 Pill Master will be used to produce the same Medicine Pill, and the result will be determined by the medicinal effect of the Medicine Pill.    


For fairness's sake, the examiner for the three rounds of competition will be Elder Lu from the Alchemist Association!"    


No Pill Master objected to the appointment of the examiner. Elder Lu's husband's name had spread far and wide, and the young Pill Master were extremely respectful to him.    


"Since no one has any objections, let the first round of the competition begin!"    


Ying Zheng walked down the arena, and Elder Lu walked up.    


In his hand was a wooden chest.    


Elder Lu said, "This wooden chest contains the names of the three hundred young Pill Masters participating in this year's Pill Gathering competition. Whoever I draw will participate in the first round of competition."    


After saying that, Elder Lu's right hand went deep into the wooden box.    


"The first person, Lu Yan!"    


"Second person, Wang Hui!"    




After every name sounded out, a young Pill Master would step onto the arena, arriving in front of a Pill Cauldron and preparing to fight.    


"Thirty-sixth person, Chiang Mao!"    


Chiang Mao was selected for the first round. After that, Wang Hao's name was also called.    


"Forty-ninth person, Wang Hao!"    


Wang Hao stepped onto the arena. Elder Lu greeted him with a smile.    


He came in front of his Pill Cauldron and began to study it.    



"Eh?" Wang Hao discovered a problem. To his surprise, there was an undetectable gap at the bottom of the Pill Cauldron.    


He reached out and touched the crack. The edges of the crack were neat and tidy. It was definitely not damaged naturally.    


"Could it be that Chiang family or the Alchemist Association are deliberately making things difficult for me? No! Elder Lu immediately drew the number. Could it be..."    


Wang Hao lit up the Golden Pupil and looked at the other Pill Cauldron. He shockingly discovered that at the bottom of every Pill Cauldron on the arena, there was an undetectable gap.    


The corner of Wang Hao's mouth curled up into a smile as he muttered to himself.    


"Looks like this gap is the test question for the first round of the competition. It seems to have become interesting."    


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