Cultivating With The Nine Dragons System

C25 Spirit Devouring Ferocious Beast

C25 Spirit Devouring Ferocious Beast

0The dazzling sword radiance shone from the forest. Zhao Muer widened her eyes. Just as she was in despair, she clearly saw the Snow Leopard's huge body suddenly break apart in the air, splitting into two!    3


The Snow Leopard was cut in half by the sword. Its broken body flew past Wang Hao's body from both sides. Blood splattered all over the ground, but it did not splash onto Wang Hao's body.    


Zhao Muer opened her mouth and allowed the cold wind to blow in. She could not speak. Wang Hao, who was evenly matched with her yesterday, actually killed the Snow Leopard in one strike!    


Zhao Muer jumped down from the tree and asked in shock, "Wang Hao, you broke through again?"    


"I broke through to the Essence Martial Stage Level Five during my cultivation last night."    


Zhao Muer was speechless for a long time. In the end, she could only sigh helplessly. " Are you a monster?" Zhao Muer clearly remembered that Wang Hao was only at the second level of the Essence Martial Stage yesterday. When he fought with her, he drank two bottles of medicine and forcefully increased his cultivation by two realms. She did not expect that after not seeing him for a night, he had broken through again.    


Wang Hao's speed of advancement was simply unheard of. He was afraid that even the most talented genius would feel ashamed in front of his cultivation speed.    


"I was just lucky." Wang Hao didn't know how to explain it. The experience potion was a Medicine Pill that only he had seen before. Zhao Muer would not believe it even if it was told to others. As for the breakthrough of the first stage yesterday... It was the result of his real cultivation, the efficiency of using the Nine Dragon Spell to cultivate. It was definitely several times more efficient than other cultivation techniques!    


After the death of the Frost Forest Snow Leopard, the forest finally recovered from its tranquility. Not long after, the two of them heard the chirping of insects and birds.    


Zhao Muer let out a light sigh of relief, "Looks like there is no longer any danger for now. Let's go and find the spirit ginseng!"    


Wang Hao nodded his head and began searching with Zhao Muer. However, after half a day, the two of them did not find anything.    


"Strange. When I came last time, although I could not find spirit ginseng over a hundred years old, I still saw quite a number of ordinary spirit ginseng. Why can't I even find the shadow of a spirit ginseng this time?"    


Wang Hao also did not understand, "Other than the spirit ginseng, there are no traces of other herbs that contain Yuan energy. Could it be that they were swallowed by the Ferocious Beast?"    


"Impossible. When the Ferocious Beast devours herbs, it will leave behind the roots of the herbs. This way, the herbs will grow again next year, so they won't lose their food. But now, we can't even see the roots of the herbs."    


"There's no other way. We can only go deeper into the forest to search."    


Zhao Muer sighed, "Let's go, but we must be careful. There is a powerful Ferocious Beast in the depths of Ice Snow Forest. If we encounter it, we must not linger and escape immediately!"    


The two of them walked towards the depths of the forest. Along the way, they met a lot of Ferocious Beast. However, the realms of these Ferocious Beasts were not very high. They were afraid of Wang Hao and Zhao Muer's strength. They just watched from afar and then left.    


The sky gradually darkened. Wang Hao and Zhao Muer still did not find any traces of the spirit ginseng. The two of them were ready to leave. After all, the forest at night was the world of Ferocious Beast.    


But just as the two of them were thinking of retreating, Zhao Muer suddenly discovered something.    


"Found it!"    


Hearing Zhao Muer's happy voice, Wang Hao hurriedly rushed over. He saw Zhao Muer squatting down. Below her was the spirit ginseng that they had been searching for.    


Wang Hao got closer and began to count the outline of the spirit ginseng. Every ten years, the outline of a rule would appear on the surface of the spirit ginseng.    


"Thirty-three contours!" Wang Hao smiled. "I searched everywhere with my iron shoes. It did not take me much effort to find them! Muer, dig it out quickly. Let's leave before it gets dark."    


Zhao Muer nodded. She did not blame Wang Hao for calling her so intimately. She took out a small jade shovel from the Essence Ring and prepared to take the ginseng.    


" Roar! "    


A deep roar sounded from behind the two of them. Wang Hao and Zhao Muer immediately broke out in cold sweat. The roar was so close, but the two of them did not realize it at all!    


"Floating Light!"    


"Golden Bow - Shooting Sun!"    


Wang Hao and Zhao Muer turned around at the same time and attacked with their strongest attack. The dazzling sword light and dazzling Golden Arrow hit the approaching Ferocious Beast at the same time.    


The sword light exploded and the Golden Arrow was broken. As for the Ferocious Beast, it was not injured at all!    


"Spirit Devouring Beast!" Zhao Muer's heart was in her throat. The Spirit Devouring Beast was the murderer of the seventh level of the Essence Martial Stage. It loved to eat herbs and spiritual objects. At this moment, she finally understood why she could not find the spiritual ginseng in Ice Snow Forest!    


"Let's go!" Wang Hao did not panic like Zhao Muer. He put away the Profound Light Sword, grabbed Zhao Muer with one hand, and pulled up the spiritual ginseng with the other hand. He lifted his leg and ran away.    


The Floating Light with 200% of its power did not even cut the fur of the Spirit Devouring Beast. No matter how strong Wang Hao was, he could only avoid it temporarily.    


Zhao Muer was pulled by Wang Hao to escape. From time to time, she would look back and see the Spirit Devouring Beast moving its four limbs and chasing after them angrily, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer!    


"Its speed is too fast, we can't outrun it!"    


Wang Hao naturally knew that the two of them could not outrun the Spirit Devouring Beast. He was looking for a terrain that was advantageous for the battle. The terrain here was flat, and there was no possibility of winning the battle with the Spirit Devouring Beast.    


After running for a long time, Wang Hao's eyes lit up. In front of him was a dense forest of clothes and trees!    


Wang Hao pulled Zhao Muer into the forest of clothes and trees. The Spirit Devouring Beast was huge, and it was not flexible. It crashed into a thick cedar tree.    


The fir tree that had grown for at least a hundred years actually snapped. The Spirit Devouring Beast was angered and it simply crashed all the way!    


Looking at the fallen fir trees, Wang Hao looked helpless. If he continued to run, only death would await him and Zhao Muer. If he wanted to live, he could only fight to the death here.    


"Does the Spirit Devouring Beast have any weaknesses?"    


Zhao Muer thought for a while and immediately replied, "I heard grandpa say that the skin on the abdomen of the Spirit Devouring Beast is soft. Other than that, I'm afraid that only the eyes are the weaknesses!"    


Zhao Muer's answer gave Wang Hao confidence. If the entire body of the Spirit Devouring Beast was so hard, no matter how strong Wang Hao's sword skill was, it would not be able to break through the defense of the Spirit Devouring Beast.    


"Muer, use the bow and arrow to support me. I will deal with it!"    


Hearing that Wang Hao was going to fight the Spirit Devouring Beast, Zhao Muer panicked a little, "No! The Spirit Devouring Beast is too strong. You are definitely not its match!"    


Wang Hao pulled out the Profound Light Sword and said seriously, "I said before, if you encounter danger, I will protect you. I will keep my word!"    


"If I die, you must leave immediately. Don't worry about me!"    


The Spirit Devouring Beast had already rushed forward. Wang Hao's fighting spirit surged. He raised his sword and charged forward! Looking at Wang Hao's wide and firm back, Zhao Muer clenched the bow in her hand tightly.    


"If you die in battle, I will die with you!"    


Looking at the Spirit Devouring Beast that was getting closer and closer, Wang Hao did not feel nervous at all. Instead, his heart became calmer and calmer, like a smooth lake surface.    


The Spirit Devouring Beast slapped down with its palm. Wang Hao's feet slipped and he dodged to the side.    


"Muer!" Wang Hao roared, and Zhao Muer immediately understood. She pulled the bowstring, and four bone-chilling ice arrows appeared between her fingers.    


Since Zhao Muer knew that the Golden Arrow was ineffective, she chose the ice arrows that could block the Spirit Devouring Beast's movements!    


"Sou! Sou! Sou!"    


Zhao Muer used her shooting technique to the extreme. Four ice arrows shot towards the four limbs of the Spirit Devouring Beast, and all of them hit the Spirit Devouring Beast!    


The ice arrows hit the Spirit Devouring Beast's fur and shattered, emitting a large amount of cold air. In the blink of an eye, the Spirit Devouring Beast's four limbs were covered with ice, freezing on the snow!    


"Now!" Wang Hao rushed towards the Spirit Devouring Beast at an astonishing speed. He leaned back and used the ice and snow on the ground to slide under the Spirit Devouring Beast.    


"Floating Light! Shadow Shift!"    


Two sword beams in the shape of a cross slashed at the soft abdomen of the Spirit Devouring Beast. Blood immediately burst out.    


"Roar!" The Spirit Devouring Beast was in pain. It struggled with all its might, and the ice on its four limbs exploded. Then, it suddenly smashed its body down, trying to crush Wang Hao, who was underneath it, into meat paste!    


"Wang Hao!" Zhao Muer's heart-wrenching cry resounded through the forest. Wang Hao could not avoid it!    


Wang Hao's pupils constricted. A sense of danger covered his entire body. His eyes were bloodshot. With the last of his strength, he kicked the ground.    


"Wave Treading Step!"    


"System Notification, Wave Treading Step proficiency has increased to Fusion, speed has increased by 30%."    


In the nick of time, the Wave Treading Step Mastery had increased. Wang Hao's body suddenly accelerated, and the instant the Spirit Devouring Beast smashed down, he successfully broke free.    


"Boom! The Spirit Devouring Beast heavily smashed onto the ground, like a huge rock falling into water, causing a large amount of snowflakes to appear.    


The Spirit Devouring Beast opened its eyes wide. It could clearly see that the human that was still under its body had appeared in front of it.    


"Die!" Wang Hao gripped the hilt of his sword tightly and stabbed it into the Spirit Devouring Beast's eyes!    


"Puchi!" The sharp blade of the sword pierced into the Spirit Devouring Beast's eye socket and pierced through its brain. The Spirit Devouring Beast did not even have time to let out a cry of pain before it stopped breathing.    


The Spirit Devouring Beast was dead. Wang Hao let go of the sword in his hand and sat on the ground, gasping for breath. If it wasn't for the fact that his Wave Treading Step proficiency had increased at the last moment, he would have died by now.    


Zhao Muer desperately ran to Wang Hao's side and threw herself into his arms. She started crying. Wang Hao rubbed her hair and comforted her, "What are you crying for? Am I not well?"    


Zhao Muer cried even harder. She threw a pair of pink fists at Wang Hao's chest. She wanted to say something, but she couldn't open her mouth.    


"Cough cough... Muer, stop hitting him. If you keep hitting him, he will really die. "    


Zhao Muer stopped and struggled out of Wang Hao's arms. She wiped away her tears and said seriously, "Don't do this next time. If you die, I..."    


Looking at Zhao Muer's red face, Wang Hao smiled. He had never been in love in his previous life and this life, but he knew that perhaps he was really in love...    


The two of them fell into an ambiguous atmosphere. No one knew how to speak. This strange atmosphere was quickly interrupted. A voice full of jealousy entered their ears.    


"Zhao Muer! I, Wang Mang, chased you like that, but you ignored me. So it turns out that you have taken a fancy to this pretty boy!"    


Zhao Muer's expression changed. She turned around and realized that she and Wang Hao were actually surrounded by a group of people!    


The leader of this group was Wang Mang. Her face was somewhat pale. She knew that Wang Mang would definitely hear what she had done in Sword Cleansing Pavilion yesterday, but she did not expect Wang Mang to chase them here.    


Zhao Muer shouted, "Wang Mang, I don't like you at all. Why do you think so highly of yourself?"    


Wang Mang looked at Wang Hao, who was standing beside Zhao Muer. He gritted his teeth so hard that cracking sounds could be heard. His jealousy had burned his rationality to ashes.    


"Kill that kid for me!"    


As soon as Wang Mang finished speaking, the people he brought immediately surrounded Wang Hao. Wang Hao held the hilt of the Profound Light Sword, ready to attack at any time.    


"Wang Mang, if you dare touch one of Wang Hao's fingers, I will make Grandfather uphold justice when I go back!"    


Hearing Zhao Muer's words, Wang Mang laughed loudly. "Zhao Muer, you are really naive. Do you think this is the sect? Your grandfather, the inner sect elder, can't save you. Today, not only will I kill that kid, I will also strip you of your clothes. Enjoy yourself, and then I will give you to my brothers. I, Wang Mang, will not be able to obtain anything. It's fine if I destroy it! "    


Zhao Muer was so angry at Wang Mang's obscene words that her whole body trembled. At this time, a pair of warm big hands pulled her.    


Wang Hao pulled Zhao Muer behind him and protected her.    


"Wang Hao..." Zhao Muer's eyes turned red. It was not easy for her and Wang Hao to escape from danger, but they were going to die in the hands of these beasts.    


"Don't worry, with me here, no one can hurt you!"    


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