Kidnapping My Future Wife

C688 The Medicine on the Healthy Mountain Had Been Falsified

C688 The Medicine on the Healthy Mountain Had Been Falsified

2On the other side, when Bureau Chief Wu Gong saw Jiaang Qibao enter, he said to him, "Jiaang Qibao, have you passed all these reports?"    2


It turned out that according to the rules, all letters and materials that had to go through Bureau Chief Wu Gong's audit had to go through Jiaang Qibao's first audit. Only when there were no more problems could they be sent to Wu Gong's office.    


When Jiaang Qibao heard this, he nodded his head and said, "Yes, I have checked all these reports. Furthermore... According to the contents of the reports, I personally went to the market to do an in-depth investigation. "    


After listening to Jiaang Qibao's words, Bureau Chief Wu Gong felt relieved. It turned out that Wu Gong's leap hair appreciated Jiaang Qibao's point. He was very serious and responsible, and he was also very active and flexible. Unlike the others, he was like a wooden puppet that only took one step after kicking.    


"Very good. Since that's the case, then tell me your own opinion on how to deal with this first." Bureau Chief Wu Gong looked at Jiaang Qibao and said.    


When Jiaang Qibao heard this, he unconsciously furrowed his brows and cleared his thoughts. Then he said, "It is said that this healthy herbal medicine is a new type of herbal medicine cultivated and planted by the graduates of the Agricultural University called Lee Xueqiang during the New Year. Their characteristics are that they are very fresh, sweet, and delicious. "    


"According to our investigation, when this herbal medicine first started, " It was distributed to the market by Hu Xiangdong Group's Limited Company. Who knew that it was because of the public social gatherings and the excellent quality. A piece of healthy mountain medicine was sold for 60 yuan at the beginning. Then, it was sold for 80 yuan per piece. In the end, the selling price on the black markets actually reached 150 to 200 yuan."    


"However, perhaps due to the limited supply, the rich people in the province and the city crazily searched for the medicine on the healthy mountain, not caring about the high price to buy the medicine on the black market. Some of the unhealthy merchants saw that there was profit to be made, so they began to think of counterfeiting. Therefore, for a moment, a lot of healthy mountain medicines appeared on the market. Using high and low quality products to deceive consumers. Very quickly, consumers discovered this kind of fake health medicine phenomenon. And so, they wrote a report to us one after another."    


After hearing Jiaang Qibao's words, Wu Gong basically understood the reason for these complaints. So, he patted the reports on his desk in confusion, then said to Jiaang Qibao, "Wow, what do you think the attraction of those healthy mountain medicines is? It actually caused this round of fraud? Do you think an ordinary herbal medicine really tastes that good? "    


On the other side, Xiao Zhaozhao heard what he said and threatened Xiao Yonggang," Father, if you still continue to treat Xiao Yun like this, I might cut off our relationship as father and daughter. "    


Xiao Zhaozhao was not an ordinary tough woman. When she heard what her father, Xiao Yonggang, said, she mercilessly threatened Xiao Yonggang. This was definitely a cold threat.    


Xiao Zhaozhao's words were like a fuse that had been ignited. The explosives could explode at any time. Xiao Zhaozhao's words made Xiao Yonggang furious. He was so angry that he slapped the tea table.    


Xiao Yonggang's fist hit the marble, making a dull sound. It made the spacious hall shake in an instant.    


"Go to the hospital immediately and take this child away from me. Then you can divorce this man." Xiao Yonggang ordered Xiao Zhaozhao in a cold voice.    


However, Xiao Zhaozhao did not say anything. Instead, she took a step forward and walked directly towards the television. She took out a physical examination report from the television cabinet.    


Xiao Zhaozhao handed the medical report to Xiao Yonggang and said coldly to him, "Dad, if you still want to force me to go to the hospital... You are destined to harm me for the rest of my life. If that is really the case... Do you think there's still a need for me to acknowledge you as my father?"    


Xiao Zhaozhao spoke in a very faint voice, but her voice was filled with coldness. It made people unconsciously feel cold. Xiao Yonggang did not know what was in Xiao Zhaozhao's hand. However, when he looked at the piece of paper, he heard Xiao Zhaozhao's tone. He felt that there would not be anything good on the paper.    


Xiao Yonggang reached out his hand and took the paper from Xiao Zhaozhao's hand. Xiao Yonggang looked at the words on the paper and his eyes were straight. It would cause infertility. It was such a serious matter.    


Xiao Yonggang fell heavily on the sofa. His eyes stared at the paper blankly. He could not calm down for a long time. Xiao Zhaozhao saw Xiao Yonggang's reaction and knew that she had won.    


"Dad, you won't let me take away the child now. You won't let me divorce Xiao Yun, right? "Xiao Zhaozhao asked with confidence.    


Xiao Zhaozhao had just finished speaking, but unexpectedly she was filled with coldness. Xiao Yonggang's tone was full of coldness. He coldly shouted at Xiao Zhaozhao and then shouted, "You shut up."    


After Xiao Yonggang finished speaking, the paper between his fingers weakly fell to the ground. If her daughter was not pregnant, then wouldn't the Xiao family have no descendants in the future?    


This was a very cruel thing to Xiao Yonggang, but his eyes lit up as he suddenly thought of someone. That was his son. At this moment, Xiao Yonggang was rejoicing. Fortunately, he still had an illegitimate child.    


Xiao Yonggang calmed down the emotions on his face. His voice was cold and his eyes were serious as he stared at Xiao Zhaozhao. "Let me tell you, you must divorce Xiao Yun. Even if you want a child, you must divorce this man."    


From beginning to end, Xiao Yonggang did not look at Xiao Yun. From beginning to end, Xiao Yun did not say a word. He just quietly stood beside Xiao Zhaozhao.    


In fact, Xiao Yun had only just found out about the news. Even though the examination report was placed in the TV cabinet, he did not find it. He did not know that there would be such a thing.    


Xiao Yun's face was pale. For a long time, he could not calm down the astonishment in his heart. He had been preparing to let the DNA test come out. He would let Xiao Zhaozhao go to the hospital to get the child and then they would divorce. Then he would take on the responsibility of Xiao Ruzi's father and acknowledge Zhijun.    


Everything was so well thought out, but everything seemed to be caught off guard in an instant. Xiao Yun frowned and did not know what to do for a while.    


"Dad, don't force me. If you do this, my child will not have a father. I don't want my child to be an orphan at birth." Xiao Zhaozhao said with a hoarse voice.    


Xiao Yonggang did not listen to her tone at all. He said coldly, "Shut up. Let me tell you. If you don't divorce this man, I am not afraid to cut off the relationship between you and me."    


The threat changed immediately. Xiao Zhaozhao seemed to be at a loss when faced with Xiao Yonggang's threat. Her body was stiff. She stared at Xiao Yonggang, hoping that he would change his mind.    


However, Xiao Yonggang's eyes and expression were so serious and firm, as if he would not change. Xiao Zhaozhao seemed to be powerless when faced with such a Xiao Yonggang.    


Xiao Yonggang slowly stood up and snorted coldly. He did not say another word and strode towards the door.    


In an instant, only Xiao Zhaozhao and Xiao Yun were left in the spacious hall. The atmosphere seemed to have frozen. Xiao Zhaozhao and Xiao Yun did not speak for a long time.    


The examination report on the ground was so weak that it collapsed on the ground. Xiao Yun's eyes slowly drifted to the examination report on the ground. He walked over with his legs and bent over to pick up the examination report.    


He slowly put the examination report in front of his eyes and stared at every word on it. He looked at it very seriously. After carefully looking at the content on the report, he looked at Xiao Zhaozhao. "Why didn't you tell me about this matter?"    


Xiao Yun did not scold her. He only said in a very painful tone. It made Xiao Zhaozhao's eyes turn red all of a sudden. Xiao Zhaozhao walked to Xiao Yun in a hurry and stretched out her pair of tender white arms. She immediately hugged Xiao Yun tightly.    


Xiao Zhaozhao's tone was full of warmth, then she said, "Xiao Yun, do you know? Actually, I am very afraid of losing you. I am thinking... I can only take out this examination report when it is absolutely necessary. I think you can stay for me at that time... Right?"    


In Xiao Yun's arms, Xiao Zhaozhao slowly closed her beautiful big eyes. Even though Xiao Zhaozhao was forcing Xiao Yun to verify the child's DNA, but... In fact, her heart was in a dilemma. She did not know what to do. She did not know what to do after the results were out.    


Xiao Yun gently patted Xiao Zhaozhao's arms. His tone was full of warmth. He said gently, "Don't worry. I will not leave you. I will be with you. We will be with our child for the rest of our lives. "    


Xiao Yun's tone was very warm. It made Xiao Zhaozhao hold Xiao Yun tightly. His body temperature was flowing between her body, making her feel warm.    


Chen Pingmeng stood in front of the villa. She stared at the password lock and frowned. She remembered that she had been here for a few days. She could open the lock and enter the house, but why couldn't she do it now?    


Chen Pingmeng frowned and her face was cold. She cursed in her heart, "Che Jiezhao, am I not going to show you any respect? Why? What is so good about that woman?"    


Chen Pingmeng stared at the lock with her eyes, seemingly helpless. In the end, she could only choose to give up. When she turned around and prepared to leave immediately, she was so scared that her body trembled.    


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