Kidnapping My Future Wife

C373 Training Hard

C373 Training Hard

3Su Yuqing said to Xiao Yun, "That's why you're so powerful now. In today's competition, is this how you defeat your opponent? Xiao Yun, you are truly a genius who cultivates the Yee Boxing. You are also the Prince Charming in my heart."     3


" Su Yuqing, what are you doing? Why are you shouting? Are you going to let me cultivate?" At this moment, Coach Lyi and Lee Yijun were concentrating on their training. Being shouted at by Su Yuqing like this, Coach Lyi's mind was in a mess and thus Coach Lyi loudly shouted at Su Yuqing.    


When Su Yuqing heard Coach Lyi's lesson, she unconsciously stuck out her tongue in fear and did not dare to make any noise anymore.    


Coach Lyi immediately took a look and awkwardly stood beside Su Yuqing. Xiao Yun who helped her massage the bruises, then said with a cold gaze, "Xiao Yun, as a Yee Boxing practitioner, you must know how to be wise as if you are stupid. Don't be arrogant and complacent just because you saw that you won a match. Ignorance, forget about everything else. "    


"Yes, Coach Lyi's teachings are correct." Xiao Yun was listening to Coach Lyi's lecture seriously.    


After Coach Lyi said that, she continued to practice with Lee Yijun and did not care about Xiao Yun and Su Yuqing anymore.    


Su Yuqing saw Lyi Lianxia starting to focus on practicing with Lee Yijun. She let out a long breath and then used Su Yuqing to pat her chest to express her shock.    


Su Yuqing sighed and then continued to whisper softly into Xiao Yun's ear, "Xiao Yun, do you think that the saying, one piece of farmland gets one piece of harvest still makes sense?"    


"Su Yuqing, what are you asking?" Xiao Yun did not dare to speak again because of Coach Lyi's teachings. He only seriously helped Su Yuqing massage the bruises. When he suddenly heard her ask, he could only ask.    


"Xiao Yun, my consciousness is saying that you have finally mastered the divine skill after a lot of hard work. So, in today's competition, you showed off your divine power and beat that Yihui Martial Arts School's Chen Yiming until he pisses his pants, haha."    


" Also, when you were training with me just now, you were kicking me every time. You retaliated even more fiercely and easily, just like how that Sun Wukong treated the White Bone Essence. No matter what tricks the White Bone Essence was up to, they were all seen through by Sun Wukong's Fiery Golden Eyes. Then, he beat it until it could not be hidden, right? "    


Xiao Yun chuckled and said, "That, isn't a divine skill. This is just a Qi Observation Method. A while ago, Senior Meng told me that... Even though in this world... I can't find two identical leaves. But... Everything had its own essential difference in terms of size. For example, in the eyes of the people, leaves or leaves... Butterflies are butterflies, they won't confuse them. "    


"The same principle, when everyone uses the same technique, although in detail, it varies from person to person, and everyone's starting habits will not be the same. However, in terms of macroscopic view, when each move is used, different people have the same thing, because what they use is a painful move."    


Su Yuqing did not understand, because the consciousness contained in it was really profound and profound. So she could only open her eyes and quietly listen to Xiao Yun speak.    


Xiao Yun continued, "So, I followed Senior Meng's guidance and studied the leg techniques proposed by different disciples every day. However, I found that when different disciples kicked out the same move, even though there were slight differences in the reactions of each part of their bodies when they kicked out... However, they can also find some very subtle similarities between each other. "    


"At the beginning, I didn't have an accurate understanding of each person's reactions. Especially when Coach Lyi changed my practice target every time, I need to watch it again. I had to study it and often make inaccurate judgments. Because of that, I was kicked by them until I collapsed onto the ground. "    


"However, I'm afraid that people will pay attention to martial arts. After my countless training and polishing, my feelings towards that opponent became more and more accurate. Moreover, the time for me to adapt to a new opponent also became shorter and shorter, from a few days to two days. One day, or even shorter. "    


"Now, I can change the time I need to understand a new opponent to a few minutes. Even in a minute. So, during today's competition with that Chen Yiming, after a few minutes of research and experimentation, I had almost grasped the pattern of his leg movements and his attacking habits. Thus, I took the corresponding countermeasures. Thus, it is very easy for me to deal with him with ease. "    


Su Yuqing's heart moved and said, "So that's how it is."    


Su Yuqing peeked at Coach Lyi and saw that she did not seem to be paying attention to this side, so she continued, "But you actually managed to cultivate this Power Rising Divine Arts. Don't you think that you are very great?"    


Su Yuqing could not help but blame herself in her heart, "A while ago, didn't Xiao Yun want me to train this Power Rising Divine Arts with him? But I was afraid of suffering and fatigue at that time, and I was also afraid that I would be kicked and hurt. So I gave up. Sigh, if I could have continued to persist at that time... I'm afraid that my skills now aren't as good as Xiao Yun's. It would be much better than my current level, wouldn't it?"    


Xiao Yun suddenly saw Lyi Lianxia and Lee Yijun training together. He also had a desire to continue training. So he was a little absent-minded. He said to Su Yuqing casually, "Yes, but why did you give up at that time?"    


Su Yuqing heard this and thought for a while in frustration. Then she said faintly, "This is because I am too afraid of hardship. Xiao Yun, you also know that I am a person who cannot bear hardship. I'm also afraid of pain. Every time I get kicked by you, it hurts. I'm afraid."    


"Also, at that time, I was still worried. It's just that I've suffered so much. He might not be able to master the Power Rising Divine Arts, so he had to give up. Sigh, let's not talk about it anymore. I think in this world... Only someone as stupid as you can practice the Power Rising Divine Arts. And you can successfully practice it. "    


"This is the fortune of a fool." Xiao Yun laughed at himself, then continued to massage the bruises on Su Yuqing's arm.    


Su Yuqing sighed again and said, "I told you that you are a fool. That is why you can practice it. However, it could also be said that the Heavenly Dao rewarded hard work by 'getting a share of the harvest'. Since you have paid so much, then the heavens will not treat you unfairly. "    


"Geniuses are also relative. Sometimes, hard work can make up for stubbornness. So, how many people know? Behind your success, how much price did you pay and how much sweat you shed? Thus, we are not jealous of how lucky you are. It would be better to sigh at the fact that I can't bear such suffering. "    


Xiao Yun looked at Su Yuqing's envious and happy expression and said to her, "Su Yuqing, actually, from now on you will start training this Power Rising Divine Arts. It's not too late. Also, I already have a certain amount of experience and experience. I'll help you when the time comes, alright?"    


Unexpectedly, Su Yuqing said faintly, "I am not going to train that Power Rising Divine Arts. I am not interested. Also, if I want to train that Power Rising Divine Arts, I will have to be kicked thousands or tens of thousands of times. When the time comes, I will not be able to master the Power Rising Divine Arts. I will be kicked to death a long time ago. "    


"Sigh... Anyway, in my mind, training the Yee Boxing is also a way to deal with my mother's consciousness. I didn't plan to become a powerful expert of the Yee Boxing. I just hope that I can get into an ordinary university in the future. After graduating, I will come back and help Coach Lyi manage the Clouds Sea Dojo. Managing our Clouds Sea Dojo to become famous is the greatest wish of my life. "    


"Are you guys still talking about something? There's no need for training anymore? All of you, start training immediately. " At this moment, Lyi Lianxia shouted towards them but did not turn her head back.    


Su Yuqing heard Coach Lyi's words and felt that her body was still very tired and painful. She really did not want to continue training. However, Su Yuqing considered that Xiao Yun still had to participate in the competition tomorrow. Therefore, it would be beneficial and harmless to train with him for a while longer.    


Thinking of this, Su Yuqing's entire body was immediately filled with combat power. She immediately stood up from the cushion. Sigh, so this is how it is to love a person. For him, she was willing to give up everything, including the pain on her tired body.    


"Xiao Yun, come quickly." Su Yuqing quickly ran to the training area, and then pulled back her posture to wait for Xiao Yun. She shouted at him.    


Su Yuqing thought in her heart, "Xiao Yun is my beloved prince charming. As long as I can win all the way for him, so what if I train with him for the whole night?"    


"Okay, I'm coming." Xiao Yun shouted excitedly and rushed in front of Su Yuqing, so the two of them practiced together again and again.    


Of course, the situation was similar to the previous practice. This practice was also because Su Yuqing was kicked very badly by Xiao Yun. It did not matter if she took the initiative to attack or defend, or whether Xiao Yun took the initiative to attack or defend. Su Yuqing's fate was also to be kicked.    


Therefore, in less than half an hour, Su Yuqing had been kicked by Xiao Yun countless times. If Xiao Yun had not shown mercy, she would not have been able to get up by now.    


"Sigh, I am dying of exhaustion. My whole body is going to hurt to death." After another ten minutes of sparring, Su Yuqing, who was still full of battle energy just now, no longer had any fighting spirit. But seeing that she once again lay paralyzed on the cushion, she was unwilling to get up again.    


Seeing this, Coach Lyi walked over and saw Su Yuqing sleeping on that cushion like a pile of mud. She was indeed so tired that she could only get up and was almost out of breath.    


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