Kidnapping My Future Wife

C237 Tied up

C237 Tied up

3After a while, Zhang Liangmei's beauty parlor was filled with more guests. The company's business was also booming. Jia Jun was a business expert and managed the company in an orderly manner. After some time, the company gained more profits. The medicine business was originally a high-interest business. Sometimes, the cost of just a few cents was enough to buy a few dollars. Sometimes, even a few dozen dollars. Therefore, there was a lot of room for profit.    


Xiao Yun's business was booming. Luo Tianyou became even angrier. He looked for Sun Li again. Ever since Sun Li was beaten up by Xiao Yun, he always wanted revenge. In addition, his sister was also taken care of by Xiao Yun. He was even more furious.    


Luo Tianyou and Sun Li had drunk a lot of wine. Both of their eyes turned red. Sun Li gritted his teeth. "When I mention that Xiao Yun, I want to eat his meat."    


Luo Tianyou said, "I have a way to deal with him." As he spoke, he leaned over to Sun Li's ear and said softly. Sun Li waved his fist.    


"As long as I can deal with him, I will do it."    


On this day, Zhang Liangmei drove to the market to buy some cosmetic products. However, she drove her car to a remote place. Suddenly, she found a small car parked in front of her. This small car was in front of her and blocked her way. Zhang Liangmei had no choice but to walk down. She said to the car, "You guys hurry and open the way. You guys blocked my way."    


A few fierce-looking men jumped out of the car. Each of them held a long stick and a shining knife. The leader was a bald man. This man coldly glanced at Zhang Liangmei.    


"Are you Zhang Liangmei? Your business has been good recently."    


Zhang Liangmei regretted when she saw that there were quite a few people in the other party. She quickly backed away. Her face changed and became pale. She looked at them and asked, "I am Zhang Liangmei. You, what do you want to do?"    


The bald man smiled coldly. "How about this, you guys pay ten thousand yuan protection fee every month. I guarantee that no one will dare to come and cause trouble."    


Zhang Liangmei was so scared that she kept stepping back. "Big brother, big brother, please spare me. I am just a small business." Take this money and drink.    


As she spoke, she took out a few hundred yuan and stuffed it into the baldy's mouth.    


The baldy hit the money with his hand, and the money fell to the ground. He went crazy and shook his head.    


"Do you think these few notes are enough to get rid of beggars? You ask around, my name is very famous in this city.    


Zhang Liangmei shook her head. "Big brother, that's all I have."    


Suddenly, Zhang Liangmei turned around and ran. After all, she had learned boxing and kicking for a few months, so she was not particularly afraid.    


A fat man rushed over. This fat man might look fat, but he ran very fast. He rushed over in a few steps. He swung his fist at Zhang Liangmei fiercely.    


This punch was full of strength. It was obvious that the fat man was a strong guy.    


Zhang Liangmei hurriedly dodged the fist. Then, she lifted a leg and swept it towards the fatty's face.    


The fatty chuckled. "Little sister, you're my brother's man." As he spoke. His big hand grabbed towards Zhang Liangmei's leg.    


However, Zhang Liangmei leaped up and heavily swung her other leg out. This leg landed on the fatty's face. The fatty let out a strange cry. Ah. He fell to the ground.    


The others came over and laughed.    


"Fatty, you're holding a beauty this time."    


"Fatty, you wish. This beauty is not to be trifled with."    


They did not make a move but surrounded Zhang Liangmei.    


Zhang Liangmei gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly.    


She shouted, "Let me go, or else I will fight with my life on the line."    


The bald man shook his head. "Little girl, you have some ability" His big hand grabbed Zhang Liangmei's arm.    


The bald man suddenly pulled out a shiny knife and put it on Zhang Liangmei's neck.    


"Little girl, you are asking for money but not your life."    


The fat man got up and shouted, "Big brother, give this girl to me."    


The baldy gave him a fierce slap. This hit sent him flying a few feet away.    


"Fatty, you'd better get the hell out of here. I haven't enjoyed it yet."    


Zhang Liangmei was forced by the knife and did not move at all. A drop of tears rolled out of her big eyes.    


"Big brother, let me go. As long as you let me go, I will give you money."    


Zhang Liangmei understood that her struggle was futile. Because this baldy's strength was really too great. She struggled a few times but did not struggle at all.    


The baldy used that knife to lightly pat Zhang Liangmei's face.    


"Zhang Liangmei, I heard that you are a masseuse, so give me a good massage." As they spoke, the few men stuffed Zhang Liangmei into the car. Then, they quickly disappeared into the dark night.    


Zhang Liangmei was brought to an unfamiliar courtyard. A few men tied Zhang Liangmei to a large bed. The baldy reached out a fat hand and gently touched her tender face.    


"Zhang Liangmei, big brother loves you."    


Zhang Liangmei's body struggled. She kept moving.    


"Let me go. Otherwise, my boss won't let you go."    


The bald man laughed. "Zhang Liangmei, I am scared."    


"Your boss is Xiao Yun, right?"    


Zhang Liangmei nodded. "You heard his name, so you should let me go. Otherwise, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life."    


The baldy suddenly clapped his hands and placed one of his hands on the bed. The entire bed started shaking.    


"In this territory, I am not afraid of him!"    


The baldy let go of that big hand.    


"Zhang Liangmei, big brother only borrowed a few money to spend."    


As he spoke, he took out a phone and took a few pictures of Zhang Liangmei.    


At that moment, Baldy's phone rang.    


He answered the phone and his expression changed.    


Bald Man explained to the fatty.    


"Fatty, watch carefully. I have something to do, so I'll go out for a while."    


Zhang Liangmei's hand moved quietly and she quietly touched her pocket. There was a phone in her pocket. Just now, she forgot to make a phone call. Now, her hands were tied up, making it inconvenient for her to move.    


The big men left one after another.    


The fat man touched his face. His face was already swollen. It was Zhang Liangmei who kicked him just now. He gritted his teeth and shook his fist at Zhang Liangmei. "Little girl, you actually hit laozi. laozi will deal with you."    


Zhang Liangmei shook her head and dodged the hand.    


"You are bullying me like this. What kind of hero are you?" Zhang Liangmei laughed at him.    


Fatty's face turned red and his pale face turned purple. "I will teach you a lesson. Haha... Kick again with your ability."    


Zhang Liangmei shook her head. "If you dare to touch a finger of mine, your boss will take your life."    


"Your boss intends to exchange me for money."    


Fatty walked out. After a while, he returned. He brought a bowl of instant noodles.    


"Eat some. Don't starve to death." As he spoke, he placed the bowl of instant noodles in front of Zhang Liangmei.    


Zhang Liangmei looked at the instant noodles. She suddenly remembered that she was very hungry. Usually, she seldom ate. Of course, she had to maintain a good figure. So, usually, she only ate fruits and very little food.    


For cosmetics, not to mention being too fat, just being slightly fatter would also affect the business.    


Fatty glared at her. "Hurry up and eat. If you don't eat, you'll starve to death."    


Zhang Liangmei blinked her big eyes. "My hands are tied. How can I eat? You should release my hands."    


Fatty laughed out loud. "In your dreams. If I release you, I don't want my life anymore."    


Zhang Liangmei gritted her teeth. "If you starve me to death, you will also die a horrible death. Your boss will kill you."    


Zhang Liangmei smiled. "Brother Fatty, feed me. If you let me eat until I'm full, I promise you. Her smile was particularly charming.    


Fatty felt like his bones were going to soften.    


Fatty chuckled. "You said it yourself. I like people like you." As he spoke, he picked up the instant noodles and walked over. This fat man used his big hands and feet to stuff it into Zhang Liangmei's mouth. Zhang Liangmei's hands were especially small and thin. At this time, she had already quietly pulled out a little bit.    


The fatty had fed this beauty for a while.    


Fatty's two eyes flashed with a green light. |    


"Sister, this time you will accompany big brother." As he spoke, his large hand grabbed over.    


Zhang Liangmei giggled. "This is too uncomfortable. Unleash my hand like this. I will hug you tightly. "    


Fatty was skeptical. "You're planning to run away, right? That's why there's no such thing as a bargain. I won't let you go. "    


Zhang Liangmei clenched her teeth. "If you don't let go of my hand, I will bite off my tongue and die here."    


The fatty took a few steps back and shouted, "You must not die, you must not die." If this girl died, his boss would definitely not let him go.    


Because this girl was a money tree.    


Zhang Liangmei looked at him.    


"Let go of my hand. My legs are still tied. I can't run away."    


Fatty believed her words and released her hand with one hand. His large hand reached over and touched Zhang Liangmei's small hand.    


Zhang Liangmei was once a masseuse, so of course she had dealt with some men before. She was especially good at making men laugh.    


A few good words made the fatty very happy.    


The fatty touched his hand and his two eyes stared straight at Zhang Liangmei.    


Her other hand quietly raised up. This time, she hit his head hard. Bang, this time, the fat guy was knocked down. The fatty blinked his big eyes.    


"You, what are you going to do?" Thump! He fell backwards, and his head coincidentally hit a rock. Boom! He fainted.    


Zhang Liangmei quickly untied the rope and ran towards the courtyard door.    


At this moment, a pair of large hands tightly hugged her legs.    


Zhang Liangmei turned around and saw that it was that fatty.    


That fatty gritted his teeth. "Stinky woman, you actually dare to plot against me!" As he spoke. He suddenly pulled and tripped Zhang Liangmei.    


Zhang Liangmei struggled and a fist landed on the fatty's face....    


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