Super Weapon Swap System

C280 Fair Fair Open

C280 Fair Fair Open

3Wu Lei had just finished his question when he realized that he was wrong. How could he question Factory Manager Qin?    2


Sure enough, everyone was looking at him with eyes filled with complaints. He was the only one with a quick mouth, what nonsense was he spouting?    


Wu Lei could only lower his head in shame. He didn't dare to face the gazes of the others, but in less than thirty seconds, he looked at Qin Guan once again.    


"Our factory will work overtime to try and produce the vehicles." Qin Guan said, "Even if it's New Year's Eve and the production is not completed, we will not stop working."    


Anyway, when the time came, he had already gone to Europe for his honeymoon. He had already solved this problem. Factory Manager Suen also wanted to catch the next production and let the workers produce trucks day and night.    


As for the workers, although they would be busier, their salaries were from piecework system. Now that the New Year was approaching, plus the bonus and whatnot, this month... They could earn two months' worth of salary, and the factory would also give out some new year goods as compensation. Although the workers are a bit busy, but their family... They would definitely be able to live a good year, and they would gladly accept it. After all, earning money now was the way to go.    


Qin Guan was giving these people an explanation.    


After all, Qin Guan understood their feelings. Waiting for the New Year was the most painful thing. How sad were those farmers who wanted to collect their debts during the end of the year? It was almost the same as now.    


Qin Guan had to give them hope.    


"Also, what everyone cares about the most is... We will follow the date of the receipt. Here. Everyone. Make a reasonable arrangement. If you buy it first, you'll definitely get a heavy card first" Qin Guan said, "If someone wants to cut the queue, I'm sorry. Your order... Yes."    


"Okay!" Wu Lei shouted. He had received the news early and had made up his mind early. Therefore, he would definitely get it early. At that time, he could drive home!    


Wu Lei was very happy. This was the result he wanted, but at the same time, he was also worried about something else.    


This Factory Manager Qin said so, but no one was supervising him. It was also impossible for everyone to watch who brought him away every day. How would they know if there were any contacts?    


Originally, they should not have doubted Factory Manager Qin, but they might not meet him again.    


As if he knew what he was worried about, Qin Guan opened his mouth again. "This time, we will put a long notice on the wall outside the factory according to the order of all the orders."    


Qin Guan had also thought of this, although he had already comforted everyone's anger this time. Qin Guan also felt assured about Factory Manager Suen. However... Where was Factory Manager Suen's subordinate? Could it be that some people wanted to make use of the convenience of their position? Should they be taken away first?    


In between, there would definitely be corruption. For example, they would give the person in charge of the factory a sum of money and take the car away first.    


In the future, this was called raising the price of the car. It was an extremely shameless method that Han people came up with to scam his own people.    


First of all, we need to construct a trap with insufficient production capacity. We don't have to worry about selling our cars. The orders have already been placed until next year. Unfortunately, the factory can't produce them.    


Then, we started to trick you. You want to carry a car? Sure, you have to increase the price. Yes, if you increase the price by 10,000, I can guarantee that you can carry your car for a month.    


I'll wait for a month. Sorry, in front of you, someone increased the price by twenty thousand and gave the car to someone else first. If you want to raise the price, then you can only increase the price.    


Don't get excited, it's useless to get excited. This is the rule here, do you want to sue? Go ahead and sue. We'll keep you company, but if you want to sue, the deposit will be gone.    


A car with a total price of two hundred thousand dollars was forcibly increased by twenty to thirty thousand. The people of China do not lack this kind of money, but it's easy to cheat. If they hold onto a belief... If they did not buy the car with a higher bid, then with so many cars, why did they have to shamelessly increase the price? Whoever gave the big discount, I will buy it. If that was the case, this atmosphere would naturally stop.    


What a pity.    


Qin Guan would never allow such a situation to occur. Now... The plan that Qin Guan came up with was to block this loophole. After all, he was not in the factory. Besides, it was impossible for him to replace all the middle-level leaders in the factory, right? If they wanted to seek death, he really couldn't stop them.    


"Next, we will have a specialized accountant to provide services for everyone." Qin Guan said, "According to the date of the invoice, we will write the name list on the paper. We will post it outside, and then we will have the heavy card for our daily factory departure. There are also numbers. From the beginning to the end, we carry the car according to the order. "    


"Long live Factory Manager Qin!" Behind him, Wu Lei shouted.    


This way, it would be completely public. He wanted to cut the queue? No way! The number of heavy trucks produced every day was a fixed number. According to the list outside, they would come to pick up cars one by one. No one would be dissatisfied with it anymore. It was fair and reasonable!    


Qin Guan's system was actually what the future generations thought.    


The problem of the artificial production capacity of the 4S store being low and the number of cars being carried was low, and then they started to increase the price of the current cars. This kind of behavior was actually the result of conniving by the manufacturer.    


Without the support of the manufacturer, the 4S store would not have done such a thing. After all, the 4S store had a large deposit in the car factory. Those 4S stores in the future didn't listen to the manufacturer and deducted the deposit. They were colluding with the automotive factory.    


If you want justice, it's actually very simple. After every order is made, he could connect to the Internet, to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer didn't need to announce the list of orders. Just announce the ranking. Then, according to the factory's production sequence, ask when to start the assembly, when to leave the factory.    


If that was the case, then everything would be transparent to the customers. The car on the production line would be mine, and they could even get the serial number of the car. This way, it would be impossible for the sales to increase the price of the car.    


However, no manufacturer would do that. They were not transparent to the outside world. Their intentions were clear.    


What Qin Guan needed to do now was to be fair. Before that bad atmosphere formed, he had to treat the customers fairly!    


Qin Guan did not want to let the stingy-looking merchants in the future ruin the sales of the commercial vehicles. Although the supply was currently in a state where it could not meet the demand, this rule had to be established.    


This could also be considered a change that he had brought to the domestic production of cars. He could rely on his own strength to permeate the concept of fairness into the sales of cars.    


Now, North Heavy Truck Factory was the leader. In the entire heavy-duty card joint venture company, the heavy cards produced by other factories were not even a fraction of the total value of North Heavy Truck Factory.    


Therefore, once North Heavy Truck Factory established this rule, the other heavy truck factories... If they wanted to do whatever they wanted, they would have to do it as well. The client would rather wait a few months to book a car in North Heavy Truck Factory. He wouldn't go to other heavy truck factories, because he would keep tricking you. The promises he made became lies time and time again, eventually making people lose their patience.    


Qin Guan looked at everyone. "If everyone is satisfied with my plan, please enter the factory. Turn left and go to the second canteen in our factory for free. After dinner, you can line up to register."    


The factory even provided one free meal? Of course, this was the best.    


Thus, everyone dispersed and, accompanied by the security guards, headed in the direction of the canteen.    


Qin Guan watched these people leave and could not help but smile bitterly. He had spoken big again. Originally, he had told Yutong to go back and eat, but now?    


"Chen Rui, go back and tell them to eat first. I have to have a meeting with the others." Qin Guan said.    


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