Star River Holy King

C98 Goodbye Anu

C98 Goodbye Anu

2Not long after, after Eagle Eye's attack, Ye Mingyang was sent flying to the ground behind him. This time, he couldn't stand up again. At this moment... Ye Mingyang looked at Nu and Ye Shan who were not far away. A smile appeared on his face. There was a trace of helplessness in his eyes. He waved his hand. It was as if he was saying goodbye, or saying goodbye to ___. That's right, he had done everything he could. But now it was so cruel.    


Nu's pale face was now covered with tears. He looked at Ye Mingyang, his eyes filled with endless sadness and reluctance. He knew that it was because of him that Ye Mingyang captured Gu Yue. It was also because of him that Ye family was destroyed.    


However, she was also very powerless. What could she do at this moment? For the sake of her beloved young master, all she could do was comfort him. In the past, she could comfort him that he would get better tomorrow, but what could she say now? Nu was just an ordinary person and also the most powerless person.    


"Young Master!" Nu's eyes were filled with tears and there was a trace of sadness as she looked at Ye Mingyang.    


At that moment, Ye Mingyang also heard Nu calling him, and he could not help but raise his hand. He faced Nu and slowly relaxed. Ye Mingyang still had the same smile as before on his face. He did not want to leave this world with a sad expression because there were his family and his most precious things in this world.    


Nu saw Ye Mingyang waving at her. Her mind was filled with what she could do for Ye Mingyang, but she found that she could not do anything at night. Now, she could not even say words of comfort.    


Nu turned around and saw Eagle Eye. She was a little afraid of Eagle Eye's eyes, but it was Eagle Eye who hurt Ye Mingyang. A trace of anger flashed across Nu's eyes. She didn't have any good impression of the person who hurt Ye Mingyang.    


She then picked up a long sword on the ground. That long sword was a little heavy. She used all her strength to raise it in her hand. At this moment, she really wanted to protect Ye Mingyang. It had always been Ye Mingyang who silently protected her. This time, she wanted the long sword in her hand to protect Ye Mingyang. Even if it was just for a while, it was enough.    


"I'll fight you to the death!" Nu shouted loudly. Tears fell from her eyes onto his small face, and then she rushed towards Eagle Eye.    


When Eagle Eye saw this scene, he laughed softly. He was a Flower Picking Stage expert, and that little girl was just a mortal. In his eyes, she was nothing more than an ant. Since she was an ant, she had to act like an ant.    


Before Nu could reach Eagle Eye, Eagle Eye had already condensed some star power in his palm and sent it towards Nu.    


"No!" Ye Mingyang screamed weakly. At this moment, her heart felt like it was being cut by a knife. Why was this girl so stupid? Why did she rush forward by herself?    


Nu was still in front of Eagle Eye when she was sent flying backwards by Eagle Eye's palm. A trace of blood was left in his nose. His palm had destroyed all her internal organs. At this moment, a smile appeared on her face.    


His body was sent flying not far away from Ye Mingyang. He could only see Ye Mingyang crawling towards him. This short distance was actually so far away. Ye Mingyang felt as if he had been climbing for his entire life.    


When he crawled to Nu's side, he hugged her in his arms.    


"Young Master! I'm sorry! I can't help you at all. I will only cause you trouble." Nu was like a dying rose. The smile on his face had disappeared. What was left was a sad and reluctant look.    


"You fool, why do you have to be like this every time? It's all my fault. I said I would protect you for the rest of your life. "Tears immediately gushed out from Ye Mingyang's eyes and dripped onto Nu's small face.    


"Young master, you are crying. This is the first time I have seen you cry." Nu struggled to raise her arm and caressed Ye Mingyang's face. At this moment, she was reluctant to part with him, but there was also a trace of happiness. Because she had never seen Ye Mingyang cry before, no matter how much humiliation he had endured or how much he had cursed. He was still so stubborn. At this moment, he was crying... He cried in such sorrow. This was the first time he cried. He also cried for himself.    


"Why? Nu, why are you so stupid?" Ye Mingyang's heart was filled with regret. He regretted not moving Nu to a safe place. Ye regretted that he was weak. It was all because he was not strong enough that such a thing happened.    


"Young master doesn't blame you. It was Nu who didn't take good care of herself. I thought that Young Master wanted to protect..." Before Nu could finish speaking, a mouthful of fresh blood gushed out from her mouth. It fell on his white dress like bright roses. At this moment, it was quietly blooming.    


"Stop talking." Ye Mingyang looked at Nu's pale face and felt his heart ache.    


"I have to say, Young Master knows that Nu likes Young Master the most. As long as she was with Young Master, Nu would have endless words to say. But I'm afraid that there will be no more chances in the future. " There was a trace of reluctance in Nu's eyes. Right now, he was so reluctant to part with Ye Mingyang. However, she knew that she was going to die soon. She would never be able to talk to her favorite young master. This made her eyes filled with sadness.    


Ye Mingyang wiped the blood from Nu's mouth. He also knew that Nu was going to die soon. All her internal organs had been destroyed, but Ye Mingyang could not accept this fact. He really hoped that all of this was just a dream, but everything in front of him was so real. The tears that flowed out of his eyes were so warm, and the blood that flowed out of Nu's mouth was so cold.    


"Silly, you won't die. Didn't you say that you want me to bring you to the Yanhua Building to eat Flowerspotted Deer? And I also said that I will catch one for you to eat. And this..." Ye Mingyang turned around and reached his hand into his embrace. He took out a blood red bead from inside. He said, "This is also prepared for you. As long as you use this to refine the pill... You will be able to live for a long time. In that case, you will be with me in the future. I said that I will protect you forever, so you can't die. "    


Ye Mingyang's tears dripped onto Nu's face.    


Nu used her bloodless fingers to touch Ye Mingyang's face again. She said, "Young Master, you are so good. You prepared so many things for Nu. Nu was so happy. Nu felt that she was the happiest person in the world. Nu does not want to die because she wants to be by Young Master's side forever. Serve young master all the time." Nu's face revealed a trace of a smile as she continued to speak to Ye Mingyang," Young master can't cry anymore. Young master, you will be the greatest person in this world in the future. Nu has always believed in you since young and treated you as a hero. That day, you defeated so many people. Nu was really happy. She felt proud for her young master. "    


"Nu, you will live. Don't always think that you will die. " Ye Mingyang used his hand to touch Nu's pale face again.    


" It's really good for young master to have you with him. Your tears are so warm. And in your arms, Nu is very cold. Can you hold her tighter?" Nu's voice was so weak, as if it was the petal that was blown by the fierce wind. It was as if it would wither at any time.    


"Is that so? Nu, don't feel cold. I will always hug you." Ye Mingyang held Nu's arms even tighter. He really wanted to hold Nu in his arms forever, the day he did not let go.    


Just like that, Nu became soundless and lifeless. That hand that was originally touching Ye Mingyang's face also slowly fell down. Yes, she was already dead at this moment. Her body began to turn cold. However, there was still a trace of a serene smile on her lips. At the last moment of his life, it was the young master that she loved the most who was by her side. Perhaps this was enough for her.    


"No!" Ye Mingyang looked up to the sky and roared. He hugged Nu's body even tighter. He hoped that he could use his body to disperse the coldness on Nu's body. At this moment, he was so sad. His eyes were filled with sadness, but Nu was already dead. In the end, she would only turn into a pile of dust. She would no longer act like a spoiled child in front of him like before.    


Ye Mingyang's tears were like gushing spring water. One drop after another fell on Nu's pale face.    


After a while, Ye Mingyang's eyes no longer shed tears. It was as if they had already dried up.    


"I don't want you to die, come and have fun. "Ye Mingyang's voice had a trace of choking, and it sounded a little hoarse at night.    


Eagle Eye had a smile on his face as he looked at the scene in front of him with great interest. This would be his last words for Ye Mingyang. After all, he would soon become a dead man. He would be able to reunite with his maidservant underground.    


At this moment, there was a trace of impatience in Gu Tang's eyes. How could Eagle Eye be so hesitant? Just now, he already had the chance to kill Ye Shan and Ye Mingyang, but now he was watching from the side. He was still watching with great interest. Did he think that this was just a show?    


Although Gu Tang was annoyed, he didn't say it out loud. In any case, no matter how much time Eagle Eye delayed, the father and son of Ye family would still die. Both of them were severely injured at this moment. Even if they were allowed to leave... They were afraid that Ye Mo would have no choice but to crawl out of the Ye Mansion. Who would come and save them now? In any case, they had already become meat on the chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered.    


Gu Yue felt a trace of pleasure in her heart when she saw Ye Mingyang's maidservant die. Looking at Ye Mingyang's crying face, he was no different from a cripple. Although he had lost an arm, Ye Mingyang's favorite maidservant was already dead. This gave Gu Yue a sense of balance in her heart. It would be great if she could personally kill Ye Mingyang now. Unfortunately, Gu Tang and Eagle Eye had already made an agreement. Ye Mingyang could only be handed over to Eagle Eye. Then there was only that Ye Shan.    


Gu Yue's eyes revealed a trace of a sinister expression. He was currently planning in his heart. When this place ends, how am I going to humiliate that Ye Shan? First, he would make Ye Shan kneel down and become his horse, then break one of his arms. Then I will treat it as repaying my debt to Ye Mingyang, and then make him kneel down and kowtow in front of me. Finally, he would torture him until he died. Only then would he be able to relieve the resentment in his heart. Gu Yue thought this in her heart, then the corners of her mouth revealed a trace of a smile. It was as if her arm was no longer as painful as before.    


"Mingyang!" Ye Shan was also watching this scene quietly from the side. The moment he saw Ye Mingyang's tears... It was as if Ye Shan couldn't control his emotions. His eyes were filled with tears. He really hoped that the person who died just now was him. If that was the case, perhaps his youngest son wouldn't be so sad. This might be the last thing that his father could do for him, but it had already fallen into the worst possible situation. Both of them were lying on the ground after being beaten by Eagle Eye. At this moment, they had already become the meat on someone else's chopping board. They could only wait to be slaughtered.    


At this moment, Ye Mingyang was still hugging Nu tightly. He buried his face in Nu's arms, as if he was still crying. He just didn't want to be seen.    


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