My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1039 Tianxue's Worry

C1039 Tianxue's Worry

0Ye Lingtian was speechless towards Tian Xue and Huan Huan. He threw away the decomposing powder in their hands and said snappily: "The battle is not over yet. What should we do with the corpses?"    1


Tian Xue was stunned. The battle wasn't over? But soon after, she understood and furrowed her brows: "You mean to say that we should use these corpses to lure the remaining Martial Cultivator s from Xiao Hong's sect over?"    


"That's right." Ye Lingtian said slowly to the snowy night, "We can use a backup plan for Xiao Hong Sect."    


Huan Huan thought for a moment, walked to Ye Lingtian's side and whispered, "Mr Ye, if I were Xiao Hong Men Sect Leader, I wouldn't come here, it would be the same as suicide."    


"It's a pity you're not." Ye Lingtian turned to look at Huan Huan and said confidently.    


"Tell me your reason." Tian Xue said softly.    


"Come with me." Ye Lingtian walked to the hiding spot and opened up the Military Laptop. Hao Yu angrily got into the car and led the Martial Cultivator s with almost all of their Inner Sect out of the Xiao Hong Clan's Inner Sect encampment in an awe-inspiring manner.    


Tian Xue and Huan Huan looked at each other in dismay. Wasn't Xiao Hongmen too stupid? The elites were all killed and yet they still ran over. Wasn't that just courting death?    


"Is that enough reason?" Ye Lingtian's finger danced on the keyboard, and very quickly, the satellite surveillance image was sent over. The vehicle was moving in the direction of the missile attack, and at the same time, a set of data was transmitted from Yuanshen and Pharmacy's monitoring department. Xiao Hongmen's people would arrive at the attack location within 25 minutes.    


Tian Xue was speechless at the technology of Yuanshen and medicine.    


Huan Huan gasped and looked at Ye Lingtian blankly. "You can use the official military satellite?"    


"Of course you can, it's just that you don't have the authority to do so." Seeing Huan Huan's eyes almost pop out, Ye Lingtian smiled and said, "Don't look at me like that. We only used it secretly once in an emergency. Otherwise, the military technicians wouldn't be easy to use."    


Tian Xue glanced at Ye Lingtian and said, "When you decided to use a backup strategy, you still haven't seen these surveillance videos. Tell me, how did you come up with this idea?"    


Ye Lingtian looked at the dead bodies and slowly said: "They knew they would be defeated the moment the battle started, but did you see one of them escape? No! They are true men, and even if they were dead, they did not retreat a single step. If not for our effective strategy, they would have sacrificed at least four Martial Cultivator s! The number of cowards in Xiao Hong Clan's Inner Sect should not be many. According to my experience, no matter what price such an organization has to pay, they would definitely come over to collect the corpses of their own brothers. "    


Ye Lingtian looked up at the sky. Snow was falling on his face, making him feel slightly cold.    


Ye Lingtian turned around and said to Tian Xue, "We'll surround them later. Don't make a move without my order."    


Tian Xuerao looked at Ye Lingtian meaningfully, "You said that they would come over to collect the corpses of their brothers, but they didn't fight us to the death when they saw the bodies on the ground? "Ye Lingtian, it's impossible to capture them alive for your own use. I advise you to eliminate that thought."    


"For your own use? No, I don't think so for the time being. " Ye Lingtian shook his head and said seriously, "I just want to give them a chance to fight a fair and honorable battle. Of course, if they are willing to live, I can let them go, if they give me a reason to let them go."    


Tian Xue looked at Ye Lingtian as if he was an idiot: "Are you crazy? Don't you know the principle of cutting the grass by its roots? "    


"It's going to be difficult for Xiao Hongmen to even touch me …" Ye Lingtian lit up a Hongta and before he finished his sentence, he saw a box pop up from the computer screen. It was filled with a string of numbers, Ye Lingtian quickly played another video and saw a car quickly drive away from the caravan in the opposite direction.    


Ye Lingtian quickly said to Huan Huan, "Keep your phone free with two Martial Cultivator s and keep up with this car. Whether Ding Qi is here or not, you have to come back within an hour. Do you understand?"    


Huan Huan nodded and with a wave of her hand, she brought the two Martial Cultivator s and quickly ran towards the direction of the parked car. The car quickly started and with a roar, it quickly disappeared into the night.    


Ye Lingtian waved his hand, and said to the few Inner Sect experts that were injured: "You guys wait in the carriage, be in charge of driving."    


The few injured Yuxiao Palace disciples nodded, held onto their wounds and quickly left the battlefield.    


"You're really cautious. Even if you win the battle steadily and think of escaping when something unexpected happens, I really can't imagine. If I were your enemy, how difficult would it be to annihilate all of your people?" Tian Xue sighed with emotion.    


Ye Lingtian's mouth twitched and said snappily: "Boss, can I trouble you not to cause trouble? Do you know? Every time this comes out of your mouth, I'm scared out of my wits. "    


"It's good to be scared. This way, your vigilance will level up and become even higher. It will be even smoother and more insidious." Tian Xue said with a beaming smile. Then, her face turned to the side, and coldly towards the Yuxiao Palace disciple who was holding the Longsword, she said, "Follow the previous ambush point and continue to lurk, form a encirclement. As long as someone wants to rush out and kill them, we will kill them.    


"Yes sir!"    


The Inner Sect disciples swiftly disappeared into the night.    


Ye Lingtian was squatting in a pit with Tian Xue. He was holding onto his laptop as he stared at the video. He suddenly said, "Don't you want to know what I got out of Zhang Jinhu's mouth in the secret chamber?"    


Tian Xue hugged the Blue Sea Azure Sky Sword and smiled at Ye Lingtian: "I do, but I don't want to ask even if you didn't say it."    


Ye Lingtian coughed lightly and said seriously, "What if this secret is a treasure trove of resources?"    


Tian Xue glanced at Ye Lingtian, and smiled very sweetly: "We had an agreement before, that if you eat alone, it would be alright if I don't notice it. But if I do find out, even if Yuanshen Medicine is destroyed, you would have to puke for me.    


"The reason Sun Sect took Ding Qi away was for the treasury. The Golden Sands Sect wanted to take Ding Qi away was also for the treasury." Ye Lingtian closed the computer and said to Tian Xue, "In a sense, as long as you have enough combat power to deal with anyone who has the Golden Sands Sect, then the treasury will belong to anyone!"    


Tian Xue responded with an 'oh' and raised her head to look at the sky. "I thought you would keep this a secret until the very end. Who would've thought that you would say it now."    


Ye Lingtian's face froze and he rolled his eyes, "Don't be a petty person. How can you not see something so obvious? The reason I didn't talk to you is because it's not yet time yet. Now that Xiao Hongmen is like a paper tiger, I naturally have to clarify the follow-up questions. "    


Tian Xue nodded and said softly, "That's right, you didn't have the intention to do that earlier. The ambush seemed simple, but it was really very complicated to execute, such as the setup of each ambush point, the layout according to the strength of the combat ability. It's too detailed, Ye Lingtian."    


"Of course, this is a war. If you're not careful, you will die." Ye Lingtian crossed his arms in front of his chest as he looked into the distance, and quietly said, "During the time of the mercenaries, my big brother told me that every battle, even if there were only two people, I still had to properly assign the missions. Only in this way could there be one plus one is one greater than two, and this rule not only applies to the secular battlefield, it also applies to battles between Martial Sect, because there are no essential differences between the two, as they use all methods to eliminate and protect their enemies to the greatest extent possible."    


Tian Xue made an 'oh' sound and moved to the side to make a space. "You sit next to me. It's all mud."    


Ye Lingtian was shocked. He looked at the place where Tian Xue was sitting and said helplessly, "If you were a soldier under my command, you would have been scolded to death by me long ago."    


"Unfortunately, I'm not." Tian Xue saw that Ye Lingtian didn't intend to come over, so she asked, "Are you really not coming over?"    


Ye Lingtian tilted his body and pointed at the stain on his butt. He said helplessly, "It's already like this, why move towards a clean place?"    


Tian Xue replied, her hands supporting her chin, looked at the distant He Lan Mountain, hesitated for a moment, then softly opened her cherry lips, and said: "If the treasury is ours, then it's fine if you give me twenty percent. Other than that, I only want twenty percent of the Golden Sands Sect and Xiao Hong Men's resources."    


F * ck, this is too big of a discrepancy from our previous agreement. Ye Lingtian blinked in fright and looked at Tian Xue in puzzlement: "That's too generous, are you joking with me?"    


"It's not that I'm generous, it's that you're too weak." Tian Xue smiled faintly at Ye Lingtian, "Having a strong partner is better than being a weak partner. If I encounter a heavy setback one day, the Yuanshen Pharmacy will be able to give me a hand."    


Ye Lingtian swallowed his saliva, and laughed dryly: "Stop joking, you should be protecting me with my Yuxiao Palace. With my little strength, I don't have the qualifications to pull you."    


"There's definitely going to be one in the future now. The trip to Yanchuan has widened my horizons, and your dazzling surveillance skills are really astonishing." Tian Xue pouted at Ye Lingtian's laptop, "Seeing how proficient you are in using it, I feel that our Intelligence Department has lagged behind by many years. In addition, I have also seen your background."    


"I have so much hidden strength, I can see through it with one glance." Ye Lingtian casually said.    


"NO!" Your foundation is not as simple as others see it to be. " Tian Xue's gaze was faint as she asked softly, "Actually, the reason why you had the Black Flag Army launch the missiles today was because you knew that the authorities would not pursue the matter, right?"    


Ye Lingtian scratched his head. "You're thinking too much, aren't you?"    


"Perhaps I really did think too much. For so many years, the officials have never had any say in Martial Sect matters. They also want to help a group of people search for existence in the Martial Sect World." Tian Xue held onto Blue Sea Azure Sky Sword and looked worriedly at Ye Lingtian, "Since ancient times, the most unreliable thing is the officials. When dealing with them, you have to be extremely careful, there are too many schemers gathered there, and they are too ruthless."    


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