The Urban Expert With Divine Eyes

C381 Red Eyed Beast

C381 Red Eyed Beast

2"Red-eyed Blood Bat, there are a total of 1,228 of them in the underground palace. Normally, they feed on human blood. Once I give the order... They will do whatever it takes to attack any living creature they see with all their might!"     1


The chief eunuch Wang Cheng'en took out a green bamboo whistle from his sleeve and played with it.    


"Human blood is also divided into three, six, and nine grades! Normally, I would ask Zhao, Qian, Sun and Li to kill the blood of the people on the ground. It's only the blood of ordinary people, which is far inferior to your strong bodies. Endurance and vitality are far more nutritious to Red-eyed Blood Bat than ordinary people. Hmph! "    


"Insane! Hunt down living people to obtain their blood to feed these feathered beasts. A dead eunuch, even if you die ten thousand times, it still won't be enough! "    


Ye Kai's hot blood was completely ignited, boiling.    


"This world is a world where the strong prey on the weak! Otherwise, how could the Ming Dynasty be destroyed? Why would His Majesty hang himself? Hmph!"    


The great eunuch, Wang Cheng'en, once again snorted coldly.    


" The reason why these Red-eyed Blood Bats are called the Divine Beast Protector is because they are determined to go forward. Their fearless nature and their overwhelming destructive power! Of course, gathering information is only the lowest level skill they usually have!"    


The chief eunuch, Wang Cheng'en, paused for a moment before continuing," Just as your men stepped into the underground palace, I gave the order. All the Red-eyed Blood Bat were hidden in the darkness, waiting for an opportunity. And now, this is a feast of flesh and blood. It was about to begin... So, hahahaha, you think your companions... Will there be a time when they are free? Hahahaha... Oh, yes, yes! There must be! When they were free, it was time for them to be sucked into dried corpses. Hahahaha..."    


The laughter of the old eunuch, Wang Cheng'en, was extremely horrifying in this spacious hall.    


As soon as his laughter faded, he placed the bamboo whistle in his mouth and slowly blew it.    


"Swoosh! Eh!"    


Before everyone could react, in an instant, three hundred meters away from the front of the hall, which was also the back of Xiao Qiwu's group, a huge black shadow appeared.    


At first glance, this black shadow was actually a huge bat with a wingspan of more than thirty meters! Moreover, there were countless red spots on the bodies of these huge bats!    


This monster's flying speed was not too fast. When it got close, everyone felt a chill run down their spines - how was that a huge bat?! It was a combination of thousands of Red-eyed Blood Bats the size of a palm! Those bright red spots... Those thousands of Red-eyed Blood Bats's eyes blinked. In the dark night, they looked particularly ferocious.    


These low-intelligence animals were actually able to gather together and form such a terrifying 'monster'!    


One had to know that one or two Red-eyed Blood Bats was nothing. Even if there were ten or eight well-trained and armed Special Forces members attacking them together, they would definitely not be able to make it back alive.    


However, once these thousands of Red-eyed Blood Bats formed a group, their attack and defense would not be as simple as a single addition. Instead, the change in quantity would cause a qualitative leap.    


"Everyone, calm down. Listen to my orders, fire at the same time!"    


Xiao Qiwu saw that a few of the young team members were swallowing their saliva non-stop. Their legs also began to tremble slightly. She immediately understood that if this continued, before the "red-eyed giant beast" rushed down to attack them, they would most likely be the first to throw themselves into chaos.    


Therefore, at this time, it was better to use the modern Big Killing Weapon in their hands to fight the 'red-eyed giant beast' and carve out a path of blood.    


Hearing Xiao Qiwu's tender cry, the somewhat fearful members of the team immediately calmed their minds.    


As members of the special police who had experienced hundreds of battles, their mental state far exceeded that of ordinary people. Now, they had only seen some unknown things and felt fear from the bottom of their hearts. However, when they thought about it, no matter what, these fellows were merely animals that flew over to eat the little bug (raw). When they thought about the Big Killing Weapon in their hands that was cold enough to destroy iron plates, how could they still be afraid?    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"    




All of a sudden, the tongues of fire in everyone's hands burst out with the strongest sound. The thirty to forty police special forces opened fire at the same time. The power of the long and short spears and cannons could be imagined.    


Sure enough, the speed of the "red-eyed giant beast" was much slower. Moreover, half of its huge "wings" were actually continuously dropping black things.    


In this round of shooting, there were at least forty to fifty Red-eyed Blood Bat that fell from the body of the 'big guy'.    


When the team members saw this, their hearts were immediately encouraged.    


However, encouragement was encouragement, but that 'red-eyed giant beast' had too many Red-eyed Blood Bats on its body one after another. These forty to fifty losses were completely harmless.    


Not to mention, the ammunition that the team members carried on their bodies was not unlimited. This was not a battle of life and death on the battlefield. What mattered was that there was sufficient ammunition. The team members only brought some essential ammunition with them, unless they let the reinforcements from the outside sneak into the underground palace again. Transporting the ammunition, it would not take long for the 'red-eyed beast' to be consumed by the Special Forces. After a certain number of 'civilians' were consumed by the 'red-eyed beast', the Special Forces members would only face one outcome - death!    


Of course, for the time being, everyone still had their ammunition, so they would not face such a dangerous situation. Therefore, everyone's attention was shifted from the Cosmos Black Tortoise Relic to the red-eyed beast. Besides, everyone knew that the red-eyed beast was locked in the same Cosmos Black Tortoise Relic as the team. Either it died or everyone died. There were only two outcomes. Therefore, the team members continued firing at the red-eyed beast, consuming its enormous body with bullets.    


The team members became more and more excited and bolder as they fought. Therefore, very few people had such a sense of crisis.    


But they didn't think that someone would think of it.    


In the main hall, they could only silently watch Ye Kai's team members. Xiao Qiwu, who was shooting while watching the entire situation, and the unarmed farmer uncle Sun Yaoyang, who had been frowning all this time, could only watch.    


They could all see that something was wrong.    


Finally, after five or six seconds, when the "red-eyed beast" was only five or six meters away from the SWAT team, there were no less than four to five hundred red-eyed beasts on the ground. Red-eyed Blood Bat. An older member beside Xiao Qiwu retreated to Xiao Qiwu's side, shooting as he spoke to Xiao Qiwu, "Captain Xiao, it's not good. Everyone's ammunition has basically been used. Next, besides using a dagger and a baton to fight with them, there is no other way!"    


Xiao Qiwu did not answer. Her almond eyes did not have the slightest bit of fear or cower.    


After a moment, Xiao Qiwu picked up the empty pistol. She shook the baton in her hand and shouted at the special police team members beside her, "Comrades, show us your police dagger and stick. We will give these animals a good lesson!"    




"[Understood Captain!]"    


"[I have long wanted to knock it to death. One word, do it!]"    




The SWAT team members were already red with bloodlust. How could they be afraid of this "red-eyed beast" that was clearly several hundred times stronger than them?    


This scene made people's blood boil. It was as if the martyrs of the older generation were facing hundreds of enemies whose weapons were far superior to theirs when they were charging forward. They blew their assault horn and pulled out their ghost heads blades.    


The thrill of bullets killing enemies was not as satisfying as sending away a few animals (living) who dared to offend China with a Bayonet!    


"Everyone, step back. Let me give it a try!"    


Just as everyone was prepared to fight to the death with the 'red-eyed beast', the middle-aged man dressed like a farmer behind them, who had been silent all this while, patted the shoulders of the SWAT team members in front of him. He said a simple sentence in a very convincing voice.    


After that, the team members made way for him unconditionally. It was as if this martial arts expert, who had appeared in an extremely high-profile manner and flew in with everyone's helmets, had an irresistible magic.    


Although they did not know the identity of this middle-aged man dressed like a farmer, at this moment, no one doubted whether he was a friend or an enemy.    


Xiao Qiwu heard Ye Kai mention this farmer uncle once. He should be the spiritual pillar in the Special Action Team where Ye Kai lived.    


"Uncle, be careful!"    


Xiao Qiwu thought of the middle part and immediately reminded him in a friendly manner.    


The farmer uncle Sun Yaoyang did not speak and only took a deep breath. His right foot heavily kicked the ground and he used the force to rise up. Like a cannonball, he rushed towards the "red-eyed giant beast" that had already begun to bend down.    


"Fast is slow, slow is fast! When you are fast to the extreme, in your own eyes, you are extremely slow! When you are extremely slow, in the eyes of the enemy, you will not be able to see your speed clearly! Ye Kai, pay attention!"    


The farmer uncle lightly slapped the "red-eyed giant beast" as he shouted loudly. At the end of his words, he actually brought Ye Kai out.    


"Fast is slow, slow is fast! When you are fast to the extreme, in your own eyes, it is extremely slow! When you are slow to the extreme, in the eyes of the enemy, it is impossible to see your speed clearly..."    


How could Ye Kai not know the intention of Sun Yaoyang's words as he fought? Immediately, he kept thinking about this sentence in his heart.    


On the other side, the farmer uncle Sun Yaoyang's palm collided with the first Red-eyed Blood Bat that approached him.    


This palm seemed to be very slow and slow. As long as the Red-eyed Blood Bat wanted to dodge, it would definitely be able to dodge it.    


However, that Red-eyed Blood Bat did not seem to have any intention of dodging at all. Or rather, it had never thought that such a slow palm would land on its body. If it took another step back, even if it was hit by the palm... It would be extremely difficult for it to cause any harm, right?!    




When the palm touched, the palm separated.    


The Red-eyed Blood Bat fell.    


If that was the case, Sun Yaoyang was afraid that he would be able to hand over his resignation to the upper peak of Special Action Team tomorrow, and return home to truly farm and herd cattle.    


After the Red-eyed Blood Bat fell to the ground, everyone discovered that at the same time, the dozen or twenty Red-eyed Blood Bat surrounding the palm also slowly fell to the ground. No one knew what had happened.    


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