System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C1344 Lure the Pursuers away

C1344 Lure the Pursuers away

2Fann Binn saw a familiar figure under the bright moonlight. This figure was different from the others. It was obviously a woman. Fann Binn was sure that this woman was the company commander of the Snow Eagle Special Battalion. Major. Qin Wenjing.    3


"We can't keep chasing like this. There is a forest not far ahead. If they go in and try to catch them all, it will be difficult! We have to think of a way to surpass them and stop them before they rush into the forest." Faang Xiang frowned as he ran. "Is there any way to slow them down?"    


Fann Binn looked at a large forest not far away from him and shook his head with a bitter smile." There is really no way to rely on us, unless there are other troops to support us. This is clearly not realistic. "    


" Then what should we do? Do we really have to watch them enter the forest?" Faang Xiang saw the distance between them getting bigger and bigger, and suddenly said something. " Why don't we go up and catch their heads?"    


Fann Binn was stunned, and then he said in a daze, "Just you and me?"    


"How about this? I'll whip a dozen warriors who have good physical fitness and run fast. I'll try my best to flank them from the side and scatter them." Faang Xiang smiled bitterly and said, "However, once we go to stop them, we have to be prepared to sacrifice our lives. Moreover, if we scatter them and fail to stop them, I'm afraid there will be fish that escaped the net. "    


Fann Binn hesitated for a moment. If he died here, it would not be worth it, because the communication equipment of the Snow Eagle Special Battalion would have to wait for him to crack it. If he died like this, wouldn't his plan to deal with the enemy be meaningless and worthless?    


As if he could see the apprehension in Fann Binn's heart, Faang Xiang hurriedly smiled and said, "How about this, I will go with the soldiers. You follow the main force and chase after them. Help me command the company."    


"I'll go with you." Recalling the blurry back view of Qin Wenjing when they chased, Fann Binn felt that there was a need to take the risk. He said to Faang Xiang, "I cannot die yet. Try to protect me."    


Faang Xiang nodded and understood what Fann Binn meant. He quickly pulled out more than a dozen soldiers who usually trained their feet the best. After entrusting the company to the deputy commander, they quickly separated from the main group with Fann Binn. They ran in a roundabout way and turned in the direction of the forest at the fastest speed possible.    


These soldiers were the best of the best in the off-road racing company, plus Faang Xiang and Fann Binn, who had trained well in martial arts. After reducing the weight on their bodies, they ran with all their might. They would probably be able to compete with the hungry wolves on the grassland. Right now, everyone was probably holding back a bit of energy in their hearts. They had completely wiped out the Snow Eagle Special Forces. What kind of honor was that? In the past, they almost didn't even dare to think about such an honor. Now that they had this opportunity, they would naturally use all their strength to race against the enemy.    


Because of the darkness, it was too easy for a team of more than ten people to hide. They ran with all their might and finally surpassed the retreating special forces, arriving at the edge of the forest. Although these heavily panting soldiers were tired to the point that their legs were about to break, they did not start to rest. Without saying a word, each and every one of them excitedly and consciously laid on the ground and began to prepare to attack.    


The enemy came very quickly, so the speed of the special forces' cross-country running was naturally not an exaggeration. When the enemy in the front rushed to the edge of a forest, the soldiers had even just finished setting up their firearms. Without any time to prepare, Faang Xiang shouted loudly and took out his pistol to shoot. " Hit him!!?"    


A wave of concentrated gunfire shot out from the edge of the forest, directly turning the enemy special forces who were not prepared at all into sieves. White smoke rose and the death alarm flickered non-stop. There were wolves in front of them and tigers behind them. The Special Forces soldiers who had been beaten until they were confused finally stopped in their tracks. They started to fire from both front and back.    


It had to be said that this was the first time Fann Binn felt the power of the special forces at such a close distance. Almost in a single exchange, three to four of the dozen soldiers who were defending were shot in the head. Of course, they were all wearing standard night vision goggles, but they were able to have such precise marksmanship in the darkness. They still had to accept it.    


Perhaps the special forces knew that they could not break through the encirclement without entering the forest, so they quickly charged again. However, this time, they were clearly prepared. They took one step at a time. The good marksmanship of the special forces was fatal, and that was the true power. Faang Xiang's scouts were all the best in the camp. But compared to these special forces soldiers, the difference was too great. In just a short period of time, more than half of the dozen soldiers had died. Even Fann Binn had almost been shot. If he hadn't dodged quickly... Smoke was coming out of his body and he was dead.    


This was the difference between a special forces soldier and a scout. Fann Binn had once heard Chiang Weiguo mention something. It was during the military competition when a scout took the number one shooter. He couldn't help but feel proud of himself, but later on, when he sparred with a special forces soldier, that scout was instantly killed ten times, making him not dare to call himself the king of guns ever again.    


From this small story, it could be seen that the scout was far from being a match for the special forces. Unless they used their advantage in numbers to launch an overwhelming attack, otherwise, the special forces would be like fish in water. This terrifying combat power would be magnified exponentially!    


Originally, Fann Binn did not think that the special forces were that powerful. He only felt that the quality of individual soldiers was a little higher. But now, he truly felt the true strength of the special forces. An ordinary charge. It was able to instantly break down the situation where Faang Xiang and a dozen soldiers were blocking the way. Such combat strength. It could only be described as terrifying!    


In the blink of an eye, more than half of the dozen soldiers were killed. Looking at the special forces soldiers charging towards them while shooting, Faang Xiang angrily roared and rushed forward with the rest of the soldiers, engaging in a flesh and blood battle with them! In a hand-to-hand combat, as long as one knocked down the opponent and used weapons to create a threatening move that was enough to kill them, one could press the death indicator on the opponent's waist and announce that he had been killed. Although there is no danger to his life, both sides are brave men. Naturally, neither side was willing to submit to the other, so the battle was obviously very intense.    


However, it was a pity that the special forces' skills were higher than theirs. Very quickly... Other than Faang Xiang who was still bitterly resisting, his other subordinates had either died in battle or were subdued. They no longer had the ability to threaten him. Faang Xiang's skills were not bad, and he was also very brave. But after all, his opponents were outnumbered. When he defeated the two special forces soldiers, he was also subdued. He could only die in battle.    


Fann Binn was currently hiding beside the trees at the edge of the forest and did not participate in the charge this time. If they could capture the leader of this group of special forces, it would naturally be more useful than anything else.    


What? Who was the leader of this group of special forces? Was there even a need to ask? Naturally, it was Major Miss Qin Wenjing! Without even thinking, Fann Binn disappeared into the forest. He quietly waited for the remaining soldiers of the Snow Condor Special Battalion to enter the deeper parts of the forest.    


"Leopard, how many of us are left?" Qin Wenjing wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the dense forest around her. She frowned at her subordinate beside her and said, "There aren't many people who rushed into the forest this time, right?"    


"A company of 80 people. They are now by your side. There are only 15 people left." The special forces soldier called Panther had a look of dissatisfaction and anger, "Hmph, shameless Red Army, they really aren't men. They only know how to launch sneak attacks every day, I really don't understand. Why are our tracks discovered by them? Our radio is silent, the communications have already been shut down a few days ago. After climbing the entire mountain range and falling off the cliff, they still found us. Why are they so brave? They have been waiting for us here for a long time. "    


Qin Wenjing did not reply. At this time, she was afraid that she was also confused. Logically speaking, the mission of ambushing the enemy's military was very secretive. Even within the legion corps, not many people knew about this operation plan. However, how could the enemy have predicted the first move and launched such a counter-attack? She originally wanted to destroy the enemy military, but when she looked at the dozen or so special forces soldiers beside her, she could not help but lose the possibility.    


"Company commander, let's hurry up and leave. There is still a large group of pursuers behind us. Although this forest is big, if they surround the entire forest... We won't be able to escape even if we have wings. " The leopard beside him couldn't help but remind, "The most important thing right now is to preserve our strength and rush out of the forest. Let the enemy not find us. "    


"Right, Snow Eagle Special Forces, we can't give up at all times!" Qin Wenjing quickly nodded her head and said firmly, "Even if there are only a dozen or so people left, we still have to work hard to attack. Attack, attack again! All the comrades in the 1st legion are looking at us, waiting for the news of our victory. We absolutely cannot fall here! "    


"Company Commander, let's go, we will slaughter our way to their headquarters. A dozen or so people, if we blow them up and catch them off guard... That's enough! " At this point, Leopard's face revealed a helpless expression, "Unfortunately, the deputy commander is dead. Otherwise, with his explosive skills... The enemy headquarters will definitely blow it up to the heavens! "    


"Now is not the time to think so much. The key is to get rid of this large group of pursuers." Qin Wenjing thought for a moment and said to Leopard Zi, "Leopard, you and them follow the east side of the forest that we had planned beforehand. I will lead the two to the west side to attract the attention of the pursuers."    


"What? Commander, how can this be, I, I can't leave you behind!" When Panther heard that, he was dumbfounded. He firmly shook his head and said, "No, I definitely won't abandon you and leave! The company can't lack you as the backbone!"    


" How did you know that I would die? Don't worry, after I lured the enemy away, I will come and join you. Sun Qian, Wang Xin, the two of you follow me. Lure the pursuers away! " When Qin Wenjing said this, she saw that Leopard still did not have any intention of leaving. She could not help but urgently say, "What are you still standing there for!"    


"Company Commander, I..." The leopard was still full of hesitation, stammering as it did not want to leave. "Commander, the commander told me that even if he died, let me go with Sun Qian and the others!"    


Qin Wenjing's beautiful eyes showed a trace of gratitude, but then she said with a cold face. "Sun Gan and Wang Xin are the best members of the anti-tracking team in the camp. The three of us have a tacit understanding, we can definitely leave. You can rest assured and bring the rest to carry out the orders! "    


"Yes!" Panther could only helplessly salute Qin Wenjing and say, "Company Commander, you must come back..."    


Qin Wenjing smiled at him and said, "What, you really treat this exercise as a war and are afraid that I will be captured by the enemy? Don't worry, with just these scouts, they will not be able to catch me. "    


Panther gave a silly smile and led the remaining special forces to the east of the forest.    


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