System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C954 Their Lives Shouldn't be Lost

C954 Their Lives Shouldn't be Lost

0Waves of intense pain spread from every corner of the body to the brain, and that kind of piercing pain even woke people up from a deep coma. In a trance, the sound of birds chirping could be heard without an end. In a daze, the bright and beautiful sunlight lazily warmed his heart...    1


It was as if he had been dreaming for a long time, and he was so exhausted that he wanted to sleep for a while longer. Yang Li opened her eyes in a daze and thought of the moment when she fell from the sky to the cliff. Her beautiful eyes suddenly opened wide. She immediately woke up!    


But before Yang Li could see anything, the intense pain from her body made her frown and close her eyes again. Her brain quickly recalled everything that happened before she fainted, but no matter how she thought about it, she only remembered the moment when she fell into the abyss. Then she did not know anything. She endured the pain and slowly opened her eyes again.    


A dazzling ray of sunlight shone on her beautiful but slightly scarred face, causing her to intentionally extend her hand to cover it. It was only at this moment that she discovered that she seemed to be in a very high position. Because her gaze had already seen the large plains below, the beautiful flowers that bloomed all over the mountains and plains! Here, there was an ocean of flowers...    


"I, I have arrived at heaven..." Yang Li subconsciously muttered to herself. The scene in front of her had an unimaginable beauty. Under the sunlight, the entire blooming flower swayed with the wind. The petals were flying everywhere, the color was so colorful that it was too much for one's eyes to take in. All of this made her feel like she was in a fantasy fairy tale world. It was as if she had returned to her childhood, to the world of the cartoon flower fairy that she had once watched. It was no wonder that she couldn't help but sigh at such a beautiful scene.    


"No!" Yang Li, who had recovered from the beautiful scenery, suddenly realized that something was wrong. "Why does my body hurt so much? If a person dies, will there still be pain?" At this moment, she finally reacted. The corner of her mouth revealed a trace of excitement and happiness. She said in surprise, "I'm not dead? I really am not dead!! Oh my god... I, I fell from such a high place, I actually didn't die!!"    


The feeling of surviving a disaster was always the best. Even if her entire body was in pain right now, she didn't care! Because as long as she was still alive, there was hope. That meant that there was still a future!    


However, very quickly, this kind of joy of surviving was replaced by nervousness and panic. She thought of a person, a person who fell into this bottomless abyss together with her from the cliff!    


"Fann Binn! Where is Fann Binn? Where's Fann Binn? " After thinking about Fann Binn who fell into the abyss with her, Yang Li finally felt an inexplicable fear and fear. The joy she felt for being alive was instantly wiped away, and her tears could not help but flow out again.    


Because she finally remembered that after falling into the cliff, Fann Binn had been using his body to protect her. The falling speed was so fast, but he had used his body to break five or six trees growing on the cliff. Only then did the two of them increase the resistance and slow down. It was also because of this that Yang Li was able to survive!    


At the beginning, she looked around for Fann Binn's figure. At this moment, Yang Li was completely dumbfounded once again. Because at this time, she discovered that she was not at a high place at all. Instead, she was actually hanging on a big tree! Her body was supported by countless tree branches, probably because of this. The tree branches acted as a buffer to prevent her from crashing into the ground and surviving...    


Being hung on a tree naturally made it very inconvenient for her to move. First of all, climbing down from the tree was a very difficult thing for Yang Li. Although she was anxious and wanted to find Fann Binn as soon as possible, if she did not go down from the tree and wanted to save him, where could she start? It was only at this moment that Yang Li, who had experienced the joy and sorrow of life and death, finally began to gradually calm down. After taking a few deep breaths, she began to carefully examine the injuries on her body.    


Overall, her injuries were not very serious. Other than the additional scratches and scratches on her body, there was only a slight fracture in one of her thighs. The intense pain came from her skin. The pink pajamas and pajamas on his body were completely torn. If Yang Li was given a mirror now, she definitely would not dare to look at her current embarrassing appearance. A good beauty had basically become a savage now. It was both helpless and somewhat funny.    


Carefully holding the tree trunk, she used her feet and hands to grab the tree branch and stepped on it bit by bit. Step by step, she slowly climbed down the tree. Fortunately, she recovered some strength in the coma. Compared to last night, although her injuries were more serious now, she had more strength. She no longer dared to hope for anything. Being able to survive was already her biggest wish. What was better than being able to survive?    


After reviving from the dead, Yang Li felt that the world had become even more beautiful. Only those who had died once would feel the preciousness and beauty of life more. The only thing she wanted to know now was the whereabouts of Fann Binn. Although she had a very bad premonition in her heart, she still forcefully endured the sadness and sadness. To her, even if Fann Binn had really encountered misfortune... She had to find him!    


She slowly climbed down from the top of the tree. When she saw the ground, Yang Li was surprised to find a familiar figure hanging on a tree branch that was not too tall. Who else could it be if it was not Fann Binn?    


"Fann Binn!!" Yang Li, who had found Fann Binn, couldn't help but shout excitedly. However, Fann Binn, who was opposite of her, didn't seem to hear her at all. He was still lying quietly on the branch without any reaction.    


In an instant, Yang Li's heart sank to the bottom of her heart.    


"No, no, you will be fine. You will be fine!" Yang Li's tears kept flowing out like broken pearls. She almost crazily jumped down from the tree. She did not care about the slight fracture of her thigh. There was only one thought in her mind right now, and that was to save Fann Binn. To be with him!    


"Putong..." Yang Li, who had jumped down from a high place, fell heavily to the ground. She endured the pain of falling and ran towards Fann Binn with a limp. Her eyes were filled with fear and fear, but at the same time, there was determination and courage in them. At this time, only she and Fann Binn in the world could save Fann Binn from the tree. Only she could be with Fann Binn!    


Gritting her teeth, she climbed up the tree with great effort. She grabbed Fann Binn by the collar and pulled him off the tree branch. However, the tree branch she stepped on could not bear the weight of the two of them, and even her body was dragged along with it. The two of them fell from the tree again. And this time, Yang Li took the initiative to hug Fann Binn. She placed her body under Fann Binn's body!    


"Bang!" Yang Li, who fell off the tree, made the simplest and most direct collision with the ground and made a dull sound. Fortunately, there were thick weeds and rotten leaves on the ground of the primitive forest. So, the collision did not cause any harm to Yang Li, so of course, the pain was unavoidable.    


"Fann Binn... Fann Binn, wake up. How are you?" Yang Li anxiously got up from the ground and endured the pain all over her body. She hurriedly looked at Fann Binn who was lying quietly in her arms. She patted his face and sobbed," Don't scare me. Wake up! "    


"Fann Binn, you will be fine, right? I have survived. You will definitely be able to survive too, right? I, I don't want anything to happen to you, you can't be! Quickly wake up!! " But... no matter how she shouted, Fann Binn did not respond.    


Staring blankly at Fann Binn who was quietly lying there, Yang Li seemed to have made the most painful decision. She gently shook her slender hand, which was covered in dirt and blood, and cried in pain. She used her finger to probe Fann Binn's nose.    


In an instant! Yang Li's eyes widened, and her eyes were filled with despair and pain. Her pretty face quickly turned pale, and the hand that she had extended out was quickly retracted.    


"No... Impossible, impossible..." Yang Li stared blankly at Fann Binn who was still quiet and muttered to herself. She shook her head and suddenly cried loudly, "Impossible! Fann Binn, you, how can you die? You won't die. You won't die!! Wuwuwu..."    


Yang Li cried so hard that her heart was tearing. She laid on Fann Binn's chest, and her whole body went limp. She did not have any strength left. Fann Binn's death was a hopeless blow to her. His death made her feel like she had lost her soul. She felt like the world was spinning and she had lost all her ability to think!    


Her hand could clearly feel that Fann Binn... had already stopped breathing.    


"Why?! Why did you leave?!" Yang Li punched Fann Binn's chest in pain. She cried in pain. "Why did you leave me alone? Why?! I said I was going with you, I'm not dead! Why did you die!? Why? Why?!"    


Yang Li's pink fists landed on Fann Binn's chest one after another. She was venting her anger. To vent her anger, Fann Binn did not bring her to hell with him. Instead, he left the best heaven for her! The scene of falling into the abyss appeared in her mind. The scene of Fann Binn using his body to block the impact again and again made her heart shatter.    


"Cough cough..." Just as Yang Li was about to pass out from grief, Fann Binn, who was lying on the ground, suddenly coughed! This shocked Yang Li, who was still beating Fann Binn. She froze on the spot.    


"Fann Binn?" When Yang Li reacted, she wiped the tears off her face in joy. She threw herself at Fann Binn and reached out to check his breath again. This time, the smile on her face grew wider and wider. Soon, she cried again. However, this time... She cried tears of joy.    


"Scoundrel! You big scoundrel! I knew it! You won't die so easily!!" Yang Li laughed and cried. She was about to extend her fist and punch again when she suddenly stopped herself. What kind of joke was this? Fann Binn was so weak right now. What would she do if she randomly swung her fists at him? Thinking of this, she quickly retracted her fist and snorted happily. " Hmph, when you recover from your injuries, I'll definitely bully you properly! Who told you to scare me? "    


As she muttered to herself, Yang Li supported Fann Binn's heavy body and was about to leave. However, she suddenly stopped in her tracks. She knew very well that although Fann Binn still had a breath left in him, but life could be in danger at any time. He had been poisoned and lost so much blood, and he had also suffered so many injuries. What he needed the most right now was treatment! However, she did not know what the abyss under the cliff looked like, so how could she talk about getting out of the mountain?    


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