System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C947 Fantasy

C947 Fantasy

1Fann Binn was just about to reach out and wake Lyi Yuyao up, but when he saw Lyi Yuyao's beautiful face with white genes, his head suddenly had an inexplicable stimulation, and Lyi Yuyao's beautiful face gradually began to change. Why did it suddenly become Faang Yixuan's face?    


"Hmm?" Fann Binn widened his eyes. After he shook his head, he found that the woman sleeping on the bed was still Faang Yixuan. No matter if it was her appearance, figure, or dress, they were all exactly the same as Faang Yixuan!    


"Knock knock knock!" Suddenly, there was a series of rapid knocks on the door. It was the knocking that made Fann Binn so scared that he woke up. He closed his eyes and gave himself a hard slap before opening his eyes again. He was surprised to find that the person lying on the bed was not Faang Yixuan. It was the sleeping Lyi Yuyao!    


"Fann Binn? Are you in the room?" Yang Li's soft voice came from outside the door. Fann Binn, who was shocked, suddenly quivered again. It was not a big problem for Lyi Yuyao to sleep on his bed, but if Yang Li saw it, that would really cause a big misunderstanding!    


No, he definitely could not let Yang Li find Lyi Yuyao here! Fann Binn quickly made a decision in his mind. Misunderstanding was the most powerful thing. If it was spread out, he would not be able to clear it even if he jumped into the Yellow River.    


"Hey, Yuyao? Wake up, quickly wake up!" After Fann Binn hesitated for a while, he still decided to wake Lyi Yuyao up. After all, it was easier to hide a lot when people woke up. Otherwise, Yang Li would see it at first glance when lying on the bed.    


But something strange happened. No matter how Fann Binn pushed her, she did not react at all, as if she was dead. However, Fann Binn reached out and tried to breathe, only to find that his breathing was very stable. There was no problem. Could it be that he was in a deep coma? No way. Who would deliberately make Lyi Yuyao faint? He really felt that it was a little strange. If Lyi Yuyao had walked into the wrong room, how could she explain that?    


"Strange, is she not here? But why is the light in the room on?" Yang Li's muttering voice sounded from outside the door again.    


Now he did not have time to give Fann Binn so much consideration. He could only clench his teeth. He covered Lyi Yuyao with the blanket and covered her with his backpack, which only contained some daily necessities, in a panic. Finally, it looked a lot more natural.    


It was only at this moment that Fann Binn took a few deep breaths and shouted towards the door, "Come, come..." He walked to the door and quickly opened it.    


Yang Li, who was wearing pink pajamas and dressed like a housewife, was standing outside the door gracefully. When she saw Fann Binn open the door, she immediately revealed a sweet smile and said, "I thought you were not in the room and wanted to look for you in the vicinity. Clan Head Bai and the others have all left, right?"    


"Yes, yes, they have all left. Come in and sit. It's so cold outside. If you have anything to say, say it in the room. " Fann Binn smiled awkwardly and stretched out his hand to make a welcoming gesture. In fact, as long as one observed carefully, one would notice that his eyes were still somewhat panicky and nervous.    


Yang Li walked into the house alone. Since this was a mountainous area, spring was still relatively cold, so there was usually a stove in the house to keep warm. Bai Zhennan had already instructed his clansmen to prepare this kind of charcoal stove in Fann Binn's room, so the temperature in the house was still very different from outside.    


As soon as she entered the house, Yang Li rubbed her slightly red hands and swept them in all directions. She smiled and said, "This room of yours is not bad. The stove is facing the bed and it is very warm. My room is a little crooked so it is cold. But it will be fine as long as I get under the covers."    


"Hehe. Is that so? I haven't even noticed it yet." Fann Binn smiled awkwardly. He glanced over at the bed from time to time. What Fann Binn was most afraid of now was Yang Li finding that Lyi Yuyao was still sleeping on his bed. So the most important thing now was to find a way to invite Yang Li out. In order to prevent any delays and dreams. "That, Teacher Yang Li, you are looking for me this late at night. Is there something wrong?"    


"Oh, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. In the afternoon. Lyi Yuyao told me that she wanted me to teach her more about languages. She said that she wanted to learn more from me at night, so I went to look for her just now. However, she found that there was no one in her room. It seemed that she was not in the room. I thought she came to look for you to study, but it seems like she's not here either. Then she must be at Jie Donglai's place. It's already so late, she can't possibly go anywhere else."    


Yang Li roasted the fire and sat by the stove with a smile, "You are really being said that Lyi Yuyao is really a smart girl. I taught her a few Tang poems and she knows how to recite them all at once. She is simply a genius."    


" Hehe. Is that so..." When Fann Binn heard Yang Li mention Lyi Yuyao, he felt a wave of fear. At this moment, he was really in a difficult situation that he could not put into words. Because Lyi Yuyao was sleeping on his bed! He had no choice but to laugh perfunctorily after thinking about it. " Yes, I also think Lyi Yuyao is quite smart. But she is a little averse to knowledge. Uh... "    


Just as Fann Binn said this, his gaze suddenly became unfocused for a short period of time. When he once again focused his gaze on Yang Li's beautiful face sitting beside the stove, he was surprised to find that something strange had happened again! Yang Li had disappeared without a trace and was replaced by a professional suit. Wu Qi, who was looking at him with a charming smile!    


"Fann Binn? What happened to you?" "Wu Qi" seemed to feel that something was wrong with him and asked caringly, "Why do you look a little... unnatural?"    


" No, I'm fine... " Fann Binn shook his head violently and forced himself to open his eyes, but he still saw Wu Qi!    


"Are you sure... you're really alright?"    


Fann Binn, who was originally calm, finally looked a little absent-minded at this moment. His breathing started to quicken again. His eyes stared at the full and attractive part of "Wu Qi" in front of him.    


"I... I..." Fann Binn slowly walked towards "Wu Qi" and slowly raised his hands. Without any suspense, Fann Binn hugged "Wu Qi" tightly and completely hugged her in his arms.    


"Fann Binn? You, what are you doing? Hurry... Let go of me!" Wu Qi, who was in his arms, seemed to be in a panic. She was struggling to resist!    


" No, don't do this! Fann Binn, I am your teacher, I am your teacher!!"    


"Teacher?" Wu Qi's panicked shout caused Fann Binn's movements to suddenly stop!    


Wu Qi, who was in Fann Binn's arms, took this opportunity to break free and gave him a hard slap on the face. This slap... Fann Binn immediately regained his senses. When he looked at the beauty in front of him again, he found that Wu Qi had already disappeared without a trace. The only thing left was Yang Li, whose pajamas were a little messy and her beautiful red eyes were sad and crying.    


"I'm sorry... Teacher Yang Li, I, I don't know what happened to me. Maybe I drank too much and had an illusion. I, I really..." Fann Binn explained in a hurry. He already knew that he had made a very serious mistake.    


Yang Li cried and did not speak, but her eyes were also filled with doubt. She knew very well what kind of person Fann Binn was. He had always been polite to her. Respect was good. Not to mention anything else, given Fann Binn's status, what kind of beautiful girl would not like her? How could he possibly do such a thing to him? So, this definitely wasn't his intention. Perhaps... Did he really drink too much?    


"Enough, you, calm down, calm down. Maybe he really drank a bit too much. I, I'll go back to sleep first. What happened today... I, I'll just pretend it never happened " Yang Li blushed and finally chose to forgive Fann Binn's actions towards her. At least in her eyes, Fann Binn was not such a person. An awkward misunderstanding had already occurred. There was no longer any meaning in staying here any longer. She turned around and walked towards the door, wanting to return to her room to calm everyone down.    


"Just as Yang Li's hand was holding onto the handle of the door, there was suddenly a knock on the door again. She was so scared that she hurriedly retracted her hand. She hurriedly turned her head and looked at Fann Binn with a panicked expression.    


"Fann Binn? You are in the room, right? Open the door. I have something to tell you. " Zhi Donglai's voice came from outside the door, causing both of them to panic.    


If nothing had happened just now, perhaps Yang Li would have opened the door without any hesitation. At this moment, the red cloud on her face had not disappeared, and her clothes were a little messy. Opening the door at this time, she really felt guilty.    


Actually, not to mention Yang Li, Fann Binn felt even more guilty. The only thing he could think of in an instant was how to hide Yang Li. What a joke. In the middle of the night, their clothes were messy in the same room. Moreover, it was the relationship between the teacher and the student. If Jie Donglai saw this, even if he had eight mouths, he still wouldn't be able to explain it!    


However, the room was only so big. Where should he hide? Not only Fann Binn was anxiously thinking about this problem, even Yang Li had a tacit understanding as she began to search for a place to hide in all directions.    


Very quickly, Yang Li hurriedly walked to Fann Binn's bed before he noticed her. She was about to lift the blanket! This time Fann Binn was completely dumbfounded. That damn woman, Lyi Yuyao, was under the blanket! He rushed over and tried to cover himself with the blanket, but there was no time to stop her. Yang Li already saw Lyi Yuyao sleeping soundly under the blanket.    


In an instant, Yang Li turned her head and stared at Fann Binn with a very complicated expression. There was questioning, surprise, doubt, and disgust. There was even a slight sense of... disappointment? If it wasn't for the people outside the door, she would have already called out. She would have asked Fann Binn what was going on.    


"Fann Binn? Hurry up and open the door. I am Jie Donglai! Are you inside? "Jie Donglai's voice sounded again from outside the door. This completely interrupted the questioning look in Yang Li's beautiful eyes. She anxiously gritted her teeth and could only crawl under Fann Binn's blanket. She covered it up.    


The two of them were sleeping under the blanket, and it looked very obvious. Fortunately, Fann Binn covered the big backpack with the blanket, which made it look more natural. If one did not look carefully, one would not be able to see that there was someone under the blanket.    


"Here... Here it comes!" Fann Binn's head seemed to have passed out for a while. He could not help but smile bitterly. He secretly blamed himself that he could not drink the white rice wine of the White Sand Oceans in the future, and that he would hallucinate if he drank too much. It was really strange. It was such a coincidence tonight, the only four people who lived in White Village Primary School. All of them had gathered in his room. Did you say you wouldn't see a ghost?    


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