System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C869 A Real Killer(3)

C869 A Real Killer(3)

3"What did you say?" Fann Binn was stunned. He was shocked! What kind of joke was this? What did Faang Yixuan mean? In other words, she had discovered the pervert who had almost molested her last night. The expression she revealed was very similar to Fan Xiao's? Wasn't that equivalent to saying that the criminal was very likely not Fan Hui? But Fan Xiao? When Fann Binn thought of this, he immediately smiled and shook his head, "How is this possible? Fan Xiao is such an honest person, how could he do such a thing?"    


"I, I only felt that it was similar. I didn't say that it must be him. Anyway, your big brother always gives me a very disturbing feeling... I don't know if it was because I was too traumatized." Faang Yixuan curled her lips and said, "I also feel that... Fan Hui might not be that criminal. Although I did not see clearly the fellow who tried to molest me last night, based on my intuition, I still feel that... Fan Hui might not be like that."    


After Fann Binn heard Faang Yixuan's words, he immediately frowned deeply. If what she said was true, then the entire Fann family might have misunderstood Fan Hui. Was this possible? Actually, he still found it unbelievable and unbelievable. In the entire Fann family, besides Fan Hui, who else would have ulterior motives towards Faang Yixuan? Fan Xiao? That was even more impossible!    


Although Fann Binn felt that it was impossible, Faang Yixuan's words still gave him some inspiration. Yes, everything had to be based on solid evidence. It was absolutely impossible to wrongly accuse a good person. The result that was based on deductions was inadvisable no matter what. Even if they were arrested in the police station, without sufficient evidence, they could not be convicted. Therefore, he had to find sufficient evidence to convict Fan Hui!    


"Fan Hui! I will seriously ask you one more time. Are you sure you did not molest Faang Yixuan?" Fann Binn looked at Fan Hui seriously and said seriously, "This is the last chance I will give you. You have to think carefully before you answer. I tell you, you must not harbor any hope, because you have never admitted that you were guilty. Then I can give you a chance to investigate again. However, if all the evidence is enough to prove that you did it, from now on, I don't have you as my second brother. You will be my enemy! I will make you beg for death. Are you willing to seize this opportunity? "    


When he heard that Fann Binn still wanted to give Fan Hui a chance, Fan Xiao couldn't help but be dissatisfied, "Fann Binn, what chance do you have for such a scum? Just arrest him at the police station. I just can't stand it..."    


"Shut up!" Fann Binn glared at Fan Xiao and said coldly, "None of you should interrupt me today. Since I am the one investigating this matter, the people of Fann family can only accept the investigation and not comment!"    


When Fann Binn's imposing manner rose to the sky, the people of Fann family immediately shut their mouths. Fan Xiao wanted to say something but was stopped by his father, Fan Zhongyi. He shook his head lightly.    


Although the Fann family only knew the strength of the patriarch, Fan Jiacheng, they all knew. A young man whom Fan Jiacheng treated so well, could he not do it? No one would be willing to offend him if he wasn't provoked. Besides, even the old man beside him had not spoken.    


Fan Hui stared blankly at the tall Fann Binn standing in front of him. A ray of light shone down from the sky, shining brightly. It enveloped Fann Binn and made him shine like a god.    


"I... have no sin!" Fan Hui gritted his teeth and kneeled heavily on the ground, kowtowing heavily. He clenched his fists and choked. "Fann Binn, I did not do anything bad. I really did not do anything bad. I am willing to let you investigate. Even if I have to die, I will not tarnish my father's reputation! He clenched his fists and said, Fann Binn, I did not do anything bad. I really did not do anything bad. I am willing to let you investigate. Even if I have to die, I will not tarnish my father's reputation! I am not a filial son. I am a useless man! But... Useless doesn't mean that I can be bullied by others, but it doesn't mean that I have to bear all the responsibilities! I am also a person. I also want my dignity. I also have to have my own personality!"    


" Alright! Just based on your words, I should carefully investigate the entire matter! Don't worry Liu, as long as you are truly wronged. I will return your dignity as a human to you! " Fann Binn looked into Fan Hui's eyes, his eyes were filled with determination. From this moment on, Fann Binn already knew that Fan Hui might really have been wrongly accused. If he was a real sinner, he wouldn't be so magnanimous. He wouldn't even reveal the slightest bit of guilt or luck in his heart.    


Of course, this did not mean that Fan Hui had nothing to do with this matter. At the very least, he was still the most suspicious suspect.    


"Yixuan, tell me what happened again. The important thing is what happened when you were fighting with that pervert." Fann Binn held Faang Yixuan's little hand tightly and comforted her firmly. " Don't worry. Speak boldly, I'm here. Whoever dares to hurt you, I will make them regret coming to this world! "    


Faang Yixuan lightly nodded her head, her eyes still revealed some fear. Perhaps she still had some inexplicable fear towards last night. Fann Binn thought for a while and said, "How about this, I will ask and you answer. Try to think about what happened. Okay? "    


"En..." Faang Yixuan nodded vigorously.    


"The pervert who molested you used a hood to cover your eyes and covered your mouth with his hand. He didn't want you to cry for help. Right? " Fann Binn frowned." Then, did he use violence on you? Or did he get hurt during the conflict? "    


Faang Yixuan thought about it carefully and replied, "I was so scared at that time that I couldn't see clearly. I could only use my hand to press against his chest and try not to let him get close to my body. At that time, I had a feeling that this man should be very strong. Because when I pressed against his chest, I felt that he was very strong. Moreover, he was very strong. If I hadn't used all my strength, I wouldn't have been able to resist him at all. "    


" Oh? You mean the criminal has a strong body?" Fann Binn was stunned. He directly grabbed Fan Hui, who was kneeling on the ground with a desolate expression, and pulled him in front of Faang Yixuan." Yixuan, put your hand on his chest and see if he is strong or not. "    


Faang Yixuan blushed a little shyly and reached out her small hand to press against Fan Hui. She shook her head and said, "Second brother Fan Hui's body is very thin and weak. It is not the physique of the bad guy from last night."    


"Are you sure?" At this moment, Grandfather Fan Jiacheng, who was sitting beside her, suddenly stood up from his chair. There was an obvious look of surprise in his old eyes. "Yixuan... You have to think clearly. This is related to reputation. It is not a joke!"    


"I, I..." Faang Yixuan was frightened by Fan Jiacheng and immediately lowered her pretty face in fear. She said, "I remember that I had this feeling at that time, but whether it was real or not... I really do not dare to be 100% sure..."    


Fann Binn nodded. Indeed, just based on this point, it was not entirely possible to say that Fan Hui's name had nothing to do with this matter. Faang Yixuan, who was in a state of panic at that time, was very likely to make a wrong judgment. Of course, she could not be so hasty in confirming it.    


"Yixuan, continue to recall. I heard from my uncle that when he saw you, you fainted on the floor of the bathroom. Right? " Fann Binn frowned. "How did you get knocked out by that bad guy?"    


Faang Yixuan thought for a while and said with some lingering fear, "At that time, I was in a hurry and used my legs to kick that person's legs. I used it to kick that person's legs. Mouth facing. The man covered my palm and bit me. Only then did he let go of his hand in pain. Only then did I have the chance to call out for help. Perhaps that bad guy got angry from embarrassment and slapped me on the left cheek. That slap was very powerful, so I was directly knocked unconscious... Later on, when I woke up, Eldest Uncle and the others arrived."    


Fann Binn nodded. After thinking for a while, he came in front of Fan Hui. He thoughtfully picked up Fan Hui's right palm and looked at it. He said to him," Stand up and take two steps. I'll take a look. "    


Fan Hui did not know what Fann Binn was going to do, but he still stood up with difficulty. Because his second uncle Fan Youzhi, who was also his father, had hit him with a stick, so now, he felt a lot of pain when he moved his body. He gritted his teeth and stood up. He followed Fann Binn's instructions and walked a few steps on the spot.    


Fann Binn looked at his footsteps as he walked. He stared at his body for a while before he turned to Fan Jiacheng, the head of the family. "Grandfather, I think... I can already prove that we have wronged Fan Hui in this matter. He did not do it. There is another person who wanted to molest Yixuan! "    


" What... what did you say? " Fan Jiacheng was so shocked that he stood up from his chair again. That old body of his seemed so tall and straight. His face full of frown was filled with shock. Obviously, he was stunned by Fann Binn's conclusion. His eyes were filled with disbelief.    


Not only Fan Jiacheng, but all the people of the Fann family in the courtyard were stunned as well. It was as if the impossible thing in their hearts had become a possibility and a miracle had suddenly occurred! Fan Hui was actually not the pervert who molested Faang Yixuan? This made them, who had already determined the truth, unable to accept it. Could there be someone in the Fann family who was more idle and worse than Fan Hui? Fann Binn's sentence was equivalent to pushing the Fann family into an ugly abyss!    


There was bound to be someone responsible for this matter. Fan Hui was fine now. This proved that there must be someone else who wanted to go into the water. Instantly, everyone present began to feel threatened. They did not want to become the scapegoat because of a misunderstanding and some fake evidence that they did not have...    


"Fann Binn, this is not a joke. What evidence do you have to prove that Fan Hui is not guilty?" Fan Jiacheng's face was dark. Of course he knew the trouble after Fan Hui was not guilty. This also meant that in the Fann family where he held power, there was someone even worse than Fan Hui!    


Fann Binn grabbed Fan Hui's hand and said coldly. " First of all, Yixuan had clearly said that she had bitten the criminal's palm. It caused him to be in so much pain that he had no choice but to let go. But everyone came to take a look. Fan Hui's right hand did not have any bite marks at all! Secondly, Yixuan said that she was knocked unconscious by that bastard's slap. Clearly, this guy's hand strength must be very strong."    


" But when I look at this palm, there is no calluses on it at all. Coupled with his thin and weak body, do you think he can knock someone out with a single slap? Regardless of whether you believe it or not, I don't believe it! Thirdly, from the way Fan Hui walked just now, his lower body could not be injured at all, and Yixuan had said that... She had once kicked the criminal twice, and it was obvious that the kick had hurt him. In other words, the lower half of the criminal's body must have been hurt. It's impossible for him to walk so easily!"    


"Based on these three points, I have every reason to infer that... Fan Hui is innocent, he was wrongly accused!" Fann Binn looked at Fan Hui and said firmly, "We can't let any bastard get away with his punishment, and we absolutely can't let any good man get wrongly accused!"    


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