System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C809 Winning the Case(1)

C809 Winning the Case(1)

0At this time, Teng Zhan Zhijian seemed to be whispering something to Ling Yongchen and Ling Gao at the defendant's seat. He was probably still discussing the strangers he had never seen at the venue. From the cold and ugly faces of Ling Yongchen and Teng Zhan Zhijian, it could be seen that they were clearly not prepared for the plaintiff's sudden appearance. They probably never would have dreamed that Wu Qi would actually return with a shot at the moment of complete defeat, right?    


"Fann Binn. Aiya, I finally found you." Just as Fann Binn was observing the people on the defendant's side, he suddenly felt a knock on his left shoulder. He turned his head and saw Zhang Manrou, who had two braids and wore a white Yu Rong vest, pulling her sister Yang, who was still wearing an ancient palace dress, to appear in front of him. He could not help but be surprised, "Why are you guys here? Quickly sit down."    


After Zhang Manrou and Yang Yuyan sat down, Yang Yuyan first asked, "How is it? Is everything done? "    


"Everything is done! I really have to thank you, Miss Yang. You have really helped us too much. You are the benefactor of Fann Binn!" Fann Binn was really grateful to Yang Yuyan, even though he had not had much contact with her. At least her method had opened his heart and allowed him to get out of the dead end.    


"You are too polite, Fann Binn. I have already said that I am just trying to figure out the theory. I didn't do anything practical, nor did I give you any help. You won't receive rewards without merit. I really can't afford to be called a benefactor. " Yang Yuyan waved her hands and said, "If you keep talking about me like that, my life will be shortened."    


Fann Binn couldn't help but smile and nod, "Alright. A great kindness cannot be expressed with words of thanks. Just look at my performance." He remembered all the gratitude in his heart.    


"Look, the debate is about to begin." Zhang Manrou looked like she was watching a movie and said helplessly, "I forgot to buy popcorn."    


Fann Binn did not know whether to laugh or cry. This Zhang Manrou was really someone who did not fear the heavens and earth...    


"Your Honor, I don't think my client needs to add anything else. At least all the facts and evidence are as I said at the last court session. She has also received the support of most of the people in the society." Teng Zhijian stood up first and said to the judge, "Anyone can imagine that a pharmaceutical company that produces almost half of the medicine in the country will spread the news of producing fake medicine and inferior medicine. How serious will it be?! This is simply irresponsible towards society. This is blasphemy to the people! Such a vile act must be stopped in time, must be severely punished! I don't know, your Honor, what are you waiting for? Why is there a second court session?"    


" Counselor, you've said a lot of things you shouldn't have said. Please pay attention to the impact. This judge has decided to hold a second hearing because the prosecution has new evidence and rebuttals of your argument. As long as you are a citizen of this country, you have the right to speak and defend. Please do not use the hypotheses of not having a conclusion and a verdict to confuse the public. Since the defense lawyer does not want to add anything, then we will have to ask the defense lawyer to defend." The judge warned Teng Zhijian and said to the defense lawyer," The defense lawyer will be changed from Lawyer Wang to the world-famous Lawyer Bolton, and Lawyer Bolton will be the one to defend his client. "    


"Hello everyone, my name is Bolton, I'm from America." Lawyer Bolton waved at the audience in the court, then said with a serious face. "Your Honor, please allow me to gather the witnesses and suspects who appeared last time. Including Mr. Ling Gao on the defendant's stand."    


"Alright, we agree with the prosecution's lawyer's application" The judge nodded in agreement, and the judicial police immediately brought the witnesses, Hua An Sheng, the suspect Feng Xizhi, Bao Yanzhe, and Sang Huai, to court.    


"First of all, I would like to ask Mr. Bao Yanzhe. The last time you held a court hearing, you said that you kidnapped your classmate Lee Shan because you loved her. And Lee Shan likes other boys, so you kidnapped her in a moment of desperation. Ling Gao didn't kidnap anyone, right? "Bolton's first question was about Bao Yanzhe, because he was a standard westerner. Thus, he was very tall and sturdy, which naturally gave Bao Yanzhe a certain amount of psychological pressure.    


" Yes, yes, it's true... " Although Bao Yanzhe's words were a little stuttering, he still gritted his teeth and nodded to confirm it.    


"Well then, since you only admit that you kidnapped Lee Shan, ling Gao did not participate in the kidnapping. He only knew that you failed to kidnap her and was afraid that you would be implicated. He escaped with you, didn't he? "Bolton saw that Bao Yanzhe nodded again, turned around, and said to the audience, "Everyone, did my client get kidnapped and say that there was no proof? The real proof is evidence. Now I'll play an audio for everyone. Please listen to what's going on here. "    


Soon, Bolton played the audio. Fann Binn knew very well. This recording was recorded in Wu Qi's office when Ling High Pressure called him in a low voice to threaten him after Mieko and Lee Shan were kidnapped that day. He understood the general contents of the recording very well. When the audio was released by Bolton's hands, it immediately caused many people to whisper and be surprised.    


"People might be surprised who the voice of the kidnapper is in this audio." Bolton smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, modern scientific methods can solve this problem." After he said that, he handed a report to the judge on the table. " Your Honor, this is the most authoritative research report from the Beijing Institute of Sound. The report states that this recording is very real. Moreover, according to the investigation, after analysis, it was found that the voice frequency of the kidnapping leader was exactly the same as Ling Gao's voice. In other words, the source of this voice is precisely Ling Gao! "    


"Bao Yanzhe just told me that Ling Gao didn't participate in the kidnapping. Then, where did this recording come from? Even the most authoritative Beijing Sound-Controlling Research Institute has issued a report, but you actually refused to admit that Ling Gao was involved in the kidnapping. What is your intention? Can I assume that Ling Gao was completely involved in the kidnapping? However, in order to cover up his crimes, you concealed the truth?"    


"This..." Bao Yanzhe's eyes widened and he did not know how to answer. He definitely did not expect this. It was estimated that all the members of the defendant did not expect Fann Binn to record the recording of Ling Gao threatening him to hand over the agreement and the 10 million kidnapping number. He could also use high-tech means to restore the recording and match Ling Gao's normal voice!    


"If you can't answer it, then it means that you have tacitly agreed. In that case, ling Gao's involvement in the kidnapping is indeed true? " Bolton came to such a hypothetical conclusion, and the audience at the scene was immediately shocked by the discovery of such a huge piece of evidence at the start of the trial. At that moment, there was an uproar.    


"Objection! Your Honor, the prosecution's lawyer is slandering our client and concluding the hypothetical facts!" Although Teng Zhijian also revealed a look of panic, he still did not forget his role as a lawyer. He reached out his hand to protest.    


"The protest is valid, please pay attention to your words and actions." The judge agreed with Teng Zhijian's protest.    


"Yes, Your Honor. My assumption may not be in line with the judicial procedure. Yes, Your Honor, my hypothesis may not be in line with the judicial procedure." Bolton took out another report and handed it to the judge. " Your Honor, this is a criminal expert specially invited by the capital. After an evaluation of the mountains near the Ling family's old residence and the interior of the old residence, the report found traces of DNA left behind by two women in the old residence. One of them was a DNA sample of Ling Gao. Later, I can call the witness Lee Shan for questioning. "    


Bolton suddenly turned his head towards the defendant's seat. Ling Gao, who had a surprised expression, smiled and said, "And I can explain now why Ling Gao originally wanted to kidnap Wu Qi. But Wu Qi was not kidnapped. That was because Ling Gao's subordinate Hu Ba caught the wrong person on the day of the incident! The person he caught was another woman who temporarily lived in Wu Qi's house. Her name was Nitta Mieko! The two people who were arrested were actually Lee Shan and Nitta Mieko. This is the exact same data as the experts' DNA analysis!"    


When Bolton mentioned Nitta Mieko's name, Teng Zhaijian was obviously stunned. His eyes instantly locked onto Fann Binn, who was sitting in the stands. That's right, exposing Nitta Mieko was Fann Binn's intention. Since the Yamaguchi-gumi already knew that Mieko was in his hands, there was no need to hide anymore. Mieko was the target of the kidnapping. Her appearance... It immediately explained many problems. At least, it could allow the Ling Family to be completely passive in kidnapping!    


The facts proved that everything, including the witnesses and physical evidence, was there. Everything that Teng Zhijian had said during the last court session had been completely overturned. Ling Gao had once again become the main culprit in the kidnapping incident. Besides the fact that he was destined to be unable to shake off the shadow of the kidnapping case...    


"Next, I have to tell you about the situation regarding the fake medicine case in Wu's Group." The moment Bolton said that, everyone immediately quieted down. Because the reason why this case could attract so much attention from the media and the people. It was because of the case of Wu's Group producing fake medicine and inferior medicine. On the contrary, no one was more interested in the kidnapping case.    


"Feng Xizhi, you said you were secretly contacting the purchasing department manager of Wu's Group, Mr. Sang Huai. You gave him a large batch of fake medicine and inferior medicinal herbs, right? I have seen your list, but I must say that... I hope you can answer one of my questions." Bolton looked at Feng Xizhi, quietly looking at him.    


"What do you want to ask?" With Bao Yanzhe's example, Feng Xizhi looked even more nervous. He looked at Bolton vigilantly and said loudly, "I did give Manager Sang a lot of fake medicine and inferior medicines. Many of those medicines were bought from Watson's company!"    


"Are you sure? Are you sure the fake medicine was bought from Hua Ansheng's company and then given to Manager Sang?" Bolton pointed at the national emblem in court and said, "Please note, everything you say is under the national emblem. You must be responsible for every word you say! If you dare to make false testimony and perjury, you will be even more guilty! "    


"I... I am sure that what I said is the truth!" In the end, Feng Xizhi still insisted on what he said.    


"You are lying!" Bolton's words instantly made Feng Xizhi take a step back. With a cold expression, he directly picked up a document from the table and said, "This clearly records the purchase orders and delivery orders of the company that Hua An Sheng opened. It also clearly states that all the medicines he bought were of poor quality. It's not fake medicine at all!"    


"You don't believe it? It doesn't matter, the list and contact numbers of all the purchasers are all here. You can go and check! Because inferior medicine can be circulated in the world, but it can't be used to make medical medicine. And selling fake medicine is against the law! So from this point of view, you're lying! Because Hua An Sheng didn't sell any fake medicine at all!"    


" Secondly, you said that you would sell these medicinal herbs to Manager Sang. It would be an even bigger joke!" Bolton strode forward step by step, closing in on Feng Xizhi, whose face had already turned pale, and said with a sneer. " It's more like you're using your words to fool people who don't know medicine. You want to use it as evidence to prove that Wu's Group sells fake medicine? I really don't know what kind of trouble you have in your heart! "    


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