System: The Cultivation Expert In The Campus

C180 To Repay a Debt of Gratitude

C180 To Repay a Debt of Gratitude

3"That's right. Brother Fann Binn's car is very comfortable and beautiful." Fann Binn wanted to lie and say that he borrowed it, but Li Tong Tong didn't forget to add more details to the story. It made him lose his temper. He swallowed the excuse back into his mouth.    


Looking at his mother's questioning eyes, Fann Binn could only admit, "Mom, it can't be helped. Jiangde is too big, it's more convenient to buy a car... This car is not expensive, don't worry."    


"Hmph, you only know how to spend money randomly." Fann Binn's mother glared at her son and suddenly thought of something. She turned to Wu Qi and asked, "Miss Wu, did you ask Fann Binn to buy a car?"    


"Huh?" Wu Qi did not react when she heard that. When she woke up, she quickly shook her head and said, "No no no, Auntie, I have my own car, I..."    


"You also have a car?" Fann Binn's mother heard that Wu Qi, a girl, actually had her own car. She could not help but ask curiously, "Is your family very rich? I saw you have a car at such a young age?"    


Fann Binn smiled bitterly and did not explain. Aunt Li, who was at the side, could not bear to look at him. She could not help but speak up for him, "I say, Sister-in-law Fan. Actually, you really found a good wife. Miss Wu is the big boss of a pharmaceutical company, not to mention other things. Her assets are at least over 100 million. "    


"What did you say? Sister Li, you said... she has a company worth more than 100 million? My God... A hundred million... What kind of concept is that?" Fann Binn's mother stared at Aunt Li with her mouth agape. She was so shocked that the chopsticks in her hands almost fell onto the table.    


Fann Binn was afraid that his mother would be scared, so he hurriedly explained, "Mom, that's the family's business, not Wu Qi's alone. She just helped to manage it."    


"Oh, it's like that... In other words, Miss Wu, you are now the Lady Boss? " Fann Binn's mother responded, but her expression had obviously changed.    


Wu Qi saw Fann Binn's mother's expression and knew that it was not good. Of course, she knew that the feudal ideologies of the rural women were more serious. Maybe they did not like women suppressing men in terms of money, and they did not want women to do business with other men in public. This leak of hers had obviously made Fann Binn's mother unhappy with her future wife. She could not help but urgently say, “ Auntie, actually, I'm just helping out in the company. That's my family's company. I just have some shares in it. It's not worth much. Furthermore, Fann Binn also owns some shares in this company. He can be considered the boss of our company."    


Fann Binn's mother heard Wu Qi's explanation and slapped her forehead. "I was confused by all of you. What shares? Boss? Why are you all the bosses after all this time?"    


Fann Binn looked at his mother, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. Of course, he knew that his mother was a rural woman and did not know about economics. Wu Qi had shares and was the boss. It would be strange if he did not make her dizzy.    


"Mom, if you don't understand these things, then don't bother. Anyway, you only need to know that Wu Qi and I are very rich. As long as you have the ability to let you live a good life. " Fann Binn could only bite the bullet and say perfunctorily and carefully, "In the future, you can enjoy yourself well."    


When Fann Binn's mother heard her son say this, she frowned and said in a flat tone. "Son, it doesn't matter whether you have money or not. What's important is that the family must be happy. Forget it, forget it. I won't interfere in your matters. But I have to tell you that I don't want you to regret it in the future. You take care of yourself. "    


Wu Qi blushed and did not know what Fann Binn's mother meant by that. But no matter what, she could tell what she meant. Obviously, Fann Binn's mother was not very satisfied with her as the candidate for the future wife. Why? Of course, it was because she was the daughter of a wealthy family. She wanted to explain, but she didn't know where to start. She couldn't help but feel anxious and wanted to say something, but she held it in.    


When Fann Binn heard his mother's words, he nodded in agreement. His uncle, who was drinking beside him, said in high spirits, "Fann Binn, what kind of car did you buy? Your uncle has been researching cars for the past year and is preparing to go to Jiangde to buy one after the New Year."    


"Oh, uncle, you want to buy a car too?" Fann Binn smiled and nodded. "It's a good thing. It will be much more convenient to buy a car."    


"That's right. The workplace is far from home now. It is really inconvenient to take the bus whenever we come and go. But your aunt refused. I..." Before his aunt could finish speaking, his aunt interrupted unhappily.    


" What car are you buying? You are not allowed to buy it! There was only two yuan in the house. It was for his son's school use. It'll be a lot of money to go to college in the future." Aunty glared at her husband and said unhappily, "Why don't you take a look at the situation at home? After the agricultural factory closed down, you only know how to repair machines now, and you don't even know how to look for a job. You don't even have any surplus every month. Do you still want to buy a car? "    


"This..." When the sister-in-law heard her unhappy question, she instantly became dispirited like a deflated ball and no longer spoke.    


Fann Binn couldn't help but feel amused when he saw the sister-in-law's expression. However, he heard something that surprised him from his aunt's words. He couldn't help but be surprised, "Aunty, did the agricultural factory close down?"    


"Yes, it happened a week ago. Some of the leaders were arrested, and some were transferred to other half-dead factories. We are the only ones left who are unsupervised. We don't have money. If we don't have a single order, what else can we do? If we don't close down, will we starve to death? " When her aunt said this, she sighed softly," Those workers in the factory are miserable. Some of them were sent a few hundred yuan to get rid of them. It's so hard to find a job now. Why did they get fired just because they got fired? "    


"Getting fired is inevitable. The crisis of the agricultural factory did not happen in a day or two. It was through the accumulation of days and months that they finally could not hold on. Aunty, didn't I tell you before? Didn't I tell you to take precautions earlier? Why didn't your uncle resign and find another job before he went bankrupt?"    


After Fann Binn's inquiry, little aunt blushed and said. "At that time, how could I have known that it would fall so quickly... Besides, it was not that easy to find a job. Other than repairing the machine, this dead man doesn't have any other brain that can make money... "    


" Uncle-in-law, you know Old Master Jiang, right? Do you know where he works now?" Fann Binn asked with a smile on his face.    


When his sister-in-law heard Fann Binn's words, she immediately perked up. Her eyebrows furrowed. Fei Caiwu said, "I know. Old Jiang went to Pingan Machinery Company. You don't know, but he's now a department director. He transferred to another production line. Tsk tsk, this old man's monthly salary is five to six thousand, and the workers in the agricultural factory are so jealous that their eyes are red. I heard that he and his daughter have already moved out of the agricultural factory dormitory and are living in a new house in a nearby neighborhood."    


Fann Binn did not expect that in a month's time, Old Master Jiang and Jiang Xue would move into a new house. When he thought of Jiang Xue, he could not help but feel guilty in his heart. Although the incident that day was an accident, the reason why it happened... Wasn't it because he urged Jiang Xue to participate in some talent show competition? If it wasn't for him, Jiang Xue probably wouldn't have gone to see that hooligan director that day. He also wouldn't have rushed to save her with Wu Qi... He also didn't know how she was now.    


"Fann? Why are you asking Old Master Jiang?" The sister-in-law was halfway through her sentence when she saw that Fann Binn was lost in thought. She seemed to have thought of something and smiled, "Oh, Fann, could it be that you are still in love with Old Master Jiang's daughter? You, you really have the nerve to have such a beautiful girlfriend. You even eat the food in your bowl and look at the food in the pot. You really deserve a beating. Haha..."    


Fann Binn was awoken from his thoughts by his sister-in-law's question. He hurriedly shook his head with a bitter smile. " Why would I think of Master Jiang's daughter? Actually, I wanted to say that if you want, I can help you get into Master Jiang's company. Of course, if you're unwilling, then forget it."    


"What?" The sister-in-law stood up abruptly from her chair, her eyes widened in disbelief. "You, what did you just say?"    


Everyone at the table looked at the astonished sister-in-law. When her aunt heard Fann Binn's words, she was also shocked. She swept her gaze towards Fann Binn's mother as if she wanted to ask something. However, Fann Binn's mother only smiled and didn't say anything. However, judging from her gaze, she was obviously very happy that Fann Binn could say these words.    


As the saying goes, a person cannot forget kindness. If you forget the people who helped you during the difficult times after you became rich, then you don't deserve to be a proper person. At least, you don't deserve to be a decent person.    


Actually, Fann Binn had wanted to help his sister-in-law a long time ago, but he had been staying in Jiangde recently. He didn't have time to come to Ping'an County either. In the past, when he and his mother were so poor that they couldn't afford to eat, it was precisely his aunt and uncle who helped him selflessly. Talent! It allowed Fann Binn and his mother to smoothly pass those difficult years. A drop of water should be repaid with a spring of water. How could Fann Binn not understand this logic?    


"Sister-in-law, just say it. Are you willing or not?" Fann Binn smiled as he looked at his Uncle-in-law and spoke faintly.    


His Uncle-in-law carefully looked at his nephew who had watched him grow up. For the first time, he seemed to realize that the Fann Binn in front of him had really grown up. And he became more and more mysterious, making it harder for him to understand. But so what? As long as he had the ability, there was no need to be anxious when he was happy. Why did he need to see through it? Without any suspense, the sister-in-law immediately nodded and said, "Of course, as long as I can enter Pingan Machinery Company, I believe that my ability will not be neglected."    


"Okay, I'll make a call today. You can go to work tomorrow." Fann Binn smiled and explained, "Don't look at me like that. I'm not the CEO of this company. It is just that the chairman of this company is very familiar with me. Actually, I was the one who introduced Old Master Jiang. "    


" So that's how it is... So that's how it is... I said Old Jiang doesn't have any relatives, how could he enter such a large private company." His sister-in-law's face was full of excitement as she said happily," Fann Binn, my good nephew, you have really made a name for yourself. You have given our parents face! "    


"Hehe. That's right, we don't have to live a hard life anymore." Fann Binn picked up some vegetables and chewed for a while before he continued, "Sister-in-law, if you want a car, you can come back to Jiangde with me during the National Day. I'll give you a car. "    


"Huh?" His sister-in-law's mouth was wide open. She was so shocked that she couldn't speak. It was his aunt who pinched his arm hard and said to Fann Binn's mother. "Sister, this job has helped us a lot. We can't take this car. You should advise Fann Binn not to spend so much money."    


Fann Binn's mother shook her head and said, "Sister, it was all thanks to your family that Fann and I were able to survive all these years. Although I don't know how much money he has, I'm not happy no matter where he uses it. But I'm 100% willing to use it on your family. As the saying goes, a person who knows kindness must repay kindness! "    


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