Rich Daddy, Don't Be Arrogant

C4 Special Abilities

C4 Special Abilities

2Jiang Nanxi took her son, Jiang Xiaolang, and left the airport. She stood at the exit and made a call.    3


Jiang Xiaolang, the big Jiang Tianlang. Jiang Nanxi had always liked to call him Xiao Lang. When he was two years old, he saw the world of animals and madly liked wolves. He especially liked little wolves, so he forced Jiang Nanxi to call him Xiaolang.    


He said that he wanted to be the head of Xiaolang and protect his mother.    


Hence, his nickname became Xiaolang.    


A black business car stopped in front of the mother and son. The door opened and a handsome young man walked out.    


He walked a few steps to Jiang Nanxi and said, "Miss, you are finally back."    


This man was Jiang Nanchen's assistant. His name was Qii Ze.    


Jiang Xiaolang rolled his eyes and glanced at Qii Ze. He curled his lips and said, "You are not my uncle."    


He had never seen his uncle in person, but he had videos with his uncle, so he could tell the difference at first glance.    


Qii Ze smiled. He bent down and picked Jiang Xiaolang up. He smiled and said, "I am your uncle's assistant. You can call me Uncle Qi. I'll take you to see your uncle now, okay?"    


Jiang Xiaolang looked at his mother and Jiang Nanxi nodded.    


After the three of them got into the car, Qii Ze said, "Miss, let me send you and the young master back to the apartment first. Director Jiang had already prepared a house for you two two two years ago. The key has always been with me. Other than me, no one else knows."    


Jiang Nanxi said, "Take me to the hospital first. I want to see brother first."    


Qii Ze nodded.    


Jiang Nanchen drove half a month ago and accidentally fell off the cliff. Qii Ze searched for three days before finding him. At that time, he only had one breath left. When he was sent to the hospital, he was directly declared dead by the hospital.    


Qii Ze was unwilling to accept it and knelt down to beg the doctor to save him.    


It was also because Jiang Nanchen was lucky that he recovered his heartbeat, but he did not wake up and was judged to be in a vegetative state by the doctor.    


Only then did Qii Ze contact Jiang Nanxi overseas and tell her the truth.    


Jiang Nanxi put down everything outside the country and resolutely brought her son back to Ann City.    


After more than an hour, the car arrived at the inpatient department of Ann City Central Hospital.    


Jiang Nanxi carried her son and followed Qii Ze into the elevator to the ward.    


This was a high-class single ward. The originally high-spirited man was now lying weakly on the hospital bed.    


The moment Jiang Nanxi saw her brother, tears rushed down her face.    


Back then, because her mother discovered that her father was secretly taking care of the outer chambers, and there was also a pair of children who were about the same age as Jiang Nanxi in the outer chambers, she was unable to accept it and resolutely chose to divorce.    


Jiang Nanxi chose to follow her mother, while Jiang Nanchen chose to stay in the Jiang family.    


He said, "As long as I am here, mother and sister will forever be part of this family!"    


Later, his grandfather and grandmother got sick, his mother got sick, and all of their expenses, as well as Jiang Nanxi's living expenses and tuition fees, were all dug out by Jiang Nanchen through all means!    


His brother was the big tree and the big mountain behind Jiang Nanxi, but now, this tree and this mountain had fallen.    


Her fingers trembled as she caressed her brother's pale face, and she sobbed silently, "Big brother, Xi is back. Open your eyes and look at Xi... Big brother, don't worry, Xi will definitely wake you up... Xi will definitely make the person who harmed you pay the price!"    


It had always been her brother protecting her. Now, it was her who was protecting her brother!    


Jiang Xiaolang saw that Mommy was crying so sadly and then looked at Jiang Nanchen who did not have any reaction. His heart was also somewhat heavy.    


He pulled a small face and held Jiang Nanchen's big hand with his small hand. He said very seriously, "Uncle, I am Xiaolang. I know you are sick. Don't worry, I will protect you and Mommy. But, Uncle, you can't slack off. Don't let Mommy and I wait too long! "    


He looked up and said to Jiang Nanxi," Mommy, Uncle will wake up! "    


Jiang Nanxi touched her tears and asked while choking," How long will it take? "    


Jiang Xiaolang shook his head.    


Qii Ze was very surprised at the side. Jiang Nanxi was a doctor. Why would she ask a child such a question?    


He did not know that Jiang Xiaolang had a special function. When he came into contact with other people's bodies, he would see what would happen to this person in the future.    


When he held Jiang Nanchen's hand just now, he saw Jiang Nanchen sitting on the hospital bed and his mommy happily feeding him. That was why he told his mommy with certainty that his uncle would definitely wake up.    


His special ability was very limited. He could only see a fragment of the future, or a scene, but he was not sure how long this scene would take.    


Moreover, he could not see everyone's future. He could not see his own mother and himself.    


But his words also gave Jiang Nanxi a calming pill.    


She wiped away her tears and said to Qii Ze, "Take Xiaolang back to the apartment to rest first. I want to see the director and discuss some things with him."    


"Okay, Miss." Qii Ze agreed and left with Jiang Xiaolang in his arms.    


When they left the hospital building, they passed by a group of people.    


In that group of people, there was a tall and cold man, and in front of him was a woman with a pale face. There was also a thin man beside them. He had an anxious look on his face, and from time to time, he would softly comfort that woman.    


Jiang Xiaolang was carried by Qii Ze. His little hand, which was hanging by his side, accidentally brushed past the thin man's shoulder.    


A scene appeared in front of Jiang Xiaolang's eyes. This man would kneel to his mommy. What was going on?    


He turned his head to look at the group of people. Their backs had already disappeared in the elevator.    


He pursed his lips and acted as if nothing had happened. He followed Qii Ze.    


In the dean's office, Dean Chen, who was half a century old, was very happy to see Jiang Nanxi.    


"Miss Jiang, I didn't expect to see you so soon. Is Mr. Moh alright? Did he come back with you?"    


Jiang Nanxi politely said," My teacher is very good. He did not come back with me. I came back this time because of my brother."    


Dean Chen nodded. He pointed to a document bag and said, "I understand. I also feel very sorry that something like this happened to your brother. His medical records and all the examination results are here."    


Jiang Nanxi nodded and opened the folder to read it seriously.    


She was a doctor, and she was a surgeon who had risen to fame overseas in the past two years. Hence, all the information was clear to her at a glance.    


Then she said, "My brother's condition was that he was not treated in time after he was injured. As a result, there was a large amount of blood clots that oppressed the central nervous system. I have a way to wake him up. So... Leave my brother to me for treatment in the future. Use all the medicine according to my medical instructions! "    


Dean Chen nodded." Sure, I will get someone to cooperate with you. Miss Jiang, I have a presumptuous request. Can I ask you to work in my hospital? The courtyard can waive all of your brother's expenses!"    


Jiang Nanxi thought for a while and said," I am very grateful to Dean Chen for his kind invitation. It is just that I have just returned to the country and might be busier. I can't work in the hospital every day! "    


Dean Chen was overjoyed. "It's okay. You can go to the clinic when you have time!" He knew Jiang Nanxi's value too well!    


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