President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C378 Warm Heart Son

C378 Warm Heart Son

3Heartwarming Son.     0


Tang Youyou touched her daughter's head. "It's good that you like it. In the future, I can let my great-grandfather tell you more!"    


"Mommy, has Daddy not come back yet? I'll wait for him upstairs!" Tang Xiaonai suddenly realized that Daddy hadn't come back and she liked to play with her Daddy the most. So she turned around and ran upstairs.    


Tang Youyou turned her head to look at her son. She saw that her son was also looking at her with his big eyes.    


"What's wrong?" Tang Youyou reached out her hand and shook in front of his eyes.    


"Mommy, who is that uncle?" Tang Xiaorui suddenly asked.    


"Which uncle?" Tang Youyou's body stiffened.    


"The uncle who was holding you. Do you like him?" Tang Xiaorui had been paying attention to things on the Internet recently. He did not expect that one day, he would see his mommy hugging another uncle.    


Tang Youyou immediately became speechless and said in embarrassment, "Xiaorui, how did you know?"    


"I saw it on my classmate's phone!" Tang Xiaorui immediately replied.    


"Do you look down on Mommy now?" Tang Youyou did not know how to explain this to her son. It was indeed too embarrassing.    


"Of course not. Mommy, if you really like that uncle, then what about Daddy? He also likes you!" Tang Xiaorui was Tang Youyou's biological son. Naturally, his biological son would favor her.    


After Tang Youyou heard her son's words, she could not help but smile. "How can you be sure that your daddy likes me?"    


"Because daddy and I have talked. If you go to see other uncles, daddy will admit that he is jealous. If you ignore him, daddy will also admit that he is sad. Can this not prove that daddy likes you?" Tang Xiaorui was telling the truth.    


Tang Youyou was stunned again.    


"Why are you still talking about this topic with your daddy?" Tang Youyou felt that her son was becoming more and more evil. He actually talked about this kind of adult topic with Ji Xiaohan.    


"I am thinking for Mommy. I am trying to test how sincere Daddy is to you." Tang Xiaorui laughed.    


Tang Youyou felt sad and gratified when she heard that. She held her son in her arms and kissed his little head. "I'm sorry, son. Mommy made you worry!"    


"I've long gotten used to it. It's your fault for being so stupid sometimes!" Tang Xiaorui stuck out his tongue.    


Tang Youyou retorted, "How am I stupid? I also tried hard to become a smart person."    


"Since you want to be good with that uncle, why did you let people take pictures and upload them online? Don't you secretly go and see that uncle?" Tang Xiaorui said angrily.    


Tang Youyou could see that her son was loyal. At this time, her son was actually thinking of ways for her instead of scolding her.    


"Xiaorui, tell me the truth. Mommy was tricked by a villain. These photos were deliberately sent by that person to harm me. Don't take them seriously. I have nothing to do with that uncle." Tang Youyou explained to her son with a smile.    


Really? " Tang Xiaorui suddenly became happy. "So you did not betray Daddy?"    


"No. Didn't you say that Daddy liked me very much? " How could I betray him? "    


Tang Xiaorui nodded. "I don't think so. That uncle is obviously not as handsome as daddy. He must not be as rich as daddy either."    


"Little Greed, do you think Mommy likes your Daddy because of his looks and money?" Tang Youyou was really amused by her son.    


"Isn't it?" Tang Xiaorui looked at her with disdain.    


Tang Youyou thought about it carefully, shook her head and nodded. "I don't know. Anyway, your daddy has some charm."    


"It's not a little bit. It's very charming! When he came to pick Xiaonai and me up from school, the female teachers at our school were all dumbfounded." Tang Xiaorui deeply felt how likable his daddy was.    


"Really? Did any female teachers take the opportunity to get close to your daddy?" Tang Youyou immediately became nervous when she heard that and quickly asked for clarification.    


Tang Xiaorui immediately kissed his mommy's face. "Mommy, relax. As long as I am here, I promise daddy will not release electricity to any woman."    


Tang Youyou hugged her son tightly again. "You really are Mommy's good helper. How will Mommy reward you?"    


"How about, Mommy, when are you going on a vacation with daddy? I heard that the adults' way of getting closer to each other is to go on a vacation. Anyway, Xiaonai and I have great-grandfather and great-grandmother to take care of us now. You guys can go and play in peace." Tang Xiaorui was indeed a good helper. He had already started to plan the future for the two of them.    


"Did great-grandmother say how long they were going to stay here?" Tang Youyou asked her son.    


"They said they will stay here forever. In the future, they will take care of me and stupid Xiaonai."    


"It can't be!" Tang Youyou only felt a headache.    


After the quarrel with the old lady, she calmed down and thought about it. She felt that she should not be so impatient. The old lady must be thinking for Ji Xiaohan, which was why she was so strict with her. However, she could not control her temper and contradicted her. She was afraid that the old lady would look down on her in the future. Ah.    


Seeing his mother's frown, the shrewd Tang Xiaorui immediately guessed what she was thinking.    


Perhaps it was because mother and son were connected. This guess was guessed by the little guy again.    


"Mommy, you sighed just now!" The little fellow asked with concern.    


"Did you?" Tang Youyou did not notice that she sighed.    


"Yes, what's wrong with you? Oh, it can't be that you're afraid that you won't be recognized by your great-grandmother, right?" Tang Xiaorui asked with a smile.    


Tang Youyou had a whole new level of respect for this little thing. She was just a small person. She could guess people's thoughts accurately.    


It was so scary!    


When Tang Youyou thought of the old lady's words today, saying that she was going to complain to the two children, she instantly did not want to say anything to her son.    


What if her son was thinking for her good again and tried to persuade the old lady? That old lady must be thinking too much.    


"It's nothing. Son, why don't you go down and play? I still have work to do!" Tang Youyou ignored the concern on her son's face and smiled faintly.    


"Mommy, don't lie to me. I am not a three-year-old child and am not as stupid as Xiaonai. I can see the expression between you adults. Great-grandmother doesn't seem to like you very much." Tang Xiaorui also began to worry about this matter.    


Tang Youyou was slightly surprised. Then, she pulled her son over. "Xiaorui, promise Mommy that you will not ask about the matter between your great-grandmother and me, okay?"    


"Why? I'm thinking for you!" The little guy blinked his big eyes, unable to understand.    


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