In Love With The Fake Bride

C3 The Terrifying Third Master

C3 The Terrifying Third Master

0Shen Xining held her breath as she pulled the blanket and kept stepping back. Su Ci came over and grabbed her chin and pulled her in front of him.    


"Shen Muxue?" His deep voice was threatening.    


Shen Xining nodded helplessly.    


Su Ci's finger slowly slid down her lips and slid across her throat. It made her heart almost stop.    


His hand continued downwards until it reached the corner. His slender fingers hooked and he gave her a look of disdain.    


He teased, "What a rush."    


Shen Xining was ashamed and her face was full of blood. She wanted to dodge the man's hand.    


However, she was forcefully pressed down. Su Ci's stiff body pressed her so hard that she could not catch her breath.    


The two's auras interacted and Su Ci's breathing paused. He looked at Shen Xining who was frightened. After hesitating for a second, he reached into the blanket.    


The woman's tender skin trembled and felt uneasy under his gentle touch. In a moment, her breathing was messed up. Her eyes were wide open and she had a helpless look on her face.    


So cheap.    


"No, no. Don't, don't be like this." Shen Xining choked and stammered.    


" The eldest daughter of Shen family is actually stuttering. Your father is using such trash to pay off his debt? "    


Su Ci's hand stopped and his eyes moved. He narrowed his eyes and moved closer to Shen Xining.    


"Do you really think that once you climb onto my bed, the fault of Shen family will be written off? Are you worthy?"    


Shen Xining felt weak all over when she heard this. Su Ci's humiliation made her breath intermittently.    


The next moment, Su Ci left the bed and threw a shirt beside his feet.    


"Come here and put it on."    


Su Ci glanced at him with an imposing manner.    


Shen Xining was frightened. Under Su Ci's gaze, she used her horn to block her chest and stood up.    


Su Ci's eyes became deeper and deeper. His gaze swept across her slender legs and finally landed on her pair of eyes that made people pity her.    


Unfortunately, the people of Shen family were not worthy of the word pity.    


Shen Xining wore a wide shirt and followed Su Ci through the long corridor. Her feet stepped on the cold floor and her toes were so cold that they curled up.    


She looked at Su Ci who was two steps away. He was dressed in black, like the thick night outside the window, mysterious and strange.    


Shen Xining was brought to a room, and as soon as she entered the room, it was white.    


She looked up and was so frightened that she grabbed the collar of her chest.    


The snow-white wall, the snow-white blanket, and all kinds of life maintenance machines were tapping in the silence.    


Beep, beep, beep...    


On the four-horned bed, a pale woman was lying quietly, like a frozen doll.    


Sick and strange.    


There was a picture on the bedside table. In the picture, the woman was smiling brightly and innocently. The signature was Su Ling.    


Su Ling, who was it?    


"Kneel." Su Ci's voice was cold.    


Shen Xining was stunned. Her shoulders felt heavy and she knelt on the floor with a thud. Her knees hurt so much that even her tears came out.    


The man said coldly, "Shen Muxue, you ran away after bumping into my sister. You let her lie alone on the empty street, cold little by little! You should know what happened to you!"    


"Do you think you can get away with it without witnesses and destroy the car?"    


"My sister will never wake up, and the Shen family will never be peaceful, the same goes for you."    


After saying that, Su Ci turned around and left.    


This was Su Ci's sister?    


Didn't Wang Jialan say that she was fine? Why did Su Ling look like a living corpse?    


Shen Xining's heart skipped a beat. The Shen family really wanted her to pay with her life for Shen Muxue!    


She became the scapegoat.    


Shen Xining, who was kneeling in front of the memorial tablet, hugged herself tightly. The coldness on the floor slowly climbed up her body from her knees and made her shiver.    


"It's cold, so cold."    


She saw that everything around her started to blur and her body tilted as she fainted in the room.    


Chung Jin, who was outside the door, glanced at her. He walked to Su Ci, who was hiding in the darkness by the window. He looked at the white fog on his fingertips. No one dared to approach him.    


"Third Master, I fainted."    


"Wake her up. She is not allowed to walk out of this room until dawn. It's like this every day."    


Su Ci spat out a mouthful of white fog. His handsome face was as cold as ice.    






Shen Xining curled up on the ground but was woken up by a basin of cold water. She did not have time to scream and her hoarse voice was stuck in her throat as she looked at the person in front of her in fear.    


"Miss Shen, Third Master has instructed that in the future, you will take care of Eldest Miss every day. Every night, you must kneel beside Eldest Miss's bed and repent until dawn." Chung Jin said with an expressionless face.    


Shen Xining nodded her head while trembling. Her body swayed as she knelt beside the bed and looked at Su Ling who was completely bloodless on the bed.    


Actually, she would rather become a vegetable herself so that she would not have to experience so much pain.    


As she thought about it, she grabbed the bed sheet that fell from the bedside as if she was grabbing onto her last life-saving straw.    


Just like that, she knelt for the entire night. The soreness and pain in her knees were already stiff. The high fever made her completely confused.    


With a dong sound, a basin smashed in front of her.    


"Do you really think you're here to be a Young Madam? The Third Master is going to lose his appetite even if he touches you. Quickly take the basin and wipe the Eldest Miss's body. If you are not careful, be careful!"    


The maid poked Shen Xining's forehead with force and proudly instructed Shen Xining.    


"I, I, I can't get up." Shen Xining stuttered and said.    


"Haha, it's actually a stutter. What a joke. The young lady of Shen family is a stutter!" The maid kicked Shen Xining. "Little stutter, hurry up and get to work!"    


Shen Xining's figure was unstable as she laid on the ground and watched the maid leave while laughing.    


She held onto the back of the bed and shakily got up. Her legs were in so much pain that she could not even stand up.    


She looked at Su Ling, who was still calm on the bed, and went to fetch the water with the basin. At that moment, she heard her father Shen Shixiong's voice.    


She thought that Shen Shixiong had moved his compassion to pick her up, so she immediately ran over.    


Shen Xining heard the sound and walked to the door of the study. Seeing that the door was not closed, she raised her hand and was about to knock on the door when she met Su Ci's eyes.    


He supported his cheek slightly, the corner of his mouth overflowing with sarcasm. His handsome face was covered with frost and danger.    


"Third Master, this contract can be signed now, right? Our Muxue is one of your people." Shen Shixiong tried to please him.    


"That's right. Third Master Ye, I have already married my precious daughter to you. You should quickly sign this contract." Wang Jialan pretended to be sad.    


" Sell my precious daughter for 50 million? " The cold voice carried a hint of mockery, "Why do I see that she seems to be unwilling? Why don't you take her back?"    


After saying that, he swept his gaze over the people outside the door.    


Shen Xining tugged at her clothes and looked at her father and stepmother's back, hoping that they would have a trace of pity.    


But she did not think...    


"Marrying Third Master is Muxue's fortune. If she did not do it right, Third Master can teach her however he wants." Shen Shixiong said.    


"How can I teach her?" Su Ci asked.    


"Whatever. As long as Third Master has signed the contract, he can play however he wants. We will pretend that we never gave birth to this daughter! " Shen Shixiong did not hesitate at all.    


Shen Xining felt that her breathing had stopped.    


She had actually been sold by the Shen family!    


Su Ci, however, felt that the humiliation was not enough and looked indifferently at Shen Xining.    


"Still not coming in?"    


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