The Legend of the Kyubi

Extra 20: C.A.O.S. (13)

Extra 20: C.A.O.S. (13)

2"It's interesting that you're the one monitoring me, Tsunade" - Orochimaru said as he looked at the woman who had changed - "Don't you feel it's ironic that you used my research for your desires?"      0

"Yes, and that's why I'm making a huge effort not to crush you" - replied Tsunade with a frown - "I didn't think I would ever feel so much disdain for a person again, I guess it's an innate talent you have."     

"Very funny" - Orochimaru snorted as he adjusted the glasses he now needed because for some strange reason, he had a flaw in his eyesight.     

"What are you planning?" - Tsunade asked as she frowned - "And don't try to lie to me, I know you better than anyone else."     

"I know, you used to pester me all the time before you met Dan and Kurama-kun" - replied Orochimaru as he gave her a blank look, then picked up a book and started to read it - "I haven't lied when I said I don't want trouble, I just want the knowledge of this world"     

"Just that, no experiments to create some mutations straight out of the hell?" - Tsunade asked sarcastically.     

"Don't be like that, Tsunade, you said it yourself, you know me better than anyone else" - replied Orochimaru with disdain - "If I wanted to create experiments I would have found a way to escape from this room, besides, why should I experiment when I already have a long enough life to keep studying?"     

"But you are not immortal" - Tsunade said while narrowing her eyes.     

"I don't need to be, I mean, I'm sure Kurama-kun will give me the necessary supplies to start that research" - Orochimaru replied with a small smile - "Let's be honest, Tsunade, he needs me, that's why he didn't kill me"     

"Tch" - Tsunade clicked her tongue before leaving the room.     

"Seriously, she hasn't changed at all despite all these years" - Orochimaru said while shaking his head - "Right, Kurama-kun?"     

"She doesn't need to change" - Kurama replied while shaking his head.     

"I guess you come to argue with me because of my requirements for the lab" - said Orochimaru as he walked to the bookshelf and took another book - "The knowledge gathered by the humans of this dimension, are very interesting, they have helped me to understand many things that I was puzzled in our dimension."     

"Let's get straight to the point" - said Kurama seriously.     

"I understand" - smiled Orochimaru as he sat down on the nearby sofa.     

Kurama materialized a chair and pulled out a few documents - "Your requests are in the range of acceptable, and I have no problem with the content of your research, after all, I can't refuse a new doctor..."     

"Aren't you surprised that I chose this type of research?" - Orochimaru asked as he tilted his head to one side.     

"Not in the least" - Kurama replied while shaking his head - "You are a genius in the field of biology, that's why I'm sure you'll be able to come up with the answer for our problems."     

"It's good to hear that you hold me in such high esteem, Kurama-kun" - smiled Orochimaru as he looked at the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi, oh, right, he was not a Jinchuriki, but rather a mix between him and the Bijuu that managed to push the limits of the race.     

Kurama was the perfect result that his research wanted to replicate, though it was a shame that couldn't happen.     

"Back to the point, everything is in perfect order, tomorrow will be your lab ready for you to use, although obviously you will be being watched 100% of the time you are inside, and you won't be able to take anything out of the lab" - said Kurama seriously - "Do you agree with these rules?"     

"Of course" - answered Orochimaru while shrugging his shoulders, I mean, he really didn't want to do any shady experiments, in fact, he just wanted to study medicine, so he could solve the problems resulting from his "rebirth", besides, this was the best he could do - "Your rules are not hard to accept, although I would like to know what kind of security my work area will have"     

"Seals on all possible exits, like the door or the ventilation ducts, oh, and don't worry, these have a special filter in case you are investigating a dangerous virus" - Kurama said while remembering a certain zombie video game series - "As for the inside, there will be a security cam covered by a barrier, outside of that there will be nothing but systems to measure temperature and other factors that could be of use for your research"     

"Oh, not bad" - nodded Orochimaru as he pondered what to investigate first.     

"What will you do first?" - Kurama asked with slight curiosity.     

"I'll start with investigating how to repair my eyes, so I'd like a few test subjects when I'm done thoroughly investigating the cause" - replied Orochimaru while arranging his glasses - "I'm not used to these glasses".     

"I understand" - Kurama nodded before leaving the snake Sannin's room.     

* * * * *     

"Are there more people?" - A beautiful black-haired woman with a bored look asked.     

"That's right, and you better get used to seeing more women because something tells me they won't be the last" - replied a black-haired, red-eyed woman - "How was your training, Kikyo-san?"     

"Fine, by the way, your eyes are red, Yura-san" - Kikyo replied as she folded her arms.     

"Huh? Really?" - Yura said as she made her red eyes return to normal. This was one of the few problems her body had when she used her powers - "And I thought I had solved that problem."     

Kikyo shrugged as she wondered where her son was, after all, she knew he would be coming to see her after his training.     

"He must be playing with the others" - Yura replied as she noticed the change in the priestess' expression that she had managed to transcend with Kurama's help.     

"You're right" - Kikyo nodded as she paused as she watched the women who had just arrived, walk in their direction.     

"Are? Another priestess?" - Akeno said as she tilted her head to the side and notice Kikyo's attire.     

"Who are you?" - Kikyo asked as she frowned as she could sense familiar auras within these women, for example, that blonde woman with the confused look, she had such a huge holy aura that even she, a priestess who had transcended could not compare, the other blonde woman had a similar aura to Kushina's though much purer, which showed that she was a purebred Kyubi Yokai, as for the others, they seemed to have a much darker aura than the Succubus, and they were low ranking demons, which meant that they were high class demons, they might even be part of the 72 pillars of Solomon.     

"What's going on?" - Rias asked as he looked at this woman who had a similar personality to Ophis, at least in how expressionless she was.     

"Demons?" - Kikyo asked as she raised an eyebrow.     

"That's right, my name is Rias Gremory, descendant of one of the 72 pillars of the demonic world" - Rias replied as he gave a small bow - "I would like to know if you know where Naruto-san is resting?"     

"Naruto?" - Kikyo repeated in surprise as she started to think - "Not Kurama?"     

"No, my relationship, as well as part of our group is with Naruto-kun" - answered Rias as she moved her hands erratically because she didn't want to create a misunderstanding.     

"Oh, I understand" - nodded Kikyo as she looked at Yura - "Do you know where he is?"     

"Hmm, possibly he has to be resting in his room if something happened to him" - Yura replied as she started to think - "Although it's more likely that he's in the infirmary."     

"Could you point me in the direction?" - Rias asked with concern.     

"We'd appreciate it" - added Sona as she adjusted her glasses.     

"Yes" - nodded Koneko.     

"Nekomata?" - Yura asked in surprise as she looked closely at the small white-haired girl.     

Koneko gave her a blank look before nodding - "Nekoshou."     

"I hadn't heard of that race" - Yura muttered as she frowned - "Is it some variant of the Nekomata?"     

"Yes, a superior race in fact, we were born with the innate ability to use Senjutsu" - replied Kuroka as she intervened in the conversation because she understood that these two women were partners of her lover.     

"Oh, I see" - nodded Yura, though a smile appeared when she felt her lover's presence - "Kurama-sama!"     

"Huh, Yura?" - Kurama said with surprise because he was concentrating on the preparations for Orochimaru's lab, that he didn't notice the girls' presences - "What's wrong?"     

"What are you thinking that you didn't notice us?" - Kikyo asked as she raised an eyebrow.     

"In preparations for Orochimaru's lab" - Kurama replied as he shook his head.     

"I still think it's not a good idea for us to trust him, Kurama-sama" - Yura said with a frown, though this was because she had bad experiences with snakes, all thanks to the mirror demon they faced centuries ago.     

"Do you think so too, Kikyo?" - Kurama asked as he raised an eyebrow.     

"No, I trust your decision," Kikyo replied as she shook her head.     

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