Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

"20 Years Later and the Mutant Rights."

"20 Years Later and the Mutant Rights."

0[1973, Manhattan]     

The borough of Manhattan was bustling— way more than usual. People from different cities, states and nations had flooded the streets of Manhattan.      

Street vendors seized the opportunity and started selling their products to all the visitors while the police made sure that no fights broke out.      

Many people had been waiting since the previous night, hoping to see the 'revolution' with their own eyes.     

The rest that couldn't visit had their eyes glued to the television screens. The ones that couldn't afford a television gathered in the streets where the shops kept their television open for the public.     

The whole world knew that the biggest UN meeting was taking place— one that would decide the future of the world. The people knew that if the decision was made in favour of their Messiah— the world would be a better place. And if it was made against his favour…     

There would be war… one that would be worse than the previous two.      

Men, women, children… Everyone was anticipating the result.     

They were scared, but that was human nature. They were also scared of the revolution.     

Most supported it, but they also feared the change. Humans were creatures that didn't accept changes in their norms easily and the current one— if accepted by the UN— would be the biggest change the world had ever seen.     

But humans were not the only ones present there.     

Many people walked the streets in hoods or in disguises.     

They were mutants… and the ones for whom the assembly meeting was organised.     

After hours of waiting, they saw reporters rushing towards the assembly hall.      

Everyone felt their heartbeat rise as they knew that the decision had been taken— either in the favour of mutants or against them.     

Gulping thickly, one of the men decided to go forward for the news.     

As the reports surrounded the men that came out of the assembly, he stood behind them.     

"Sir, what was the outcome?"     

"Was the decision taken in favour of the mutants or against them?"      

"Does the same law apply for every superpowered being or only the mutants?"     

"Sir, everyone is waiting for an answer."     

The man took a deep breath and smiled. "The decision will be disclosed by Mr. Hanley. So, I request you all to be patient."     

The man standing behind them was nervous, he was not a normal human like them— he was a mutant.     

And the decision affected him the most.     

But as he prayed to god— for the decision to be in their favour, he saw a refined middle-aged man walking out of the hall.     

The man wore a grey three-piece suit and walked with a cane in his hand. His black dyed hair was mixed with grey as he didn't dye the sides. He walked in a regal manner as the audience watched him in awe.      

He walked down with a stoic face with a red-haired man following behind him. The redhead looked similar to the black-haired man and the only visible differences were his eyes and hair.     

His eyes were amberish while the middle-aged man had brown eyes.     

The middle-aged man was Marcellus, the leader of the Hanley Groups and behind him was his son, Magnus.     

Who was revealed to be a mutant by Marcellus.      

Marcellus, who was considered a Messiah by the general public was now considered a Messiah by even the mutants. No man ever had the courage to reveal their child being a mutant— before Marcellus.     

But this was not without any consequences. At the start, when he revealed Magnus' truth. He lost a large amount of money. Many organisations stopped funding him and a lot of the humans insulted him for having a mutant son.     

But with time, they started accepting the fact. Marcellus was a figurehead who was responsible for the development of mankind and the people knew that they couldn't harm their Messiah. With time they agreed to treat Magnus with respect and now Magnus— who was 20, was a major shareholder of the Hanley Groups.      

The revelation of Magnus, decreased the murder and crimes against mutants by a significant amount and the brave mutants started walking the roads with humans. While they were still marginalised and frowned upon— they were not hunted down.      

But now, their entire future rested upon the shoulders of one man.     

Marcellus' announcement was going to decide their future.     

'I believe in you, Lord.' The mutant prayed and noticed the rest of the mutants doing the same. Each of them prayed in their own religion and even the atheists seemed like they were praying.     

As Marcellus took the stage, everyone felt their heartbeat and hope increasing.     

He looked at the swarm of people and nodded. "It's an honour to be graced by the presence of so many people. Each of a different nation, race, ethnicity and even species."     

He said as Magnus stood behind him— proud.     

"We have fought against racism, sexism and many other negative beliefs that had harmed our society. And each time— we have come out victorious." He smiled. "This time is no different. We have been fighting for our family and friends who were born different from us… who were born special— bearing gifts."     

Every mutant looked at him with hopeful eyes. "I am no different." He pointed towards Magnus. "I have a son who was treated poorly just because he was born a mutant."     

Magnus didn't say anything and simply nodded.     

"But he had it far easier than the rest. As my son, he has been living a life of luxury and privileges— but not everyone is the same." He sounded hurt. "I have seen our mutant brothers and sisters being killed… and I was unable to do anything. But now… now I can."      

He smiled, giving hope to everyone. "We can."     

He raised his hand in the air. "We have won! Now our brothers and sisters, friends and family— humans, mutants or mutates. Everyone can live in harmony."     

The revelation made the mutants ecstatic as everyone roared in happiness. The ones that were hiding themselves decided to reveal their identity and chaos broke out— the chaos of happiness.     

The police did their best to control the crowd's excitement but were unsuccessful.     

Marcellus sighed at the sight but was happy. Years of pain and suffering were ending for the mutant kind. They can now live happily with their family.      

Smiling at the people, he said. "The new laws will be revealed soon. And the constitution of every country will be adjusted accordingly." He looked around. "Thank you."     

With that, he exited the stage— with Magnus and his security following behind. There were hundreds of guards to make it easier for Marcel and Magnus to leave the area.      

"We need to talk, dad." Magnus said and Marcel nodded.      

"Not here. In the car."     



[[Marcellus Hanley]]     

"So, what is it?"      

I asked the one that was single-handedly responsible for the success of the project in such a short period of time.     

Magnus Hanley, the son of Peggy and me. He has all my facial features except hair and eyes. He is stubborn and courageous like Peggy and observant like me. Not to mention his paranoia can be greater at times than even mine.      

And above all, he is an Omega Level mutant— an energy manipulator.     

"What have you thought about the immortality issue?" His question made me sigh.     

Similar to me, he is also immortal— he was born with superior biological immortality. And as such he is worried about his future.     

"I told you not to worry about it. Unlike me, who the people don't know about— you are known. Everyone knows that you are a mutant and that each mutant has a unique power. Give it some time and people will accept your immortality."     

He didn't seem convinced but gave me a nod.     

"And what about you?" He asked. "You are a human in the eyes of the public."     

I revealed my truth— well the truth about me being a mutant with immortality to Peggy, my mother and Magnus. And Joel knew about this before them.     

"We will move as planned. Peggy knows about it and she thinks that it is the best option."      

They believe that I am a mutant with biological immortality and molecular manipulation ability. But I kept the rest of my abilities a secret.     

And despite that, everyone accepted me with open arms.      

"And…" He sighed. "What about grandma and mom?"     

I leaned my head on the car seat.      

"I will ask my mom again tomorrow." I showed him a sad smile. "But I know she will reject the immortality serum— once again."     

I was not afraid of talking in front of the driver as he was being mind-controlled.     

"I will respect the choice she makes, Magnus. And you should too." I sighed. "And the same for Peggy. I will give her the serum and all she needs to do is say yes… which she never has. And you know that I cannot force either of them."     

Magus was sad by the truth but he nodded. He was my son and as such he shared my views, which meant he was going to accept the choices made by my mother and wife.     

"And dad…" He seemed a bit uneasy.     


He took a deep breath. "I want to live in Asia."     


I was confused by the sudden bombshell that he dropped.      

"What do you mean?"     

He looked at me. "Exactly as it sounds. I found the branch members of Asia slacking and as such, I want to look after the Asian branches myself." He paused and looked out of the window. "And well… Betsy is in Asia as well."     

This made me burst out laughing.      

Besty, sister of Brian… and one of the mutants that are working in my company.      

I unlocked her powers ages ago and now she is an Omega level telepath. And since she is a member of the Order, she was provided with the longevity serum.     

I have known about Magnus' little crush on her for a very long time now.     

"That's the main reason, isn't it." I smirked as he denied meeting my eyes.     


I laughed out loud. "I don't mind if you can make your mom agree."      

He paled. "You know that she would never allow me to leave." He frowned. "Without your help, it's hopeless for me."     

Love… Such an interesting concept. And I live by it.     

"I will see what I can do." I said, making him ecstatic.     


I looked at him seriously. "If you like her. Be serious about it. She is a good girl and an important member of the Order. Not to mention she is the sister of Captain Britain."     

He nodded.     

"But above all, she is an Omega level telepath. So, be careful… I taught you how to resist telepathy. You remember it right?"     

He gave me a nod.      

He was trained by me which makes him able to resist most of the mutant abilities. I might be the only mutant in existence who can read his mind at the moment.     

As a mutant with Beyond Omega level telepathy, I can read the mind of anyone on this planet. My mind-reading evolved as I was already a mind reader from the start and with the Sentry serum, I was able to evolve it even further.     

"Do your best kiddo."     

"I will."      0

And I hope you succeed, junior.     


[[A/N: 20+ Advanced Chapters on Pa treon: Pat     

Marcellus dyed his hair black, leaving the sides grey— imagine a fanart of Hanzo from overwatch and you will have his look (if u are imagining animated/comic look). Or imagine a similar human counterpart.     

Marvel Facts: (1) Leather Man...  is a BDSM enthusiast, and a leather fetishist who misread Mr. Immortal's ad calling for applicants to join the Great Lake Avengers.     

Btw, Leather Boy has no known superhuman powers or abilities.     

(2) Itsy Bitsy is the child of Spidy and Deadpool who was created by injecting a patient with the genes of both Spidy and Deadpool.]]     

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