Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

0*CRASH*      1

"It hurts like hell!" a blond youngster shouted before I could warn "On your left!"     

He then looked at me indignantly and said "Come on father-in-law, I already said that I was sorry... It's been a week already." as he rubbed his head that now had a bump, while his left eye was bruised     

"I will continue until I can erase that smug expression you sometimes carry forever." I replied as I cracked my fingers before adding "And I'm doing you a favor by training your physical endurance... You will need it, trust me."     

He gulped when he heard the latter, surely because he already experienced Kushina's wrath once, not that it was the only reason.     

"As the strongest shinobi currently alive, you never boast about your strength?" he asked as he took a more serious attitude     

"There is a difference between boasting and being arrogant, Minato." I first declared as I gazed straight into his eyes before adding "And of course I had times where I bragged but unlike you, I have the right to do so... But never stay arrogant, it will only end up harming you and the people you love."     

He was pondering on my words, not that I expected him to change so fast, but if he does, he would become far better.     

"Ah yeah before I forget, let me give you something." I said as a box appeared in my hand with a *poof*     

He looked at it curiously and asked "Is it..?" to which I smiled and nodded before giving it to him     

He started opening it and what he saw inside was a scroll, which he took and partly unsealed which after a puff of smoke made a special kunai appear.     

It looked like the ones he had in the canon, but there was more to them since I worked on them.     

"Congratulations, you are now officially a Jōnin." I announced to the now shocked 13 years old boy     

"But how? I didn't leave for a mission that would give me a promotion, right?" he said as he didn't understand the reason     

"Are you really asking me that? I can give you the rank I want since I am the Hokage... But more importantly, after bullying you for a week, you demonstrated to me prowesses surpassing many Jōnin." I said as I remembered everything he showed me     

As much as I disliked his attitude, he was a one-in-a-hundred-year genius and this couldn't be refuted.     

He learned how to make Shadow Clone just by watching others do it, he learned the 'Flying Thunder God Technique' quickly and was already on par with Tobirama's proficiency, and he was already unmatched by many in terms of speed.     

I just couldn't let him use classic kunai that could easily break.     

So I made the same he had in the canon in terms of appearance, he still had to mark them, but they were all capable of being infused with chakra, more specifically lightning chakra, as they are composed of both chakra metal and silver.     

He started infusing his chakra in the one he had and without even spending much, it was now deadlier because of the lightning current that was flowing around it, without making a terrible crackling sound expected from this element.     

He threw it to a nearby rock only for it to be destroyed by the small kunai that flew with great speed.     

Looking at the damage done, I said "Infusing them can become dangerous if you have allies nearby... Not that you needed me to tell you that, right?"     

"Thank you, Yuichi-sama!" he said with a beaming smile which surprised me, before adding "But aren't they costly? How can you give me so much of them?" as he looked a bit saddened by thinking that they were expensive     

I smirked and presented him my empty hand, he examined it and didn't understand until I was suddenly capable of materializing both metals used before shaping them like his kunai, my eyes morphing into Sharingan prior to the process.     

I started using clones to train the different releases I got in this war, and one of them made a huge discovery in Steel Release which, along with my already proficient Crystal Release, allowed me to materialize metals without having contact if I knew how they were arranged.     

"Here, I can give you another one but it still needs the bandage to let you write your mark." I said as I tossed the kunai at him     

He was dumbfounded by how easy it was for me to make them but quickly left such a state and started sitting down to mark each one of them.     

As I looked at him, I thought 'His talent in Lightning Release is so insane, and I have so much that could strengthen it'     

I had three other gifts that I could give him and if I did, he would be more powerful than he ever was in the canon and be considered the master of Lightning Release.     

'But giving everything now makes no sense... He needs to earn them' I thought since he could become more arrogant if he learned too much already     

Until Jiraiya come back to train Minato, I will enjoy torturing him.     

I may dislike his smug attitude, but he is a great boyfriend for Kushina and he has the strength, the charisma, and the will to become the next Hokage.     


Since everything was slowly going back on track, I could finally allow Yugito Nii to have more freedom.     

She was finally able to enjoy the life every child should have, and looked at everything around her with great curiosity, fitting for a kitten, with Kushina acting like a big sister for her every time she was outside.     

She was still mulling over deserving to live like that, but when she met Tsunade for the first time, she was reassured by the sudden motherly support she received and ended up crying.     

I will have her start the Academy next year at five years old, so she would have enough control of her tailed beast abilities and time to familiarize herself with the village.     

She met Gai many times since Dai was visiting us a lot, she thinks of him as a weirdo, like his father, but ended up being friends, although Gai was always challenging her in Taijutsu.     

But what was more surprising was when Sakumo came home along with the two years old Kakashi.     

Both Sakumo and I saw the look that Kakashi had when he saw Yugito Nii.     

He got a crush on her the first time they met, something that was surprising since he was already someone calm and composed without showing much emotion.     

Another thing was that Yugito had the same long blonde hair and dark eyes as Kakashi's mother.     

It was still one-sided since she didn't look at him the same, borderline ignoring him as he was still too small.     

Whatever would happen, I still don't know, but if they end up together then sure, why not.     

Regardless, I was now with Konan since it was her eighth birthday, and when I asked what she wants as a gift, she said "I want to spend the entire day with you!" with a cute smile, and as doting as I am... I couldn't refuse.     

I still asked if she didn't want something else that could be more useful for her, but she said that nothing would.     

I didn't expect her to be so devoted to me since the day I saved her, she was kind of like Chizu but more cheerful and not troubled to ask me anything.     

'I guess she needs affection like every child requires' I thought as I found her wish to be with me for a day weird, even more so when she told me to wait for her at our house's library     

The only person with us in the house today was Chizu, but since I accepted Konan's request, she didn't show herself.     

I did ask her if she wanted anything every time her birthday was coming but she always replied with an 'As long as I can serve you, I don't need anything'.     

She's 22 already and still single... She's not the best with social interactions, but she looks beautiful, has strength, and she's capable of doing pretty much anything with ease.     

And it's not as if I was locking her in the compound since she has the right to leave when she wants but needs to come back in case I call for her.     

After a few knocks on the door, the blue-haired girl appeared in my sight with a different attire than usual, wearing a black top kimono that pretty much made me think of mine, a white skirt with some purple lines and long black stocking, but more importantly, she put on lavender eye shadow.     

It was the first time since I took her that she put on eye shadow, and also the first time she didn't have an origami flower hairpin on her head.     

"You are using makeup now Konan?" I asked as I saw her fidgeting when she entered but stopped when she heard me     

"Y-yes, how is it?" she replied with her hand behind her back     

"It looks wonderful, your amber eyes stand out even more." I replied with a smile which made her delighted     

I was more of a 'It looks good, I guess' kind of guy since I sucked with clothing and style, but after years of being with Tsunade and even when I was doing shopping with Kushina, I learned at least how to compliment people when they wear something new or different.     

I didn't see the point of always finding new clothes before asking me how it looks on them since no matter what they wear, Tsunade will always be beautiful and Kushina will stay cute to me.     

But I remember the first time the three of us were gone outside of the village to do shopping... When I didn't compliment them, they pouted for a while and stayed stubborn the entire day.     

She started approaching me, who was sitting on a chair in front of one of the tables our library included, and said "I didn't wear my origami flower because, hum, I want you to make it." with a little bit of shyness in her voice     

I was a bit surprised but still replied "Sure, I don't mind at all, but you need to show me how to make one before, is that fine?" with a gentle tone     

She once more showed a blooming smile and simply muttered a "Hn!" before moving past the chair I prepared for her and jumped on my lap before sitting down     

As she was happily swinging her legs back and forth, she turned her head to look at me before saying "It will be easier for me to show you how to do it if I am here right?" with puppy eyes     

'Too cute' I thought, as I couldn't make her sad the day of her birthday so I replied "Sure." while placing one of my hand on her head to brush her hair     

"Hehe..." she let out as if she achieved something before looking at the table to create a large piece of paper     

'She didn't plan this since the start did she?' I thought before dispelling such an idea since she was too young to be sly like that... Right?     

"Are you ready to see how I am making it, Yuichi-sama?" she asked as she raised her head to look at me     

I closed my eyes and activated the Sharingan to perfectly copy her before replying "I'm ready Konan."     

She then started making a lotus flower, exactly the same one I gave to Kushina but instead of being made of crystal, it was made of paper.     

During the entire process, I never closed my eyes so I could make mine with the same quality as hers.     

Her ability to create paper with her chakra was something I couldn't do even if I tried.     

This meant that she had either a Kekkei Genkai or Tōta, the Paper Release, which was immune to fire and water.     

Heck, she could cut or block Fire Jutsu, and the same was true for Water Jutsu since she could even use them underwater.     

For now, she could use them as sharp projectiles, mimic the surrounding on a small scale, and more importantly create herself small wings since it was her first objective.     

'My wing truly fascinate her' I thought as I recalled her trying to fly with hers but could only do it by using Wind Release for now     

She had yet to be able to transform herself into paper, only capable of doing so for her clothes.     

Now I knew that it used Water Release, but I didn't know yet if it was with Earth or/and Yang Release, both of which she had an affinity for.     

Although I was more believing in a Water+Yang combination.     

Her skill in Taijutsu was fine since she had Kushina to train with when I was not here, but her sensing ability was incredible, to the point of discerning the chakra of different people.     

When she finished her origami, I said "I should be able to do the same now, I just need the paper."     

She then raised her head to look at me again and replied "Then, can you set the back of your hand on the table, please?" with a cute expression     

"Alright." I quickly replied, doing as she asked me before she gently put her hands on my arm and confessed "I really want it to be done with your chakra, so I got an idea."     

I waited for her explanation "If you make with your chakra the form of the paper, I should be able to transform it."     

'Being capable of converting the chakra of someone else?' this got me surprised so I started doing it to see if she could do it     

When she saw my chakra, she smiled before closing her eyes to send a bit of her chakra at mine.     

Then after a hard task of slowly but skillfully making her chakra knead with mine, something I didn't expect was possible happened, since my chakra transformed into a light blue piece of paper that had my signature.     

"You're amazing Konan!" I exclaimed as not a single trace of her chakra was surprisingly left in the paper     

If she was capable of doing the same in a battle, she could return the chakra her enemies use against themselves with papers.     

I then started to do the same origami flower she did before while saying "If I'm doing something wrong, tell me alright?" to which she simply replied "It doesn't matter as long as it's from you!"     

I couldn't help but chuckle before starting my work, doing the same folds she did with the same pace and meticulousness.     

The more I neared the end, the more I felt the blue-haired girl hum in joy on my lap.     

When I was over with it, I clipped a wood pin underneath the flower so she could use it for her hair, and asked "Do you want to attach your hair in a bun with it?"     

She looked a bit surprised and replied "How did you know?"     

'Uh huh' "I just thought that it would look really good on you." I reacted which made her cheeks redden a little     

'Was it embarrassing?' I thought as she was momentarily stunned, before suggesting "Do you want me to make your bun?"     

"Yes please!" she let out the instant I stopped speaking     

"Then don't move." I said as I started taking care of her bun     

'When you have hair like mine, Konan's hair looks far easier to tend to' I thought as I was now fixing the hairpin     

"And... There, done!" I exclaimed with a smile before making a small ice mirror to allow her to see herself     

She was full of bliss as she carefully touched the hairpin and said "Thank you, Yuichi-sama! This is the best thing I could receive!"     

"You're welcome." I answered, and after staying here for a few minutes, we started leaving the compound since I accepted to be with her for the entire day     

Because lunch was coming soon, I brought her to Teuchi's restaurant since it was the first time she would taste his food.     

She then wanted to go to the outdoor market and strolled from shop to shop without ever losing her smile as she looked at everything.     

She stopped for a long time inside the Yamanaka Flowers which wasn't a surprise since she loved doing flower origami.     

When we were back home, I let her open the door and she was greeted by everyone else who came back with a loud "Happy birthday!".     

Needless to say that we all had an enjoyable dinner.     


'I did know that she wouldn't last more than a month, but I didn't expect Grandma to call for me already' I thought as I was now in the corridor leading to the 'Sealing Chamber' located beneath Grandma's bedroom     

It was a place that was cut off from the outside, making it impossible to sense a tailed beasts' chakra and large enough for them to be released in case it happened.     

Grandma already met with everyone she held dear this morning to give her farewells, except for Kushina and me since both of us were asked to join her inside the Sealing Chamber.     

When I opened the door, I saw Grandma who was sitting to the side of a single bed, with Kushina sleeping with reddened eyes, her head resting on Mito's lap.     

When Mito saw me, she put a finger in front of her mouth to warn me not to make too much noise.     

Looking at her, she truly was at the end of her life.     

She had long hair that lost its famous red color to become brown, her skin was also dried, common for someone 79 years old.     

She stopped using her chakra to keep a younger appearance for a while now because she couldn't do it anymore.     

As I moved toward them, she gently made Kushina lay on the bed, before getting up with difficulty to go to the other one.     

"Let me help you." I said as I put her arm over my shoulders to support her     

She smiled when I did so and said "You are as kind as ever, Yuichi."     

I chuckled at that sentence while doing my best to not make too much noise as I laid her on the bed.     

But when I was leaning back up, she put her hands on my face and made me look at her before saying "I never told anyone but when you were younger, I was surprised to never sense a hint of emotions within you... There were some, but they didn't feel real most of the time."     

I laid my hand on one of hers before replying "I know Grandma... It's just th-" but as I was quietly speaking, she interrupted me by putting a finger on my mouth before saying "Hush now boy, I don't need you to give me any reason since you changed as you grew to reach where you are now."     

I smiled at her tenderness and replied "Thank you, Grandma."     

She smiled back at me as she answered back "I should be the one that is thankful, you know." before taking her hands off my face to lay down on the bed     

I got a more serious look before declaring "Usually, extracting Tailed Beasts is something extremely painful that ends with the Jinchūriki's death. However, I can make it painless without robbing you of your last wish."     

"Then I will leave everything in your hands, Yuichi." she replied before closing her eyes to add "It was a pleasure to take care of you."     

"Not a surprise for me since I was always an angel!" I said to lighten up the mood which successfully made her giggle     

I then started to produce pollen that filled the room and put both Mito and Kushina into a deep slumber.     

I then took a deep breath to prepare myself and laid my hand on Mito's belly which had the seal.     

The moment I closed my eyes and sent chakra, I appeared in a place that I knew well thanks to the anime, but still felt weird to be in it.     

"This place truly sucks." I said out loud as my voice echoed     

Unclear water was almost reaching my knee, and when I looked in front of me, there was a giant gate made with metallic bars, while the two sides were sealed by a tag to keep it from being opened.     

The place didn't seem clean at all, you understand quite easily that it was made years ago, and the tag was almost torn off because of that.     

"Who dares to come here?" a voice that sounded old echoed around me     

I then saw a giant eye looking at me as if he was seeing everything hidden inside of my heart, but I couldn't even sense any chakra from him.     

"Hi?" I said as I raised my hand to greet him     

"Hmpf! I can't even leave this place that someone comes and wants to seal me again." he said with a grumpy tone as I saw that he couldn't move a lot     

"Letting you outside would only bring trouble for everyone you know." I said as he continued to fiercely gaze at me     

He narrowed his eyes before saying "You smell like that Uchiha bastard." as he started growling     

"And you smell like you didn't take a shower in decades... Oh! That's why the water is dirty I guess." I replied with a teasing smirk     

"Uh?!" he first let out as he was getting up before adding "What did you say?" and started to send a heavy stream negative emotions at me     

I felt that the barrier was completely blocking the ability to sense chakra from both sides unless the host authorized so, but everything else was capable of going through.     

The moment I felt the negative emotions filling my head, I used my control over them to not get affected, before locking every drop of it in a corner of my head.     

"Thank you! I needed that for something later." I said before chuckling right in front of him     

I could see tick marks appearing all over his head as he banged his fists on the door with anger.     

'Let's have you more docile' I thought before closing my eyes     

The moment I opened them, they changed into the Eternal Mangekyô as I said "Kunitokotachi."     

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