Living to the Fullest in the World of Naruto

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

3After talking more with Hiruzen, I was able to convince him to give the twins an official Genin rank instantly because I taught them more than the Academy should.      0

Now, they are also already Chūnin by unconventional means, they were trained to be assassins and are made to work together... Adding someone to make a team of three would break the balance they have so they didn't have to pass the Chūnin exam.     

Instead, Tobirama asked them to spare against him to see how good was their coordination, one of the important parts of becoming a Chūnin, and mostly to see if they have as much potential as I said they had.     

He was surprised by how well they were together, even more, when I said that they started learning less than two years ago.     

But this doesn't mean they are already Jōnin. They are currently sent in an A-rank mission together and by themselves, in case something unexpected happens I will know it but I trust them about completing the mission smoothly and should be back after a while.     

They are the ones who asked to do the mission, knowing that I would reward them if they reach Jōnin before being 12.     

They may act nervous in front of strangers, Shuzo acts like an excited kid when he's with me and Chizu always stays serious but when they have to fight or do a Shinobi's job, they completely change their personalities and become cold-blooded fighters.     

Now for 'Origins' base installation, I made clones of myself to build it and it was located far beneath the ground, an entrance inside a tree from the nearest forest of the Senju Clan compound.     

This forest isn't used to get wood supplies, so the tree won't be chopped by some random lumber man and it's owned by the Senju Clan.     

I also made the tree stronger, it looks the same as most of the trees but with a slightly bigger trunk, and I extended its roots to the main hall below.     

Being a user of Earth, Crystal, and Wood release could make me the best builder in the world.     

I also looked through the knowledge of civilian builders without them noticing to not make stupid mistakes during the construction.     

After all, I do not have advanced knowledge on how to build, and I don't want anyone knowing where it is located, except for the members and maybe some trusted peoples.     

I also prepared a special Space-Time Jutsu combined with Fūinjutsu and Wood Release.     

Each member will have a seal inscribed by me wherever they want that once activated, will instantly teleport them in front of a giant inner tree I made serving as a 'waypoint'.     

They each have a microscopic wood clone that merged where the seal is, which can activate it for them in case they can't.     

They can also use it to replenish their chakra but for the price of not being able to teleport.     

The chakra they are using is contained within the clone, and even if they are small they share my ability to hide their chakra as well as passively replenishing it thus, the cooldown is required because they never disappear unless I die.     

In case they died, my clone can activate the teleportation because a corpse does not need a lot of chakras to be transported.     

This seal is needed to enter from the tree outside of the base, it works like a key.     

I also won't invade their privacy, the clones won't relay to me what they are doing all the time, I want them to be loyal, yes, but built on trust... Mostly.     

I called it 'Wood-Linked Teleportation Seal'.     

One dangerous point about it is that if the tree linked to them is ever broken... They won't die because of it but may fall unconscious due to pain.     

The other issue is in case I am drained of my chakra, or fall unconscious the seal wouldn't work anymore.     

For the clothing, they would have a mask specially fabricated for each of them, and would, usually, hide the entire face without being limited to an animal style and main white color.     

They wear tight scarlet red clothing that goes up to their head, which is under a long black jacket with scarlet red vertical lines around the middle and a sash the same color separating the light gray pants and the ninja sandals with spikes for mountainous regions.     

At the back of the jacket, a white flower pattern similar to my Tenseigan is designed.     

They can choose if they want long sleeves or not, gloves or not as well as arms, legs or shoulders guard.     

They also have a special pouch inscribed with Fūinjutsu to carry more than they could with a normal one.     

The twins have a similar mask, representing an oni with the typical two red horns, pointed ears, and a false opened mouth with huge golden teeth.     

They have an opening for the eyes that is large enough to see the Ketsuryūgan, giving a more wild feeling as they also have their hair getting sharper.     

Chizu, who has short hair stopping at her neck, has her mask colored in a lighter purple gradient.     

Her brother, Shuzo, who has longer hair stopping at the middle of his back, has a darker purple gradient mask.     


As for Shikuro, because of the way his offense work, he needs to show more skin than anyone else or have extremely thin clothing.     

He's wearing a large cloak with the same design as the jacket, the tight black clothing he has was specially made to be passed through by the Rinkaichū with ease but he can open it, letting it hang around his legs.     

He still has his short spike dull black hair, he's now around 1,85 meters (6'06 feet) tall and worked hard on his agility and close combat fighting.     

He usually wears tight clothing around his head too, that only shows his lower face, below the nose, with two orange round little glasses on his eyes.     

The mask he is wearing works as a second layer, with the same black color, the Konoha headband on it, his eyes are covered by an orange insect eye-style, the mask stops right at the level of his nose, protected by a sharp chitin spike going down his mouth and six chelicera-like claw.     

The straps were covered by some big black and orange centipede chitin, ending with their claw-like hook to keep it right around his head.     

[Here, don't judge me for the antihero look, wasn't intended]     

I still didn't make my mask, I can wait for it because I won't leave for a while, at least as a member of Origins.     

Some times ago, Shiromari asked me why did I choose the name 'Origins'.     

The name actually kind of shares the meaning of Danzō's Root in the significance that both are the beginning of something.     

But it's more personal, this is the first world I am reborn into, the one where I will build my strength and existence before many others.     

This is my origin.     

And the name is also an acronym:     

Order because all members will follow the same moral code and should feel like being in a community. As I said, I want to mostly build it on trust between us.     

The next three letters are for 'Rapid Intelligence Gathering' a normal job for trained shinobi, but I'm proud to say that because of my prowess in Space-Time Jutsu and the competence of the members, we can gather information faster than anyone else, and I intend to create another Jutsu that will enable us to communicate from afar.     

Then there are the last three letters for 'Independent Necessary Slaughter' the independent part is self-explanatory because of our position within Konoha and their inability to hinder us in future assassinations.     

Necessary is to make the Slaughter, which is to kill others thoroughly, something that never fails, that is inevitable.     

A perfect elimination is what they should be able to do.     

On a completely different subject, it's been two weeks since I came back home and Jiraiya, Dai, and Orochimaru are still out on a mission.     

They may face some difficulties but surely not death threatening.     

All of them became Jōnin while I was away, I know they can take care of themselves.     

Another extremely important piece of news, I had a date planned with Tsunade this afternoon.     

Because I'm the one asking her out, I had to figure what we would do.     

So I kept it pretty simple, she loves to bet and gamble even though she never won except against Hashirama... So first, we moved to the Tanzaku Quarters, a town famous for its gambling opportunities even now.     

We were both clothed as civilians, I rarely wear light-colored clothing but this time I was in a white shirt and a light blue waistcoat with dark blue pants.     

Tsunade was wearing a short white top below a beautiful green wrap dress falling over tight grey pants.     

We were quite an eye-catching couple, judging by all the people looking at us moving across the street.     

As we were holding hands, I could see some stares of jealousy from women and men alike, be it for Tsunade or myself.     

Also, I know a casino is weird as a date location, even more for the first one we have, but she will enjoy it, and with me here I will try to not let us lose everything.     

Entering the casino, Tsunade's eyes were shining before I said "So, which game do you want to do first?"     

"How much money did we bring?" she asked eagerly     

"Enough money to stay here for a while." I replied as it was our money, the one we could take from the Senju Clan     

"Then let's start with this one!" she said acting like a kid in front of many toys by pointing at a table while smiling at me     

'She's cute' I thought as I saw her smile and couldn't help but pinch her cheeks     

"Hey! Shtop I'wm not a kiwd!" She said as she tried to wave my hands off, well she could break anyone else arms right now but thankfully not mine     

"Maybe, but you kept your cute elastic cheeks~" I said, still teasing her before she pinched my waist in return     

"Alright, alright, I'll stop! Let's play baccarat, if that's what you wanted to try first." I said because her pinching started to hurt me     

And so we got to try most of what we could, blackjack, roulette, poker, and there are even the slot machines already! It's funny how certain things are too advanced compared to the rest...     

Sadly, Tsunade always loses the first couple of rounds of any game we played. And surprisingly, she won multiple times later, giving her more money back than she lost before.     

She knew that usually, she has crappy luck and because she won multiples times, she said I was her lucky charm when I am close and thanked me for that...     

Well, I teased her by mumbling "I don't mind getting closer if you want." in her ear, causing a smile to form on her face as she replied "Maybe later."     

She's quite the blunt person and is not as affected as much as before by my teasing, she always says what she really thinks.     

By the end of the afternoon, we actually left the casino with far more money than we had before.     

And because peoples saw us win that much money we swiftly disappeared from anyone's sight once outside the town.     

I then asked her to follow me somewhere inside Konoha.     

We moved to the forest where the passageway for 'Origins' base was but got deeper into the trees until we saw a cave entrance hidden behind an illusion seal.     

Once inside we got down using man-made stone stairs and arrived in a large opened area.     

I turned myself to Tsunade and seeing her face of amazement I said "So, what do you think of this place?"     

"It's amazing! Did you make this place yourself?" she said looking in surprise at the surrounding     

The place had dark blue mirror-like walls, in the center was a large sparkling water lake illuminated by a species of soft luminous moss, with colorful crystal all around the place giving an overall out-of-this-world feeling.     

"Can we go swim?" she asked grabbing my hands     

"Of course we can." I replied     

We then took our clothes off and started enjoying the hot water.     

"Aaah~ it feels great..." she said floating thanks to her upper body     


"We can come back here whenever you want." I said approaching her before softly kissing her on the lips     

"Mmh~ Now a drink would make it perfect..." she said as our lips departed     

"I knew you would say that. Here, the best mead in the world!" I said moving to the lakeside and taking out from a scroll the best bottles I had along with two glasses     

Opening the first bottle, it let out a sweet smell, I filled our glasses before we said "Cheers!"     

Both of us bottled up our glasses at once, the taste was as expected rich and sweet, but both of us enjoyed it so I poured a second time.     

We finished the whole bottle quite fast, and it wasn't small, the alcohol in it was stronger than what I expected mead to have, both of us slightly red because we drank multiples bottles.     

We could get rid of our drunkness but with our current situation, we didn't want to.     

Looking at each other eyes, Tsunade said "So... What now?" knowing well where this would be going     

I smirked and said "The question would be where, don't you think?"     

She smiled as well before wrapping her arms around my neck, beginning another long night together.     

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