She Belongs To The Devil

Pure Evil

Pure Evil

2"Let me carve out that smug face off of your head. That should be so much fun."     2

Reginald rolled his eyes at Theodore. Even when he was clearly at a disadvantage, he didn't stop mocking Theodore, "Yes, I agree. It would be so much fun to make a mask out of the Devil's skin and hang it on my wall."     

"Oh, you really want to keep on disrespecting me when you are stuck under your horse?" Theodore chuckled and flapped his wings towards Reginald.     

The vampire guards of Reginald looked at each other and signaled while Theodore's attention was focused on Reginald.     

And all of them leaped up at once to attack Theodore's wings like before and bring him down to the ground.     

However, they didn't take into account two of the very important things about Theodore. One was that Theodore was way stronger than he used to be. Second, Theodore had no intention of holding himself back so that he wouldn't mistakenly hurt anybody.     

Theodore was not there to fight anyone. He was there to kill… kill everyone who would come in between him and Reginald.     

So when the vampires tried to grab onto his wings, he swiftly flew back and swiped his flaming sword around without caring if it cut someone.     

And it did.     

One of the vampires got slashed right on his chest and before one could even blink, that vampire looked like burning coals.     

He gave out one last howl in pain. He looked like some monster from hell when he screeched in pain and tried to hold onto the vampires near him in the hope that someone would save him from his death.     

But in the very next moment, his body got reduced to ashes and his soul burst into thousands of pieces and vanished… just like that. It vanished from the whole existence.     

The others who managed to dodge the attack from the flaming sword were stunned. Their knees were trembling and their teeth rattling. They had never seen anyone getting that horrible death, not even in their nightmare.     

And no one, neither a single vampire, nor a single human dared to attack Theodore again.     

Even Reginald was now afraid for his life. He looked at the Devil and thought to himself, "What have I done?"     

He had escaped death twice by now. They said the third time's a charm. And he definitely didn't want it to be a charm. He did not want to die like that vampire that just died the most horrifying death.     

Theodore, on the other hand, chuckled softly at first after witnessing that death.     

"Ah! The vision came true again!" He flipped the sword in the air and caught it again. And mumbled to himself, "So this is the purpose of this flaming sword. This is the war that I had seen in my vision…"     

Theodore recalled the rest of the pieces of his vision that he had seen before. "I know exactly what I need to do. This time, I will gladly repeat what I saw in my vision. I haven't killed in a long while. Ah! This is going to be so much entertaining!"     

And then the intensity of his chuckle kept on getting louder and louder until it turned into a maniacal cackle. And it kept on sounding ominous and sinister by the second.     

Not a single fly dared to move when the maniacal laughter of that Devil resounded throughout the vicinity.     

Theodore's playfulness, his softness, his morale, his every positive side had already disappeared. And all that was currently being reflected in his devil-red eyes were vengeance and the desire to kill, the desire to cause mayhem.     

"So," Theodore darted his eyes around and asked in his hoarse voice, "Does anyone want to challenge me?"     

Theodore pointed his flaming sword at the vampires and asked mockingly, "No one? Not even the apex predators of nature? Not even God's favorite bad guys? No?"     

One of the vampires tried to speak up for the rest of the army and spoke in a stuttering voice, "Wi-With all due res-respect, we have already sur-rrendered. We have promised not to set a f-f-foot on the south side again. So, please…"     

"Oh really?" Theodore dropped down on the land and walked towards that vampire. He clicked his tongue and scoffed, "But nobody informed me that you all have surrendered. So…" Theodore pointed his sword at the neck of that vampire and mockingly said, "It doesn't count. The war is still on for me."     

Theodore glared down at that vampire's face. He looked terrified.     

And Theodore enjoyed that look on that vampire's face. "Ah! How I missed this look that my victims gave me before I killed them."     

He ran his claw on that vampire's cheek and whispered, sending chills down that vampire's spine, "I used to live for this look. How refreshing it is to see this same expression again."     

Theodore abruptly turned his head around because he heard one vampire moving his feet.     

That vampire instantly straightened his back and turned into a statue. He didn't want to be the next target of that fearsome Devil.     

Theodore looked back at that vampire in front of him again. He lifted his flaming sword while wearing a devilish expression on his face.     

That vampire shook his head and pleaded, "No please don't… please don't kill me."     

"No? Why?" Theodore gave a terrifying gaze and asked coldly, "You've killed a lot of innocents, haven't you? So why do I have to spare you? You're not even an innocent."     

"Because… because I have a family," that vampire blurted.     

"I also have a family," Theodore growled in rage and a few of the soldiers even pissed their pants.     

The dangerous aura that Theodore was emitting was affecting the army way too much. It had successfully planted fear deep down in all of their hearts. They had all given up before they even tried to fight off the Devil.     

"I also have a family. But your King killed two of the members of my family. So don't… don't you dare use that family card on me, dear. I don't care about your family. In fact, I don't care about your whole Kingdom. I will burn it to the ground."     

And the moment Theodore finished extracting all the enjoyment that he could from that vampire, he swung his sword and beheaded that vampire.     

This one also died in the same manner as the previous vampire.     

Theodore gave an evil grin to the other vampires and asked again, "Anyone else wants to speak or fight for their King?"     

Not a single soul dared to make a sound. Some even held their breath fearing that the Devil would take it as "talking".     

"No one?" Theodore smiled and said, "I thought so. Good. Because I want to deal with your King before moving on to the rest of you."     

Everyone felt goosebumps all over their body upon hearing that remark from the Devil. Yet, not a single one of them dared to speak or move their finger.     

Theodore leisurely walked towards Reginald.     

Reginald desperately tried to get away from his horse but he was unsuccessful. The horse was also not able to get up on its own because it was hurt.     

Reginald then looked at his guards and screamed, "What are you waiting for, you fools? Why are you standing there like statues? Kill this Devil! Stop him!"     

However, not a single one of his guards dared to do so much as turn their heads, leave alone jump in to fight Theodore.     

Theodore gave a devilish smirk and mocked Reginald, "Aww… none of your dogs came to your rescue? Poor you!"     

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