Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife

040 OOTD

040 OOTD

1"Even my ass," I bit back glumly and I closed the door in his face. However, before the door can entirely close, Lucas inserted himself in between and forced himself in. He tailed behind me, feeling at home in my room after spending just a night and acting as if he owned the place. He did own it though but my room is my private sanctuary, he has his own.     

"Stop following me," I lashed at him, unable to tolerate his presence anymore after what he did this morning.     

"I'm not following you." He replied. A childish grin playing across his enigmatic features.     

"Yes, you are."     

"This is my house. I have the right to be here." He responded smugly.     

"But this is my room. You have yours."     

Lucas nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders. " You will be late for work if you don't move now." He told me and found himself a comfortable position on the large Victorian sofa.     

"You are avoiding the topic." I accused him. The irritation in my tone was outright.     

"I'm not." He said. His lack of concern irritated me further. "You'll be late for work if you don't move your sexy ass now. I don't tolerate late employees."     

My eyes found the wall clock. I saw the time and realized he was right.      

"I'm letting this slip for the moment but we're not done yet."     

Glaring at him one last time, I strutted to the bathroom to take bath.     

Under the shower, the lukewarm water running to my skin calm my aching nerves. My skittering thoughts revisited last night's events, instantly turning my cheeks into crimson red. I was still feeling sore in between my legs but it didn't stop me from reliving the steamy scene.     

True the intercourse was painful at first, it might be because we haven't had sex for a long time but it wasn't that bad as I first thought. He'd been very gentle and it wasn't his fault I was hurt.     

"Alexandria, taking your sweet time in the shower. Stop daydreaming of me or you'll be late for work."     

Although he cannot see me, I still shot the door an irritated look before turning the shower off and drying myself.     

When I emerged from the bathroom, I found Lucas back on the sofa. His long legs stretched forward in a pretty comfortable position. If moments ago he was feeling at home, as though he owned the room, he leveled up as this time he was acting as if he owned the room.     

"Done thinking of me?" He teased. His hot gaze surveyed me from head to toe and when his eyes finally met mine, they were gleaming with delight.     

My fingers tightened their grip on the scanty towel covering my nakedness in fear it will slip on the floor with his powerful gaze. I hid my discomfort behind a mocking smile and lifted my chin stubbornly. "In your dreams. I'm not daydreaming of you." I added with an unladylike snort.     

"Why are you furiously blushing then?" He asked.      

I ignored him but I can still feel his hot gaze following me to my closet to select my outfit for the day.      

Something simple and chic. It was what's running in my mind as I rummaged through the clothes on display. I finally selected one though but Lucas eyed the pencil skirt disapprovingly and blatantly said, "You are not wearing that." In an authoritative tone.     

I finally agreed with him after realizing it will be too tight for me. I wouldn't be comfortable on my first day wearing that. Not only that, but the fragile garment, even though stretchable, looks like it will be torn in half once I sit down on a chair.     

With a sigh, my searching gaze returned to the plethora of clothes inside the closet and started rummaging once more until I found a red office dress.     

"Too distracting." Lucas commented. "You're not attending a fashion show."     

My eyes swept the dress with a regretful glance and agreed with him once more. The fiery color was too eye-catching, it will make me look like I'm about to strut on a runway.     

I shoved the dress back and picked another black office dress to show him. Yet again, he shook his head. "You're not attending a funeral Bella." He bluntly told me.     

At this point, I'm not surprised to hear his disapproval. However, hearing him call me Bella puzzled me. Not that I don't like him saying that. I actually find it sexy. But it was so strange after what had happened between us last night.     

"How about this one." I turned to him to show what I'm holding in my hand.     

His lips pursed into a thin line. With his thick eyebrows almost meeting halfway, he continued, "Too short."     

Returning the clothes back inside, I took a deep breath and found another outfit which I actually liked and showed it to him. "A big no. The neckline's too revealing."     

Damn. He's not doing any good helping me select what to wear.     

"You know, I don't need your opinion. I will wear what I want." I snapped, fed up at hearing him say no.     

"I'm not looking for something I know you will not be comfortable wearing." He explained as he got up from the sofa. The look in his eyes reminded me I was only wearing a scanty towel to cover my nakedness, and my fingers returned to the bath towel to hold it tightly into place.     

Still not speaking, I continued to eye him warily, wondering what he was planning to do. Just when I thought he was coming after me, he walked past where stood and opened another large closet to look for something.     

It only took him seconds to find something in the closet and handed them to me.     

"Try this on. I'm sure you will feel comfortable with them. He thrust the clothes in my hands when I refused to take it. "Pink is this year's lucky color and I'm telling you, pink is your strong suit. As for the slack, it's very comfy and stretchable. It will make you less self-conscious in the finance department where you will find the majority of your workmates hot-blooded species of males."     

Hearing his explanation softened me a bit. But even though I'm not entirely convinced, I still took the clothes he hand me.     

"Go try them on." He urged.     

 To avoid argument, I decided to try it on since there's no harm doing it anyway.     

"Turn your back, Lucas."     

"I've seen you without clothes, I don't think I need to do that," Lucas began to argue, but the look in my eyes finally made him do what as I say. "Okay." He said in defeat then turned his back.     

After putting on my cotton undergarments on, I put the clothes on and was amazed by how it fitted me perfectly in a comfy way. The complementary pink gave me a fresh and youthful look. Also, it's very comfortable to look at.     

"I told you, you will look good in it." He said when he turned and saw me wearing the outfit he'd chosen.     

My pride won't allow me to thank him. I found an excuse to walk away from him by drying my hair in front of the vanity mirror. While I was doing so, he opened another closet and when he returns he was holding a black blazer in his hand. "Just in case the cold become intolerable which is usually the case in the office, you can put this on."     

He used to hate me before, why is he now acting like a dotting husband now? It was the question running in my mind when I was suddenly interrupted by the soft knock on the door.     

"Are you done? We can't afford to be late on our first day." It was Samantha reminding me it was time to go.     

Done drying my hair, I grabbed a pair of black shoes and put it on to compliment my attire. I grabbed my purse and the blazer Lucas gave me before responding to Samantha, "I'm coming."     

"Aren't you going to give your husband a goodbye kiss before leaving?" Lucas inched closer until only a small space stood between us. He still towered over me despite me wearing high-heeled shoes.     

"Kiss your—"     

"Ass." He completed the words for me.     

Without warning, he kiss me on the lips. It happened so fast that resisting wasn't even an option.     

"Take care, wifey." He said, leaving me there with my mouth hanging open as he strode to the adjoining door to disappear from my sight.     

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