CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Reliving The Most Horrible Dyas Of This Life

Reliving The Most Horrible Dyas Of This Life

2Mo Roulan finished reliving perhaps the most horrible days of her present life.     

Her face was pale and her lips were completely dry. She had never thought that all of that had affected her this much. But it evidently has.     

She had thought that the horribleness of her past life had already made her strong and there was nothing that could shock or scare her anymore to that point but she was scared of remembering whatever happened two months back.     

After all, no matter how much waste her past life had been, she had never killed anyone with his hands.     

"Are you alright?"     

Qin Ruan's gentle voice fell in her ears and she raised her head as she whispered     


She asked in confusion when she saw his concern-filled eyes. It took her a few moments to register what he had just asked her.     

"I am alright."     

She whispered as she nodded to ensure him.     

She saw him forwarding a glass of water to her. Only then did she realize how dry her throat was and she stretched her hand out to pick the glass.     

However, she had just held it but her trembling hands were unable to hold it nicely and the glass almost fell down back to the table when a hand suddenly caught it and forwarded it to her lips.     

She didn't think of anything and silently took a few sips from the glass.     

The coolness of the water brought some relief to Mo Roulan's dazed and confused mind. Only then did she notice the slender and long fingers that were wrapped around the glass and she couldn't help but blink realizing whose hand it was.     

She looked at He Jian from the corner of her eyes while she continued to sip the water from the glass slowly.     

He looked a little uncomfortable as he had to turn completely in her direction to hold the glass. Mo Roulan was confused until she noticed that his other hand was held by her.     

When did she hold it?      

She blinked again and then suddenly started to cough loudly.     

He Jian's eyes widened and he immediately pulled the glass away.     

"Lanlan…are you alright?"     

He asked as he looked at her coughing constantly. He didn't know what he should do.     

Qin Ruan also stood up from his chair and went behind Mo Roulan to pat her back. But He Jian's eyes narrowed and he held his hand before he could do so.     

Qin Ruan raised his eyebrows as he looked at He Jian. Understanding immediately why the man stopped him, he explained.     

"I will rub her back. It will help."     

However, He Jian didn't let go of his hand and said coldly     

"I will do it."     

After that, he left Qin Ruan's hand but only to rub Mo Roulan's back gently. Mo Roulan covered her mouth and left He Jian's hand that was still in her hold.     

The realization that he was rubbing her back made her control her cough intentionally but she was not that lucky.     

It took a whole three minutes for her cough to subside.     

After she stopped coughing, her face was completely red and her eyes were teary. She felt very embarrassed so she made an excuse of wanting to have some fresh air from outside and then left the office.     

Qin Ruan smiled looking at her back but when he looked back at He Jian unconsciously, he hid his smile and cleared his throat awkwardly.     

When He Jian continued to look at him silently and coldly, he couldn't help but explain.     

"I have a sister of her age. She reminds me of her."        

Only then did He Jian look a little less cold to Qin Ruan. The latter sighed in relief and decided to talk about the matter at hand.          

But before he could, He Jian asked him coldly     

"Why did you stop me, Mr. Qin?"     

"I think she needed this."     

When Qin Ruan saw He Jian's confused face, he explained     

"I suppose that she had not talked about this incident before to someone else again. The thing that she killed someone …even if it was to save her brother's life, it seemed to have messed up with her emotions a little."     

He Jian had a grim face when he understood what Qin Ruan was saying.     

Indeed, Mo Roulan had not talked about this to anyone. He had not let the police ask her too many questions as they have been able to find a video from the room where that doctor was killed.     

From the CCTV footage, it was clear that Mo Roulan only killed him to save her brother and herself. So when he saw Mo Roulan's pale face at the time the police asked her to tell them everything about the incident, he had managed it on his own.     

But he had not thought that she was still so affected by this.        

"What can be done?"     

He asked Qin Ruan.     

Qin Ruan raised his eyebrows when he sensed the anxiousness in He Jian's voice. His guess became stronger and he smiled softly as he told He Jian.     

"She needs to accept that she did nothing wrong. It will take time. Today can be her first time to at least talk about all this to someone. But I think she will be fine. She seems to be a strong girl."     

He Jian nodded his head …rather stiffly.     

He remembered how tightly she had been holding his hand, how cold her hand was, and how pale she looked when she was telling all that.     

He had wanted her to stop remembering all those memories if she was so scared but Qin Ruan stopped him at that time.     

He only stopped because the latter wrote on a paper that it was important.     

He had been surprised that Mo Roulan didn't notice their interaction. She seemed too lost in what she was talking about that she never noticed what was happening around her.     

It was at that time, that he held her hand …never expecting that she would hold it back so desperately…as if she never wished to leave.     

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