CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Chi Rong Wants Another Favor

Chi Rong Wants Another Favor

3"Miss Lin, did you have your lunch?"     3

Lin Qianru was not startled today when she heard Chi Rong's question and immediately nodded her head.     

"Yes, Mr. Chi."     

She tried to say as calmly as she could.     

But she felt very embarrassed. Today even the old butler who took care of Chi Mansion was present in the dining room for some reason since she had stepped inside with the food.     

Chi Rong asked her such a question in front of him.     

Lin Qianru could only wonder what was going on inside his mind.     

Though it was not the first time Chi Rong had asked her this question, it was the first time he asked the same in presence of someone else.     

These days after every meal, Chi Rong would ask her this question but Lin Qianru could understand that he was only trying to make her comfortable after the 'little favor' he had asked her for.     

But Lin Qianru thought that she would prefer if Chi Rong would not attempt to do that because his attempts of making her comfortable were putting her in a kind of uncomfortable zone …like right now. It would be better if he would behave as if that day when they had gone to his uncle's house never happened.     

But Chi Rong was not one of those people who would forget the favor done to him.     

Lin Qianru made some excuse and left the dining room after she had placed all the dishes on the table. Fortunately, she didn't have to stand there and serve Chi Rong. Usually, he did all this himself or the butler did for him.     

She glanced at the clock after she stepped inside the kitchen and wondered whether Chi Rong would have dinner as it was already evening and he was having late lunch because he was busy in some meeting in the afternoon.     

Just at this moment, the butler came into the kitchen and informed us that Chi Rong would not be having his dinner.     

Lin Qianru nodded her head though she still prepared some light snacks in case Chi Rong felt hungry. Before leaving the kitchen, she also told the old butler about this.     

She was at Chi Mansion's entrance when she heard her name being called out. Lin Qianru closed her eyes as she breathed deeply before turning around to look at Chi Rong.     

She was afraid that he would propose to drop her again like he had been doing in the past two days and she would have to refuse him yet again.     

However, today he didn't do that. Instead, Chi Rong looked a little hesitant as he spoke     

"Miss Lin, I know that what I am going to ask you will make me a liar in front of you as I had said that it will only be once."     

Lin Qianru's mouth parted slightly. She had an intuition inside her heart about what Chi Rong was going to say.     

And she really wished to make some excuse and run away before he would finish but Chi Rong as if could already see her thoughts started to say.     

"Miss Lin, actually My uncle doubts that I am acting with you to make him agree to accept the treatment. That day, since I avoided talking about the marriage thing…his doubts increased. I think if we will go there a few times together then he would no longer doubt me."      

Lin Qianru sighed heavily.     

The picture of Chi Rong's sick uncle whose face was completely pale when she had gone to see him flashed in front of her eyes.     

In the span of a few hours, she had been able to see just how much Chii Rong cared for his uncle and how much his uncle cared for him.     

And conflicts again started to rise inside her heart.     

Chi Rong also noticed the hesitation in Lin Qianru's eyes and fear flickered in his eyes, Lin Qianru's yes and 'no' really mattered to him.     

His uncle had told him that if he brought her to meet him again then this tuesday he would go to the hospital with him, according to the appointment they have, to have his first check-up and start the treatment.     

So Chi Rong spoke again. He knew very well that Lin Qianru was a softhearted woman and that's why he chose the very right words that he knew would be able to melt her heart.     

"Miss Lin, I don't wish to burden you anymore but I also don't have any choice. I would have taken anyone else in your place in the first meeting itself if I had known that the things would come to this point. …but if you don't wish to go then leave it. I will tell my uncle the truth though I think that it will make him angry and aggravates him but I don't think I have any other choice."     

At this moment, Chi Rong had a helpless and disappointed expression on his face …something that people who worked for him, even his personal secretary had never seen.     

In front of them, he had always been a very calm and collected person.     

Who would have thought that the same CEO Chi could also manipulate people like this! However, Chi Rong defended himself by saying that his intention was never to harm Lin Qianru. He indeed was very helpless in front of his stubborn uncle.     

"You should leave, Miss Lin. I apologize for wasting your time."     

Chi Rong said politely though his face still looked dispirited.     

Finishing his words, he turned around to leave. However, he had taken just one step when he heard Lin Qianru's voice.     

"Mr. Chi"     

He turned around immediately and asked her with the same dispirited face     

"Yes, Miss Lin?"     

"I will go with you."     


Chi Rong expressed his joy really well at Lin Qianru's answer. When Lin Qianru nodded her head calmly at his 'Really?" he wanted to laugh out loud.     

"Thank you, Miss Lin."     

Chi Rong said sincerely.     

Lin Qianru nodded her head again not knowing what she should say.     

"I will leave now. I will be here tomorrow."     

However, Chi Rong immediately said     

"No, I will drop you and we will not be going tomorrow. We will go on Monday. The monday's morning I will pick you up just like the previous time."     

Lin Qianru immediately shook her head and wanted to refuse but Chi Rong didn't let her and said     

"No arguments allowed, Miss Lin. Doing these little things will make me feel a little less apologetic for troubling you so much."     

And hence, Chi Rong dropped Lin Qianru at the building she lived in, in his car. But when the car was near the building, Lin Qianru asked Chi Rong to stop the car immediately.     

Chi Rong was confused but stopped the car.     

"Mr. Chi, I will go from here."     

Lin Qianru said and was about to open the door when Chi Rong said that he could drop her inside the building at least.     

Lin Qianru sighed helplessly and told him honestly.     

"Mr. Chi, My daughter comes at home around this time only. It will be weird if she will see me stepping out of your car."     

Chi Rong was baffled. He suddenly understood why Lin Qianru looked so helpless just a few moments ago.     

So he nodded his head and let her leave his car.     

Looking at the leaving woman's back, Chi Rong first smile and then chuckled.     

She was one of a kind.     

He had never seen such a naïve and soft-hearted woman in his life. He wondered how she lived in this world until now.     

Lin Qianru's daughter's image flashed in front of Chi Rong's eyes. That girl looked intelligent and sharp.     

Putting aside all this, Chi Rong kept in his mind that in the future whenever Lin Qianru or her family would need any kind of help, he would surely be there for her.     

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