CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

The Sweetness Of Being Loved

The Sweetness Of Being Loved

0The car stopped outside Mo Roulan's building and Mo Roulan stepped out. Cheng Yang did the same.     

He hurriedly walked to Mo Roulan's side and said     

"So can I pick you up tomorrow morning?"     

The question confused Mo Roulan and she couldn't help but ask.     


Cheng Yang blinked wondering whether she really didn't know. When he realized that she really didn't he chuckled and said     

"To drop you at the office."     

Mo Roulan was about to say that there was no need to do this when she realized that it was something that many couples did.     

So should she refuse Cheng Yang? Would she not be hypocritical if she refused now when she had already said she wanted to try it out with him?     

So Mo Roulan thought for a moment and finally came up with a reason hesitantly.     

"Would you not get late for the college if you did that?"     

Though the college and He corporation were in the same direction, He corporation was far away from the college. So if Cheng Yang wanted to drop her at the office then he would have to come back to the college after driving a long way.     

However, Cheng Yang responded to Mo Roulan's question very immediately and eagerly     

"That's my problem. You just tell me…do you have any problem if I pick you up?"     

Cheng Yang's eyes were filled with hope and Mo Roulan could see clearly that he wanted her to say 'no'. She smiled helplessly and said     

"I don't have any problem but…I don't want you to get late."     

Cheng Yang had a full-blown smile on his lips as he waved his hand to dismiss Mo Roulan's buts and ifs.     

"Don't worry about anything else."     

He would wake up just half an hour earlier.     

"Be ready at eight."     

He said to Mo Roulan who nodded her head helplessly on seeing how eager and excited he looked.     

"You should leave now."     

She said softly and Cheng Yang nodded his head.     

He should but he didn't want to. Looking at the smile on Mo Roulan's lips, Cheng Yang gulped and asked finally     

"Can I hug you?"     

Mo Roulan was startled by the question. However, she composed her expression very soon. She should not be surprised at these words if they were going to date each other now.     

She looked around and could see people walking in the garden.     

But she should not be worrying about them, right?     

City H was not a small town like Wenhua. Here girls and boys dated each other and it was a very normal thing. Also, she was about to become an adult now so it should not be a problem.     

Thinking this, Mo Roulan cleared her throat and stiffly nodded her head.     


And Cheng Yang immediately hugged her tightly with a smile on his lips.     

"I will miss you. Do miss me too."     

Mo Roulan couldn't help but laugh at his words. She felt sweet. Perhaps it was the sweetness of Cheng Yang's love for her. He really loved her and she could feel it.     

As much as she felt warm inside her heart seeing his love and care, she also felt conflicted.     

Cheng Yang hurriedly pulled away fearing that he would not be able to leave if he continued to stay here. As Cheng Yang started to walk towards his car, Mo Roulan couldn't help but wonder again if she took the right decision or not.     

Just to forget He Jian selfishly, was she using Cheng Yang? The thought made Mo Roulan called out Cheng Yang's name again.     

Cheng Yang stopped amidst his steps and turned around to look at her with a smile. Mo Roulan walked towards him.     

Her eyes were calm now and she didn't have any smile on her lips as she said     

"We are just trying it out. I hope that if it didn't work out…you will ….will you be able to understand?"     

Cheng Yang's smile vanished at these words. He was silent for a moment before he smiled genuinely and stretched out his hands to hold Mo Roulan's hands.     

His thumbs caressed Mo Roulan's knuckles as he told her honestly.     

"You don't even know how happy you made me by your wish of trying it out with me. Don't worry. Even if it didn't work out, I will cherish these memories with you. I am just happy that you gave us a chance."      

Mo Roulan sighed in relief. Cheng Yang's words relieved her a lot.     

"Thank you."     

She whispered but Cheng Yang shook his head and said     

"That's something I should say. Thanks for dating me, Miss Mo."     

Mo Roulan chuckled and pulled her hands out of his. Cheng Yang knew that it was his cue to leave. With one last glance at Mo Roulan, he turned around to leave.      

After he was seated in the car, he saw Mo Roulan still standing at the same place so he said     

"You go inside."     

"I will see you going out first."     

Mo Roulan said but Cheng Yang shook his head and said     

"No, you go back first only then I will leave."     

Mo Roulan narrowed her eyes but when she saw that Cheng Yang looked determined, she didn't argue and said     

"I am going back. You should also start your car."     

Saying this, she turned around to leave without waiting for his response but she surely heard Cheng Yang muttering under his breath excitedly.        

"She is already behaving like a girlfriend."     

Mo Roulan paused amidst her steps for a moment. As she heard the sound of the car driving away, she wondered if that's what a girlfriend behaved like.     

But she didn't know. After all, she had never had a boyfriend in her life before.      

Mo Roulan shrugged her shoulders and smiled. But she was mostly happy inside her heart as she thought that perhaps she was finally doing something in her present to forget about her past completely.     

It made her feel happy.     

Just when she was about to step inside the elevator, she heard the familiar sound of car again and she turned around to look because she thought that Cheng Yang had still not left.     

However, when she saw the person stepping out of a huge black car, she couldn't help but frown in confusion and suspicion.        

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