CEO He : Please Don't Love Me

Mo Roulan Wishes To Work In Designing Department

Mo Roulan Wishes To Work In Designing Department

2The car stopped in front of He Corporation and Mo Roulan came out of the car.     3

After waving goodbye to Shen Youlin, she turned around to go inside the He Corporation. It was goo to step inside the company through the front gate.     

Mo Roulan thought inside her heart.     

Yesterday, when she had gone through the back gate, it always made her feel as if she was doing something wrong and hence trying to hide from everyone.     

"Mo Roulan."     

Mo Roulan stopped amidst her steps when she heard someone calling her name.     

Turning around, she found a girl of her age walking towards her. Mo Roulan sighed in relief when she saw that it was not the yesterday girl from the elevator.     

Mo Roulan knew this girl.     

Her name was Su Manman and she was also from C University and selected for the internship just like her.     


Su Manman said politely when she reached near Mo Roulan. Mo Roulan did the same and both of them started to walk towards the front gate.     

"So how is it going?"     

It was Su Manman who asked this question to Mo Roulan. Knowing very well, that she was asking about the internship, Mo Roulan smiled lightly and said     

"Just alright."     

Su Manman nodded her head and couldn't help but say.     

"You are the junior secretary right? I envy you. I heard that there is not much work to do on that side."     

Su Manman sighed with a face that was full of worry and distress for herself as she said these words.     

Mo Roulan couldn't help but find it a little funny.     

"Which department do you work in?"     

"Designing department?"     

Immediately, Mo Rouan's eyes flickered with interest. Before she could ask more, Su Manman continued on her own.     

"It is very tiring. They ask us to make some creative designs and when we do, they will find only faults and never appreciates us. I am suddenly starting to think that designing is perhaps not my thing."      

This time, Mo Roulan really wished to say to Su Manman that 'I envy you.'     

She indeed was a little envious of her.     

After all, Su Manman was getting to work in a department she wanted to work in and the way she describing everything only made her wish more that she should also have been chosen for the fashion designing department.     

At least, she would have been able to learn something new and do what she liked to do.     

She didn't fear hard work.     

On the other hand, she felt a little bored while doing this junior secretary job. Making a cup of coffee for the boss, then preparing schedule for him, accompanying him for the meetings with the important documents …Mo Roulan has never pictured herself doing this kind of job.     

Was an internship not something where she should get to learn something new that would help her in the future and here she was learning nothing new bit wasting her holidays after exams!     

They soon parted ways when Su Manman stepped out of the elevator at her floor number. When she left, she also told Mo Roulan that today the head was going to let them meet some experts in this field so that they would be able to learn something from their experiences.     

Mo Roulan felt a little depressed as the doors of the elevators closed after Su Manman left.     

In the same kind of mood, she went to her the kitchen on the same floor to prepare coffee for He Jian.     

A small pout couldn't help but emerge on her lips as she looked at the cup of coffee.     

Was she destined to do only this thing?     

Now she couldn't help but wish for this internship to end as soon as possible.      

Then during the next semester break, she will find some other company to work in the designing department.     

If only He Jian knew Mo Roulan's thoughts, he would have laughed angrily and then doubted his whole life!     




As soon as He Jian heard the knock on the door, he straightened his back. After clearing his throat lightly, he said     

"Come in."     

Mo Roulan stepped inside the office with his coffee cup.     

He Jian just glanced once and then moved his eyes to look at the screen of the laptop. His fingers worked vigorously on the keyboard, though it was some other thing that he didn't even know what he was writing.     

Mo Roulan put the cup of coffee on the table and said     

"Mr. He, your coffee."     

He Jian stopped typing. He nodded his head as he picked the cup from table and then took a sip. His blue eyes found Mo Roulan's face unconsciously and he stopped amidst taking a sip when he saw that her eyes didn't look bright like he had seen in the morning.     

At that moment, he knew instantly that there was something wrong.     

A frown immediately marred He Jian's face and he was about to ask Mo Roulan 'what happened' when the door of his office was pushed open and He Zhuang stepped inside the office.     


He Zhuang paused amidst his words when he saw Mo Roulan inside the office. He Jian was still frowning as he was looking at Mo Roulan. Reluctantly, he moved his eyes away and then stood up from his chair.     


 He Zhuang calmly stepped forward and stood in front of He Jian.     

Seeing that they wanted to talk, Mo Roulan knew that it was time to leave for her, so she turned around to leave.     

He Jian was again reluctant to send her away like this when he knew that she was not in a good mood. He wanted to find out what happened.     

Did he not solve Mo Chen's problem already?     

What else was bothering her!     

He never noticed that He Zhuang was constantly looking at him as he looked at Mo Roulan's back till the latter left the office.     

When He Jian finally turned his head to look at his father, only then did he realize that his father had been looking at him all along.     

He cleared his throat in embarrassment though his face was still very calm.     

"Dad, what happened?"     

He Zhuang looked at his son silently for a few moments and then asked him calmly.     

"You plan to merge the companies?"     

Remembering that he had already sent the documents to his dad's assistant who had and he must have come to know from there, He Jian nodded his head and said     

 "Yes, Dad."     

"Did you think it thorough, Jian?"     

 He Jian frowned and then nodded his head seriously.     

"Yes, Dad."     

He Zhuang nodded his head knowing very well that his son must have thought over it seriously if he was so firm in his decision.     

Then he suddenly asked a question that shocked He Jian.     

"Did you tell her that you like her?"      

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