Sweet Beauty

She Is Not Your Granddaughter, So You Don't Feel Any Heartache

She Is Not Your Granddaughter, So You Don't Feel Any Heartache

3Luo Yanyun went to pour a cup of hot water, and when she returned, she saw Liang Zixuan staring at the IV bag. She walked over and handed the cup to her. "Drink some hot water to soak your throat."     

Liang Zixuan's throat hurt as she spoke. She gently said, "Thank you, grandmother."     

When Luo Yanyun heard her voice, she could not hold back her tears. "Zixuan, the doctor said that being in a bad state will affect your illness. You have been taking medicine for many days and you are not getting better at all! Do not hide it from me, did you fight with Xiao Han?"     

Luo Yanyun was old and didn't know how to play on cell phone. She couldn't watch the things that happened on the internet, so she naturally didn't know about Yu Meilin's matter.     

However, after seeing Liang Zixuan's distracted look for the past few days, she could guess what was going on.     

Liang Zixuan took a sip of hot water. Her throat felt a little better. She looked up at Luo Yanyun and shook her head with a smile. "No, he just went on a business trip. I'm not used to not seeing him for a few days."     

When Luo Yanyun heard her voice, she didn't have the heart to make her speak again. She took medicine from the side table and handed it to her. "Alright, if you say there's nothing, then there's nothing. But just now, the doctor said that you couldn't sing and you should rest your throat, so how about you call the program team and say that you are not going?"     

Qiao Hongya entered through the door with a basket of fruit. Coincidentally, he heard Luo Yanyun's words, so he put the basket next to the small table and moved the chair to sit next to Luo Yanyun. "Your grandmother is right. It's just an entertainment show. If you don't want to go, then don't go."     

The contract was still at home. Liang Zixuan had said that she would give it to Shi Jingguo once she signed it.     

"Grandmother, Grandpa Qiao, I know you guys did this for my own good, but if I break the contract and say I am not going, I feel bad for the program team, and they will not be happy either. If this matter gets out, who would dare to invite someone as irresponsible as me to join their program?"     

If someone went back on their word, the program team couldn't do anything to them, but at the same time, those celebrities would definitely feel uncomfortable. If they could offend one less person, it would be better.     

Today, if Liang Zixuan broke the contract, tomorrow, everyone in the entertainment industry would know about this.     

Qiao Hongya obviously knew this. He looked at Liang Zixuan and could only sigh.     

Luo Yanyun was so sad that she started crying. "Liang Zixuan, do you not want your throat anymore? You don't want to sing anymore?"     

Of course, she wanted to sing, but she was afraid … She was afraid that her throat would be ruined this time and that she wouldn't even have a chance to sing in the future.     

Liang Zixuan raised her eyes and looked at Luo Yanyun and Qiao Hongya with a firm and pleading gaze. "Grandmother, Grandpa Qiao, I want to go. I really want to go. I hope you can support me."     

Qiao Hongya had never seen such determination and tenacity in this little girl before. He looked at Liang Zixuan's shining eyes and was deeply moved. He didn't even wait for Luo Yanyun to speak before saying, "Alright! Grandpa Qiao will support you!"     

Luo Yanyun turned her head angrily and glared at him. With a tearful voice, she scolded, "She is not your granddaughter, so you don't feel any heartache!"     

"How can I not feel heartache?" Qiao Hongya immediately panicked. "She is your granddaughter. If I don't care about her, who would I care about? But Yanyun, can't you see the perseverance in her eyes? I've been rehearsing with her for the past few days, and I know what these two songs mean to her! Yanyun, Zixuan is a good person. At a time like this, we must support her and understand her well."     

Luo Yanyun looked at Qiao Hongya and then looked at Liang Zixuan. Her tears of grief kept falling, but she knew she couldn't stop this. Besides supporting her granddaughter, what else can she do?     

In the afternoon, Liang Zixuan called Shi Jingguo.     

He became worried when he heard her voice. "Zixuan, why isn't your voice healed yet? Can you still join the program?"     

Liang Zixuan's voice was much better, but it was still a little hoarse. "Yes, but Director Shi, I'm in the hospital now, so I might not be able to come for the practice or to participate in the rehearsal."     

"Huh?" Shi Jingguo was shocked. "If you don't communicate with the band, how will you sing?"     

Liang Zixuan chuckled softly. "Director Shi, don't worry, I've arranged everything. You only need to prepare the piano for me when the time comes. My guests will play it. If I can advance to the second stage, I will sing it alone, so I don't need to practice."     

Shi Jingguo felt a little relieved, but he suddenly lowered his voice and asked, "Liang Zixuan, even now you still haven't told me who the guest you invited is."     

Liang Zixuan glanced at Qiao Hongya, who was reading the newspaper on the sofa and smiled mysteriously. "You will know when the time comes. Don't worry, Director Shi. I won't let you down."     

Shi Jingguo wanted to crawl out from the speaker to see who Liang Zixuan had invited.     

However, since she didn't seem to want to say anything, he didn't force her. Besides, Liang Zixuan's voice was really hoarse, so he couldn't talk to her for too long. He could only tell her to rest well and recuperate well before hanging up.     

After staying in the hospital for two days, Liang Zixuan's voice finally became a lot better. Although she hadn't recovered to her original state, she could still perform her entire song after eating the medicine.     

Afraid that Luo Yanyun would be worried, Liang Zixuan didn't let her follow them to Shenzhen. Together with Qiao Hongya and Zeng Zhelan, they boarded a plane to Shenzhen on Sunday morning.     

Sitting in the first-class cabin, Zeng Zhelan felt uncomfortable no matter how she sat. She was already used to flying on Han Yuanjun's private plane.     

"Zixuan, you should wear more clothes. On the television, the weather forecaster said that it already snowed in Shenzhen. It's much colder than our Imperial City."     

When Zeng Zhelan was talking to Liang Zixuan, she couldn't help but took a glance at Qiao Hongya, who was sitting beside Liang Zixuan. Ever since she saw him today, she felt like she was in a dream, and even now, she still felt unreal.     

That's Qiao Hongya.     

God, the person she normally watched from afar, was actually sitting on the same plane as her. Zeng Zhelan was so excited that she didn't know where to put her hands and feet.     

Liang Zixuan obviously knew that Zeng Zhelan was trying to find something to talk about. She turned around and saw her gaze.      

Liang Zixuan then smiled and said, "Should I trade a seat with you?"     

"Huh?" Zeng Zhelan was stunned for a moment. She quickly shook her head like a rattle drum. "No, no, I don't dare. Don't scare me!"     

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