Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 184

Chapter 184

2"D-Do you mean… there might not be a trial?"     3

"If the mediation ends well, yes."     

Hebaron stared at nothing in particular and stroked his chin as though he were weighing all the possibilities.     

"King Reuben announced that he would personally come down to act as mediator, so I'm sure the Duke of Croyso would feel some pressure. But that arrogant duke must be determined, seeing as he's taken it this far. You shouldn't get your hopes up."     

"M-My father… wants my sister to marry into the royal family. If the king a-actively takes Riftan's side… even my father won't be able to come on too strong," Maxi said in an attempt to convince herself.     

Hebaron sighed and roughly scratched at the back of his head. "To be honest, I'm not sure how strongly King Reuben is willing to be on our side. He will likely avoid stripping the commander of his knighthood, but I doubt he'll make an obvious effort to shield him from the duke. Especially if it could earn him the enmity of the nobles. If there's one thing the king values most, it's the unity of Wedon."     

Apprehension filled Maxi's chest. "I-If I testify… will we have a chance of winning?"     

Maxi secretly hoped that Hebaron would grin and tell her not to worry. When the knight gave his answer, however, his face was nothing but somber.     

"I can't guarantee how it will end. A trial without substantial evidence is essentially a battle of who's right. The side with the more powerful argument is bound to win."     

Maxi bunched her skirt in her fists and wet her parched lips. "When… i-is the mediation?"     

"I'm told that, as a rule, the royal tribunal does not try cases during Paxias. The nobles who hold offices in Drachium Castle must all be present for a trial to be held. I'd wager King Reuben would want to settle this matter before then."     

The knight looked up at the sky as if to calculate the timeframe and added slowly, "I think a date will be set within a few weeks. The commander will depart for Loverne with some of the knights before the duke and the king are expected to get there."     

"D-Do you think… I could go as well?"     

Hebaron hesitated, then released a long sigh. "If you can convince the commander to take you."     

Maxi pressed her temple. Riftan was an obstinate man. So much so that he had even kept her in the dark about something of this magnitude. Talking to a wall would be easier.     

Just the thought of the arguments to come made Maxi feel weary. She folded her cold forearms.     

"I-I understand," she said gravely. "I will… talk to him."     

"Please forgive me for putting this burden on you, my lady."     

Guilt crossed Hebaron's face, and Maxi shook her head.     

"N-No, I'm grateful that you told me. Not knowing anything… would have been worse."     

Maxi immediately returned to her chambers and waited for Riftan. Her head was close to exploding from trying to think of a good way to start the conversation.     

Should she be angry at him for keeping all of this from her, or should she implore and coax him? After pacing in front of the fireplace, she flopped onto the bed, her head thumping horribly. She was staring up at the canopy when her eyes suddenly burned with tears. She did not know why she was crying.     

It was clear that her father held no affection for her, so it was not that she was disappointed by that fact now. It simply pained her that Riftan was the one paying the price. Maxi squeezed her eyes shut. She could not allow him to be placed in such a dishonorable position where he would be chastised and forced to defend himself in front of a group of haughty nobles.     

Her resolve solidified as her tears dried. She no longer cared about the shame or ridicule she would suffer. If necessary, she would reveal her grim past in its entirety. So what if she became the topic of whispered conversations?     

However, the thought of Riftan becoming an object of ridicule and pity broke her heart. Would they not deride him for having a woman like her as a wife? Filled with shame, Maxi covered her face with her hands.     

They would have to get the duke to withdraw his case before it went to a formal trial. Her father valued his reputation above all else; if he were to learn of her intention to testify, it might change his mind.     

She was immersed in such thoughts when she heard the door rattle open. Maxi shot to her feet. Riftan's eyes widened at her disheveled appearance, and his lips curled into a smile.     

"Were you having a nap?" He strode over to the bed and brushed her messy hair with his fingers. "Did I wear you out last night?"     

He smiled playfully at her as though nothing was wrong. Maxi looked up at him with clouded eyes, her hopes that he might explain the messenger's visit evaporating into thin air. He was not going to tell her anything.     

After gnawing her lip, Maxi finally managed to find her words.     

"I saw… the messenger from Loverne… e-enter the castle a while ago."     

Riftan's smile faltered. "Our guests will be leaving in a few days. I've assigned servants to attend to them, so you don't have to worry."     

"Are you not going to tell me… the reason f-for their visit?"     

Holding onto a shred of hope, Maxi regarded him woefully. Riftan looked away and gave an evasive answer.     

"Some of the merchants are planning ventures with Anatol as their foothold. The earl also wants in on the business."     

Maxi's face grew stony. "That is a little different… from what I heard."     

Riftan's eyes immediately looked guarded. He shot to his feet and took a step back from the bed.     

"What nonsense did you hear, and from whom?"     

"I-It wasn't nonsense. It was… a fact you should have told me s-sooner."     

Riftan narrowed his eyes. He shook his head and gave a cold, dismissive smile. "I don't know what it was you heard, but I want you to forget it."     

Maxi rose and stood before him. Though she wished to appear confident, the disparity between their statures made her feel even smaller and more vulnerable. She steeled her faltering heart and glared at him.     

"You can't… keep me away from problems like this forever, Riftan." Trying her best to enunciate each of her words, Maxi took a deep breath and continued. "Especially when… it is my father who is harassing you."     

"Who told you of this?" Riftan growled savagely. "Was it Ruth? Hebaron? Only those two would dare to go against my orders."     

"Th-That's not important. We should discuss what we are going to—"     

"I don't need your help!" Riftan bellowed. "I beg you, just let me handle it!"     

"H-How can I?!"     

Drowning in despair, Maxi's chest heaved as she fought for breath.     

"How can I… feign ignorance?! You stubbornly refuse to admit that i-it is my fault… but it is! If you were to lose your knighthood… it would be because of m-me! Do you… w-want me to carry that guilt for the rest of my life? Is that… what you want?"     

She pounded her fists against his chest in anger.     

"Nothing you say will change anything," said Riftan, grabbing her wrists. "If you thought I'd let you stand in court, then you do not know me at all. I can deal with this without you getting involved!"     

Tears welled in her eyes. Maxi tried to contain them and glared at him through her misty vision.     

"S-stop being so stubborn! My father will also present a witness. You need s-someone to defend you."     

"But that will never be you," he hissed through clenched teeth. "If worse comes to worst, I'll have Ursuline or Elliot testify, so stay out of this."     

"I-It won't be as effective as having me! I am the duke's d-daughter… and the cause of all this. My testimony… w-will have more credibility!"     

"How many times must I tell you no?!"     

As if forced into a corner, Riftan's face twisted viciously.     

"You want me to… make you do that to protect myself? To put you in front of those abhorrent people and force you to reveal everything you so desperately tried to keep hidden? I'd rather be stripped of my knighthood!"     

Maxi desperately wished she were strong enough to grab and shake him until he came to his senses. How could her dignity be more important than his honor? Compared to his rank, estate, and reputation, her dignity was nothing.     

"I-I… do not mind," Maxi pleaded. "I would… only be testifying about what happened that day. I-It would not be difficult."     

"That's enough. I don't want to discuss this any longer."     

Pushing her hand away, he turned around and headed for the door. Maxi felt a blaze of anger rise up at the sight of him walking away. She immediately went after him and yanked his tunic.     

As soon as Riftan turned in surprise, she yelled, "Don't even th-think about leaving! I am going to testify… no matter what you say! If you won't take me… th-then I'll make my own way there!"     

Riftan's eyes grew cold.     

"Do you want me to lock you up?" he snarled with a fury equal to hers.     

Maxi gazed back in shock before her expression turned steely. "A-Are you saying you will do as my father did?"     

The blood drained from Riftan's face. Driving a knife into his heart would not have elicited the same expression as what Maxi saw now. The bleakness in his eyes instantly drained all the fight in her. With a gasp, she pulled his rigid body into her arms.     

"I-I'm sorry. I should not have s-said such a thing! You are nothing like my father. I know you're only t-trying to protect me."     

Riftan drew a ragged breath and gazed down at her. She had never seen him look more vulnerable. Cupping his face, Maxi kissed the tip of his chin.     

"P-Please, try to understand. As much as you w-want to protect me… I also want to do everything I can for you. It pains me… t-to do nothing… when you are in trouble. Please… don't force such torment on me."     

"I…" His voice came out strangled. He extricated himself from her grip and said, "I need time to think about it."     


Maxi reached out to stop him, but decided against it and lowered her hands. She did not want to push him any further. The mediation was still a while away, and she would take her time convincing him. She looked on despondently as he walked out of the room as though he were fleeing.     

Being compared to the Duke of Croyso must have come as a shock to Riftan. Ever since their argument, he no longer raised his voice or threatened her. She took full advantage of his moment of weakness and was persistent in her efforts to convince him.     

A few days away from their departure to Loverne, Riftan finally raised the white flag. The moment of surrender was when Maxi threatened to secretly ride out to Loverne on her own if he refused to take her with him. It also helped that the mediation was only a small gathering of the duke, the king, and a few witnesses — a better proposition than having her testify in court.     

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