Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 179

Chapter 179

1Maxi and Rosetta returned to the great hall where the delegation was already making preparations to leave. Seeing their guests, who had traveled a great distance, being forced back on the road without proper rest made Maxi feel terrible.     

Ignoring Riftan's insistence that she should not mind them, Maxi went out to the castle gate with the servants to see them off. She was upset at the princess for threatening Riftan, but that did not mean she could throw the royal delegation out so coldly.     

"You don't have to look so apologetic," said Princess Agnes. "We were planning on leaving immediately anyway. We intend to stay a night in Earl Loverne's estate, then proceed to Croyso Castle. We should let the duke know that Riftan has withdrawn his declaration of war as soon as possible."     

A faint smile tugged at the princess's lips as she gazed down at a clearly uncomfortable Maxi.     

"I don't know what happened, but the duke must have made a grave mistake for Riftan to be like this. I hope you'll forgive me for not being able to take Anatol's side."     

Maxi cast her eyes down and muttered stiffly, "Y-You need not apologize, Your Highness. I understand… the royal family's stance."     

Though she was disappointed by the princess's businesslike manner, in the end, it was entirely Maxi's own fault that things had come to this. If she had not followed her father that day, there would have been no reason for the princess to travel all over Wedon to act as mediator. Maxi was so guilt-ridden that she could not look up.     

"Please… b-be careful. I wish you… a safe journey."     

"Thank you for seeing us off. I was…" The ever-dignified princess hesitated before continuing awkwardly, "…reassured when I saw you in good health today. I know there is much I need to apologize to you for."     

"N-Not at all, Your Highness."     

Flustered, Maxi waved her hands. The princess adamantly shook her head.     

"I'm afraid I've been thoughtless. I'm sorry you had to find out in the worst possible way. But the duke was wrong when he said everyone in Drachium Castle was talking about it. That man blew it out of proportion."     

Maxi stiffened when she realized that the princess was referring to the gossip surrounding Maxi's miscarriage.     

"Of course," Princess Agnes added quickly, "I'm not trying to defend the king's actions. He shouldn't have used the issue to mock the duke. That was not right. Please allow me to apologize on His Majesty's behalf. If you ever need my help, do not hesitate to let me know."     

After dumbly staring at the princess's solemn face, Maxi turned her gaze to Rosetta. Her sister had her back to them as though uninterested in listening to their conversation. Should she inform the princess of her father's plans now? After briefly debating the matter in her head, Maxi cautiously opened her mouth.     

"If, in the future… th-the Duke of Croyso… tries to threaten Anatol… p-please intervene as earnestly as you have today. I ask… only that."     

The princess must not have thought that Maxi would so publicly take Riftan's side. She looked a little surprised before giving Maxi a resolute nod.     

"You needn't worry about that. If the king does not take action, I will take it upon myself to stop him."     

Maxi grew solemn. "Th-Then it's true… that His Majesty is more partial… to the Duke of Croyo than to Riftan."     

The princess faltered before making the admission.     

"If I'm being honest, then yes, that is the case. His Majesty wishes to keep Riftan close, but only so he can flaunt his reincarnation of Rosem Wigrew to the other kingdoms. Since war is currently prohibited by the Armistice of the Seven Kingdoms, the power of the Remdragon Knights serves no purpose other than exterminating monsters and settling disputes."     

Maxi's face fell at the princess's impersonal statement. Before she could say anything, however, Princess Agnes began speaking again.     

"But the tables will turn in a couple of years. Anatol has expanded so much since last spring that it's practically unrecognizable. If it continues to flourish at this rate, it'll soon be the biggest trade city connecting the Western Continent to the South. Even the Duke of Croyso or the royal family would have to think twice before offending Anatol."     

"B-Be that as it may… you're saying that is not the case at present."     

A bitter smile formed on the princess's lips at Maxi's barbed retort.     

"His Majesty will change his opinion. As soon as I return to Drachium Palace, I shall inform him of how valuable Anatol has become."     

Maxi suppressed a sigh. It would be useless to expect anything more from the princess. She was, after all, a member of the royal family. She could turn her back on Riftan at any moment if he were ever to threaten their interests.     

An odd sense of disappointment engulfed her as she watched the delegation leave. Though she was relieved that war had been averted, thinking of what was to come made it difficult to be completely at ease.     

Maxi trudged into the great hall and crossed paths with Rodrigo who was descending the stairs with an armful of linen. He rushed over as soon as he spotted her.     

"You mustn't move around so much, my lady. You've only just regained your health. His lordship has made it clear that I am to immediately escort you back to your room upon your return."     

Unable to argue against the steward's insistence, Maxi made her way toward the staircase and glanced about.     

"I-Is Riftan… in our chambers?"     

"His lordship has gone to the training grounds with the knights."     

Maxi peered out the window. Even though he had rescinded his declaration of war, there would still be countless matters that required his attention. Maxi returned to her room and anxiously waited for Riftan to return.     

As she paced about, she could not stop thinking about what Rosetta had said to her. It was possible that her sister had meant those words for herself. Had she also felt the despair of not being able to trust anyone, no matter how much she wanted to? The thought made Maxi anxious. Could she truly change when someone as beautiful and clever as Rosetta had failed?     

Maxi walked over to the mirror and gazed into her gray eyes. Even she had to admit, she did not hold much hope for the anxious woman standing before her. She absentmindedly touched her cheek before going to lie on her bed, exhausted.     

The room was dark when she sluggishly opened her eyes again. She must have fallen asleep. Rubbing her face, Maxi glanced at the empty spot next to her. There was no sign that Riftan had come back.     

Maxi frowned. Had he ever left her alone this long since they had been back at Calypse Castle?     

Gnawing her lip, she got out of bed and wrapped a shawl around her shoulders. Servants were lighting the sconces in the corridor just outside.     

She ran over to them. "H-His lordship is not back yet… Is he still at the training grounds?"     

One of the servants respectfully bowed his head and said, "His lordship is currently in the council room, my lady. He informed us that he would be retiring in the adjacent chambers tonight as he was busy. I've just come back from stocking the room with firewood."     

Maxi glanced around uneasily. Even when they had been busy preparing for battle, Riftan had always returned to their bedchamber at night. Had calling off this war been that difficult?     

The servants nervously studied her face. Maxi offered them a smile and turned around. She did not want to return to her room, where she would have to stay up all night alone. After a moment's hesitation, she made her way up the dark staircase. Two floors above, she saw light streaming from the room at the end of the corridor.     

She hovered near the door for a while before tentatively pushing it open. Inside, she found Riftan sitting on a bed sipping a goblet of wine.     

"Why are you still up?" he said, his gaze fierce.     

Slightly intimidated by his surliness, Maxi mumbled, "I-I was waiting for you…"     

Riftan took a gulp from the goblet in silence.     

Maxi slowly closed the door behind her and walked over. "A-Are you… quite busy?"     

"I had to send messengers across the kingdom to explain the change of circumstances to the mercenaries we hired. Quite the exhausting endeavor."     

He filled his goblet again and continued, "We can't let our guard down just yet, so I've decided to maintain our military organization. You'll see mercenaries entering and leaving the castle for a while. I'll make it so that they avoid the great hall as much as possible, but you might end up encountering some. They're crude company, so try not to interact with them. And I don't want you roaming about the castle on your own like this."     

"I-I'll be careful," Maxi replied meekly.     

She stepped closer to him until their knees were almost touching. Riftan visibly tensed. He clutched his goblet so tightly that Maxi was worried he might crush it.     

"You should sleep alone tonight. I still have things I must attend to."     

Maxi glanced around the room, but there was not a parchment in sight. She fidgeted with her skirt and asked in a deliberately sarcastic tone, "A-And by things you must attend to… do you mean drinking?"     

"I'm asking you to leave me alone."     

Riftan slammed his goblet down, making Maxi flinch. Wine sloshed over the rim of the goblet. After staring at the stain on the carpet, Riftan rubbed his forehead and swore.     

"I don't want to demean myself further in your eyes. Please, just leave me be."     

Maxi stood frozen for a moment before slowly leaning over. Riftan opened his mouth as if to snap at her but did not say anything.     

Studying his steely face, Maxi asked cautiously, "D-Demean yourself? How? I… don't understand… why you're so angry…"     

"I—" Riftan exclaimed before clenching his jaw. His shoulders shook, and his eyes were like two dark flames.     

The intensity of his anger was petrifying. Riftan heaved as though he had something stuck in his throat before letting out a ragged exhale.     

"I wanted to make that bastard suffer as much as— No, a hundred times more than the pain he caused you. I just can't get the image of him lashing you out of my head. And you… crying in that godforsaken room…"     

A wave of shock went through her as she noticed blood dripping from his clenched fist. She quickly clasped his hand.     

Riftan gritted his teeth and snarled, "Ripping that bastard to shreds wouldn't be enough. And yet, pointless concerns like the stability of the kingdom prevent me from doing anything. No matter how much I struggle to climb up, I'm still powerless. I can't even protect you."     

"R-Riftan… don't be l-like this," said Maxi, shaking her head.     

Using all her strength, she tried to unfurl his fist.     

"And they call me the reincarnation of Rosem Wigrew!" he bellowed with a sandpaper raspiness. "If I were anything like the legendary hero, I wouldn't be so powerless."     

"Th-That's not true." Cupping his face in her hands, she forced him to look at her. "You… s-saved me."     

"I was too late! I was always late! I—"     

Maxi dipped her head and gave him a soft kiss. His breath hitched, cutting off his beastly snarling. His hot breath tickled her lips.     

Caressing his cheek, Maxi whispered in a quivering voice, "W-When I was young… I prayed every day… for the most g-gallant knight in the world t-to appear… and take me away from my father's castle. I prayed f-for someone to come… a-and stop him from punishing me…"     

When she forced a smile on her lips, Riftan's eyes grew visibly pained. She stroked his tousled hair and kissed his forehead.     

"Y-You… were the answer to my prayers. You are… my hero."     

Riftan's face was contorted in pain as if he were being tortured. As Maxi pulled him into a comforting embrace, his whole body felt as tense as a taut string about to snap. His large, muscular frame curled in her arms like a helpless child.     

Maxi's heart ached. If only she had been a little tougher, he could have avoided such anguish. At least for his sake, she wanted to change. She would become the strongest and most resilient person she knew.     

She lowered her head and kissed his burning nape. Through his chest pressed against hers, she felt the wild pounding of his heart.     

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