Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 150

Chapter 150

2It was maddening how close she was to Riftan yet could not talk to him. She considered going up and telling him the truth, but just imagining his reaction sent shivers down her spine.      0

"You there. What are you doing?"     

Maxi had been hesitating behind a tree when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Startled, she turned to find a burly man as big as Hebaron looking down at her.     

The man gave her an impish smile and leaned his bushy face close. "Aren't you a cute lass? Lookin' for some company?"     

Terrified, Maxi began to back away. "N-No, I am… n-not."     

"Be honest. I'd be happy to help," the man said with a smirk.     

He took a step closer, and Maxi frantically looked about her. Although there were soldiers all around, none seemed inclined to help her.     

Desperately trying to conceal her distress, Maxi replied in the coldest voice she could muster, "Thank you… but I do not require your assistance. Now… if y-you'll excuse me."     

She was about to turn around when the man grabbed her arm. Maxi stifled a scream. He yanked Maxi to him and growled irritably, "No need to be coy. If it's money you want—"     

"What's going on here?"     

Maxi whirled at the familiar voice. Kuahel Leon glared at the man with his ice-cold gaze.     

"Were you not warned that anyone who causes a disturbance within the camp will be punished according to military law?"     

The man appeared undaunted. "Why are you blowing this out of proportion? The woman seemed to be lost. I was merely trying to help."     

"She's no woman," Kuahel Leon coldly barked at the man without even glancing at Maxi. "Do you not see her attire? She is a female cleric sent by the basilica. I'm sure I do not have to explain to you the punishment that awaits those who try to harm someone under the church's protection."     

"Goddamn, aren't you a testy one?" the man snorted brazenly without a hint of remorse. "How am I supposed to know if she's a cleric or a woman here to comfort the weary men just from her attire?"     

Maxi's lips quivered. It finally dawned on her that the man had mistaken her for a prostitute.     

Seemingly sick of the man's audacity, Kuahel Leon's lips twisted in contempt. "I tire of this discussion. Return to your post before I have you punished for mocking a cleric of the church with your foul mouth."     

The man scowled, then almost flung Maxi's arm away. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."     

Maxi ducked behind Sir Kuahel. The man shrugged nonchalantly before strolling away. Maxi watched him warily before she felt a hot gaze boring into her head.     

She tentatively looked up. Kuahel Leon looked down at her, his brows furrowed into deep creases.     

"Follow me," he ordered curtly. "I shall escort you back to the women's tent."     

She was in such shock that she meekly obeyed, glad to get away. As they cut through the bustling camp, she stuck close behind him.     

Sir Kuahel remained silent until they arrived at a secluded spot.     

"Please avoid moving about the camp on your own as much as possible." His words were polite but laced with reproach. "The armies of Livadon, Wedon, Osiriya, and Balto are currently gathered here at Eth Lene Castle, and a third of them are mercenaries for hire. Please refrain from wandering the army barracks by yourself if you do not wish to encounter such an odious situation again."     

"I will… k-keep that in mind."     

The knight sighed and turned around. "You should go inside now. I will post a guard at the tent."     

"Th-Thank you."     

Maxi scurried in as though she were fleeing. Tension eased from her body, sapping the strength from her legs. When she wobbled to her cot and sank down onto it, Idsilla and Selina rushed over.     

"You surprised us when you left in a hurry. Did you… meet him?"     

Maxi shook her head. "No. I-I only… watched him from afar."     

"Wouldn't it be better to tell him the truth? You came all this way to see him after all," whispered Selina. Her frown suggested that all this tension was too much for her.     

Maxi flushed. She felt like a child desperately trying to delay her whipping. "I do not wish to trouble him… w-when we are at war. And frankly… I'm scared of h-how he might react."     

"I understand. Elba would no doubt scream like a madman if he were to find me here."     

Idsilla hunched her shoulders in an elaborate shudder. Maxi barely managed a smile.     

"H-Have you heard news of your brother?"     

"Not yet. I'm waiting for the right moment to visit the Livadonian barracks."     

Their conversation was cut short by a cleric entering the tent. Maxi wiped her cold hands on her robe and tried to forget about earlier events.     

Such a thing would not happen again if she followed Kuahel Leon's instructions and refrained from wandering the camp alone. She tried to calm her pounding heart as she left with the other female clerics.     


It was evening when Ruth came to see her again. The forced journey had worsened the patients' conditions, and Ruth had to see to them beforehand. He motioned with his head for Maxi to follow. After glancing about, Maxi picked up a small lamp and headed out.     

Ruth led them through the dark forest in silence for a long time. After checking that they were alone, he promptly slumped down on a tree stump in exhaustion.     

"All this suspense will be the death of me."     

"Do you think… he sensed something?"     

"There would have been an uproar if he had. I think he's too preoccupied with Sir Hebaron's injury to notice anything else. Though I'm not sure that is a good thing…"     

Maxi's expression grew worried. "Is Sir Hebaron's c-condition… that serious?"     

Ruth ran a hand through his hair and heaved a sigh. "The wound itself is not that big, but his pain seems to be excruciating because of the curse. Even divine magic proved ineffective, as did mine."     

"Th-Then what should be done?"     

"I need to find a way to break the curse. You need not worry, my lady. The man has endured worse with no problems. He is so fiercely tenacious that I'm sure he'll be able to get through this as well."     

Despite his words, Ruth's face was lined with worry. When Maxi's expression grew despondent as well, Ruth forced a smile and changed the subject.     

"Leave Sir Hebaron to me and focus on your own problems, my lady. The Remdragon and Temple Knights will be leaving tomorrow to stand guard at the battlefield for the next seven days. We should be able to breathe easier during that time, but… the problem is when they return. I'm not sure how long we can hide your presence from Sir Riftan…"     

Maxi's eyes grew round. "H-He is going to the battlefield? Are you saying… th-that the battle will commence soon?"     

"It will not be an all-out battle. Not yet. The monsters are currently camped beyond the ravine in Cabro Valley. For a full-scale battle to commence, either army must pass through the narrow gorge. The one that makes the first move will be at a clear disadvantage. So, for a while, both sides will most likely be locked in a war of minds."     

"That means… i-it won't be that dangerous, then?"     

Ruth looked at her as though she had asked a ridiculous question.     

"My lady, we are at war. Of course it will be dangerous." Then, he added more gently, "Personally, I don't think there'll be a major battle for the time being. We've managed to secure enough provisions, so there is no reason for our side to take any risks. Moreover, the monsters are not likely to attempt an attack anytime soon. They suffered heavy casualties during their retreat from Eth Lene. As long as the situation doesn't change unexpectedly, things should be peaceful for a while."     

"I-I see."     

Though she knew she was not supposed to feel like it, Maxi was greatly comforted by the knowledge that Riftan would not be fighting with the trolls right away. Ruth let out a bitter laugh when he saw the relief on her face.     

"The key to winning a drawn-out war is to save as many men as possible for an all-out battle without dropping our guards. I'm told that the coalition army will be split into three divisions which will take turns guarding the frontlines. In any case, I think it will be safe for you to relax while the Remdragon Knights are at the front. We'll deliberate on what to do when they return."     

Maxi nodded. After treating the wounded in the infirmary tent, Ruth returned to his own barracks. Maxi remained at the infirmary throughout the evening, and it was nearly dawn when she finally lay on her cot to sleep.     

The next day, the Remdragon Knights departed for the battlefield in the faint light of daybreak. A strange sense of emptiness and relief came over Maxi as she watched them leave. Ruth found her as the gates were being secured after the last of the knights left the castle grounds.     

"I must go check on Sir Hebaron. If anything happens, send someone to my tent. I've instructed the soldiers to inform me immediately if a female cleric calls for me."     

"I-I understand. Thank you… for doing so much for me."     

He shrugged as if to say it was nothing, then made his way toward the knights' barracks.     

Maxi spent her time tending to the wounded just as she had at Serbin Castle. Since there were men assigned to prepare the meals at Eth Lene, the women's tasks were limited to looking after the injured.     

Yet, despite the decreased workload, they found themselves just as tired at the end of the day from the mercenaries' constant propositions and flirtations. Though the soldiers sent by the basilica did their best to ward them off, the gazes of the sexually frustrated men followed the women wherever they went.     

Some were flagrant with their obscene remarks. The men from the north were the worst. According to Ruth, it was because there were no female clerics in Balto, and they did not understand that the women here were consecrated to God.     

Their depravity appalled Maxi. They took no heed of the church's doctrines. Was it normal to feel lust for a woman who was not one's wife or lover? With her chastity threatened, Maxi felt terrified.     

Furthermore, there were also practical issues that could not be ignored. Due to the constant gazes, the women had been unable to wash properly for days.     

Though Maxi and the female clerics washed their hair by the spring at least once every three days, bathing had become an impossible dream ever since their arrival at Eth Lene Castle. After a long day of labor under the sweltering summer sun, not being able to bathe was torturous.     

Unable to stand it any longer, Idsilla cried out, "I can't take it anymore! Why don't we ask the basilica's soldiers to keep watch while we take turns bathing? I don't care how brief, I just want to dunk myself in cold water."     

The others looked unsure but, unable to resist the possibility, agreed to seek the male clerics' help.     

Fortunately, the high priest readily agreed to their request. Two soldiers stood guard at a distance while the female clerics took turns bathing in the spring in groups of four.     

Worried that someone might recognize them without their hoods, Maxi and Idsilla volunteered to go last.     

It had been a while since Maxi had bathed. The mere thought of submerging her clammy, dirt-covered body in the icy water made her heart swell. She was waiting her turn with great anticipation when she heard a commotion outside.     

Baffled, Maxi peered out of the tent and saw soldiers racing about the campsite.     

"H-Has something happened?"     

A female cleric dashed into the tent. "The men on the front have returned," she exclaimed. "Some of them are injured."     

Maxi jolted to her feet. As if on cue, she saw soldiers carrying the wounded toward the infirmary. She hastened outside and guided the men to the empty cots.     

There were seven injured in total, and although none were in critical condition, all of them complained of excruciating pain.     

After assessing their conditions, Maxi turned to one of the soldiers who had brought the men. "A-Are the others… all right?"     

"Some of the knights were injured, but they were treated with magic. These men are the last of the wounded."     

"Were any lives lost?"     


With a sigh of relief, Maxi immediately set about preparing the herbs and medical tools. The soldiers helped the men out of their armor as she did so.     

Maxi crouched beside each of them and inspected their wounds. One appeared to have a broken rib, as his chest was darkly discolored. Another two gushed blood from what appeared to be spear wounds on their legs.     

"These men only have light contusions," Nora, who had been assessing the remaining men, cried out to Maxi. "I'll apply warm compresses to their wounds, so please tend to those who are bleeding first."     

Maxi immediately fetched the coagulants and a basin of boiled water. One of the thigh wounds was covered in stiff, blood-soaked fabric. Maxi cut through it and cleaned the blood and dirt, revealing a deep gash.     

After removing clumps of blood and other contaminants from the lesion, she sprinkled the coagulant over the gash and applied the detoxicant. The soldier thrashed from the pain, and Maxi was drenched in sweat by the time she finished.     

"I have done w-what I can for him. Please have the remedies for pain a-and fever ready."     


The female clerics moved in perfect coordination. Despite the quickness of their actions, however, it was sunset by the time they finished treating everyone.     

Exhausted, Maxi sat in the corner to catch her breath. Her face was red from running about the stuffy tent all day with her hood drawn over her head.     

As she fanned her face, she wondered if the Remdragon Knights were resting in their barracks by now. The soldier had informed her that no one else was injured, so was it safe to assume that Riftan was all right?     

She was lost in her thoughts when she suddenly heard Idsilla's urgent voice.     

"Lady Calypse!"     

Maxi turned to find the girl excitedly waving a towel at her.     

"What are you doing over there? If you're done tending to the men, let's hurry to the spring for a bath before it gets dark."     

"R-Right now?"     

"If we miss this opportunity, who knows when we will be able to again. The soldiers should still be there. Hurry!"     

Maxi hastily grabbed a bar of soap and a change of clothes. Despite the growing shadows, her longing for a bath was acute. Determined to scrub themselves clean, the two women ran toward the darkening forest.     

They dashed along the forest path for a while before they spotted the guards up ahead.     

Turning her back to the men, Idsilla said, "I will go ask them to keep watch for us while we bathe, so you go on ahead first."     

With that, she shot away like an arrow without waiting for Maxi's answer. Although Maxi was a little uneasy about walking around the shadowy forest by herself, she hastened toward the spring, bent on washing before the sun disappeared completely.     

A clear spring soon emerged between the dense trees, and Maxi excitedly ran toward it. She was about to cast off her clothes when she heard splashing nearby. She jerked her head up with a gasp.     

Not far from where she stood, a powerfully built man was half-submerged in the water. She was staring at the man's smooth back in shock when he suddenly turned his head.     

Maxi hastily lowered hers. A cold sweat broke out on her back, and her heart pounded erratically. The man was none other than Riftan.     

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