Under the Oak Tree

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

0Startled by the sudden noise, Maxi looked up. Fireworks shot from the festival tents, lighting up the whole sky. She watched the magnificent sight in a daze before she heard Riftan groan next to her.     0

"Goddammit, Agnes…"     

It seemed that the colorful display was the work of Her Royal Highness.     

Maxi pushed him away. "S-Something must have happened… We should go…"     

"She's just trying to enliven the festival. The woman has a fondness for loud amusements."     

As if his desire had not yet waned, Riftan let out a shaky breath and ran his hand over his flushed face.     

"Damn it… Why the hell didn't Elliot stop her?"     

"I-I think it would be best to go back…"     

Another round of fireworks erupted into the sky. Riftan swore in frustration and knocked his head against the tree. With his burning body pinning her in place, Maxi did not know what to do. Reason returned once she heard the loud cheers coming from afar, and a wave of embarrassment washed over her.     

Heavens, Sir Elliot surely must have seen…     

What must the knight have thought at the sight of them frantically weaving through the crowd? Maxi suddenly felt hot.     

When Riftan noticed Maxi's face, crimson and close to tears, he sighed and reluctantly stepped away from her.     

"Damn it… Give me a moment to simmer down."     

Like a dejected boy, he slumped onto the ground and rested his head against one bent knee. Maxi crouched next to him and waited to cool down as well.     

The flesh between her legs throbbed with unfulfilled desire, and her mouth was parched. Maxi was so mortified that she could not bring herself to look up. She buried her face on her knees a moment before fireworks once again exploded above them.     

Riftan gritted his teeth. "That darn woman… I'm going to toss her out of my estate soon enough."     

"Y-You mustn't… We can't treat a royal guest so poorly…"     

"Guest? More of a trespasser," Riftan said brusquely. Throwing a furtive glance at Maxi, he added, "You two seem to have gotten close."     

Maxi grew uncertain at his light probe. Swept up in the festive atmosphere, she had admittedly enjoyed her time with the princess, but she still did not know what to make of her. There was something stopping Maxi from describing their relationship as familiar.     

Maxi gave him an awkward smile. "I-I think she is a spirited person, and… she's been very kind to me."     

"Aren't you tired from being dragged around all day?"     

"I'm all right. In fact… I feel more energetic than usual."     

She had meant it in a reassuring manner, but a flush crept to the tips of her ears when she realized her words might be mistaken for taking the princess's side.     

Riftan simply looked down at her and tucked a few loose strands of her hair behind her ear. The delicate new leaves sprouting from the tree above cast green shadows across his chiseled face. Maxi tentatively met his gaze.     

Riftan silently regarded her for a long while before muttering, "I've never seen you enjoying yourself so much."     

"Th-That's because this is the first time… I've been to a village festival," Maxi stammered, enthralled by his intense gaze.     

"Would you like me to hold it year-round?" Riftan asked, his face serious.     

"Th-That would be impossible."     

"I'll give you the gold to hold as many festivals as you wish."     

Sensing that he meant every word, Maxi blanched and hastily waved him off. "Th-That will not be necessary. I… would be happy… if you b-bring me here next year."     

Riftan's eyes intensified, and he slowly closed them as though savoring her words. "Then next year, let's enjoy the festival, just the two of u—"     

Before he could finish his sentence, a blast louder than any they had heard so far boomed across the sky. A crease formed on Riftan's forehead as he rose, clearly exasperated.     

"Let's head back. I should stop that woman before she burns down the whole of Anatol."     

Maxi's dress was crinkled when she staggered up after him, and Riftan bent down to straighten the hem. They walked out from the trees holding hands. Filled with a fuzzy sensation that made her feel as though she were walking on clouds, Maxi followed behind him, the warm spring breeze caressing her skin.     

Maxi could not recall how they made their way back to the fields.     

They discovered that Princess Agnes had been blasting fireworks into the sky with her magic from the stage set up on the hill. She sulkily stepped down after Riftan's harsh reprimand. Sir Elliot hung his head and mumbled an apology for failing to stop her.     

Riftan glowered at them before descending the hill in order to escape the throng of people.     

The princess, who now trailed behind Riftan, said discontentedly, "I do not see why you're so angry about it. Everyone liked it."     

"Someone could have recognized you. The fact that you are a young sorceress with golden hair and blue eyes could easily give away your identity!"     

He turned to the princess and continued with an edge of a threat in his voice. "Please remember your station. You are King Reuben's most treasured child. People may approach you with ill intentions."     

"You are much too bull-headed, Riftan. If I did encounter such people, I would—"     

The princess's words died on her lips when she saw the cold look in Riftan's eyes. She briefly glanced to the side before meekly admitting, "I suppose I might have gone a little overboard in my excitement."     

"You suppose? You clearly took it too far," Riftan said through his teeth, then looked around him. Although his hood covered his face, there could still be villagers who recognized him.     

What was more, Princess Agnes's colorful fireworks had been on display for everyone to see. Even the visitors from out of town were glancing at them as they whispered amongst themselves.     

It seemed as though talk of the lord attending the festival with a sorceress was already going around. Fearing a commotion, they immediately made their way back to the road that led to the village.     

"Please wait here for a moment. I shall go fetch the coachman."     

Once they arrived at a less crowded area, Sir Elliot promptly began searching the nearby tents.     

The princess looked dejected. "I feel bad that our enjoyment was cut short because of me. I was only trying to make things more exciting…"     

"P-Please don't say that. I was a bit surprised… but… it was beautiful. I did not know such magic e-existed."     

The princess's face brightened at Maxi's consoling words. "It's something I learned at the Mage Tower. It might be loud, but it's safe enough to touch, and it burns away too quickly for it to cause any harm to the surrounding area. People used to cast it during annual festivals."     

"S-So… it's a magic solely created for p-people's amusement."     

Maxi, who had just recently experienced the consequences of mana depletion, knitted her brow. It seemed like a waste to squander precious mana simply for entertainment.     

Still, the princess looked perfectly fine even after casting so many fireworks. Clearly, such mana use meant little to the princess.     

Riftan left to check on the carriage. The painful realization of the wide gap between Maxi and the princess was beginning to hit anew when Princess Agnes whispered in her ear.     

"By the way, that was a scene from the legends earlier."     


"You know, when Riftan took you to the forest during the dance."     

Maxi's face burned like coal, but the princess did not stop there.     

"What did the two of you do there, I wonder?"     

"P-Princess Agnes!" Maxi cried, nearly screaming.     

The princess giggled and darted away toward the carriage. Riftan, who was making sure the coachman was not too inebriated, turned to Maxi in surprise.     

Maxi shook her head to tell him it was nothing and quickly climbed into the carriage. The princess had climbed in before her and was already leaning against the coach wall. She burst into laughter when she saw Maxi.     

"Your face is as red as a ripe plum. Are you not a tad too naïve for a married woman?"     

"Please do not tease me."     

"What a difficult request. Teasing you is simply too amusing."     

Maxi did not understand the appeal, but the princess tittered, her blue eyes shining with mirth. Not knowing how to react to the princess's playfulness, Maxi broke out in a cold sweat.     

The princess's lips curled into a gentle smile. "Thank you for coming to the festival with me. I'm glad that I was able to make such a fun memory before I left."     

Maxi's eyes widened at the unexpected words. "W-Will you be… leaving soon?"     

"It's about time I returned to the capital now that it is obvious he cannot be persuaded to come," said the princess, pointing at Riftan who was outside the carriage talking to Sir Elliot.     

Her eyes crinkled softly as she gazed at him through the window.     

"I have confirmed that he is doing well. I must simply be content with that."     

Maxi faltered when she heard the fondness mingled in the princess's voice. The suspicion that Princess Agnes did, in fact, have feelings for Riftan began to rise when the princess playfully winked at her.     

"Still, if you ever find the time, you should visit Drachium Palace at least once. I shall happily give you a tour of the whole capital."     

"Th-Thank you."     

"I mean it. I am officially extending an invitation," said the princess, raising her index finger to emphasize her point.     

Flustered, Maxi's eyes darted about before nodding her head in resignation. Seeing the princess's face light up with immense satisfaction, Maxi shook off her creeping anxiety. How could the princess be so affable toward her if she had feelings for Riftan?     

A while later, Riftan and Sir Elliot climbed into the carriage. They took their respective seats and knocked on the panel connected to the driver's box. The coach slowly began to roll away from the festivities.     

Maxi looked out the window to the green fields of Anatol brimming with the new life of spring. The delicate leaves rustling in the wind sounded like a dryad's song.     

She felt lighthearted and lonely at the same time.     

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