MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

History of Hazelgroove kingdom

History of Hazelgroove kingdom

2Hazelgroove kingdom was once Hazelgroove Empire , ruling supreme in the continent , it was one of the major powers to be reckoned with.       0

The Empire was established by the first emperor , the then Grand Duke Kartik Patel. He was a duke of the Hazelgroove kingdom , who lead a faction of nobles through a difficult war to seize the throne of Hazelgroove.      

His biggest supporter back then was the man Augustus Won Knight , his commander in chief who lead his forces to glory . The explosion artist who painted the battlefield red with his bombs.     

After the war , he was given the then vacant position of duke of Hazelgroove for his contributions.      

Sent on battlefield after battlefield by the King , he conquered land after land expanding the kingdom  , gaining more and more merits and reputation.     

About 5 years after usurping the throne , the first major conflict fell on the reign of king Kartik Patel.      

The then kingdom of orcs , marched towards Hazelgroove with a massive army of 4 million orcs strong.      

The orc army had been on a rampage , destroying two kingdoms before their path of destruction went towards Hazelgroove.      

It was a massive issue and a big threat to the reign of the then king.      

Augustus analysed the situation and went into seclusion in this time , trying to come up with the ultimate bomb to counter the situation .      

After a long time in seclusion , just when many outskirt towns had been lost to the orc invasion , Augustus came up with the ultimate destructive bomb , the Brahmastra using which he levelled about half of the 4 million strong orc army.      

The single bomb dropped completely changed the dynamics of the war , and was flagged as the biggest threat to humanity and Hazelgroove's top weapon.     

The tides of war changed and Hazelgroove overcame the orc invasion , Kartik Patel coming on top.      

What followed was that many smaller kingdoms willingly submitted to the superior military might of Hazelgroove kingdom as it gained territory after territory , vassals after vassals , growing large enough to become an empire !      

And hence came the first emperor of Hazelgroove , and his legend was noted in history books. Also this was why the Won Knights were soo revered in Hazelgroove , just like the Royal faction , the Won Knights held a strong political influence amongst the nobles of the kingdom.      

It is only because of this special status and their unquestionable loyalty to the Ruling faction , that the Won Knights were allowed a massive personal force of 100 thousand soldiers.      

With time many incompetent rulers had taken up the throne of Hazelgroove and with the knowledge of the Brahmasutra becoming a lost art. The empire began loosing its influence over its vassals.      

One after another many territories declared independence as Hazelgroove Empire once again became Hazelgroove kingdom . However through all that , never did the position of the Won Knights change.      


( Modern day , at the Won Knights Mansion )      

Rudra had came to the mansion only for the second time.  However he was genuinely mesmerized by the luxurious mansion , he felt like no matter how many times he would visit , it would always shock him .      

" Ohhhh , to what do i owe the unexpected visit". Patricia said looking at Rudra gawking at the Mansions interior      

" Just some business talks " Rudra said , smiling at her NPC adopted sister.      

Patricia smiled , she liked this no nonsense talks character of Rudra . He did not use flattery or pleasantries to put his thoughts forward , he was straightforward in his approach and she appreciated that .      

" What do you need ? " She asked      

" 50,000 troops " Rudra said shamelessly      

Patricia frowned , why did he need soo many troops all off a sudden      

She asked cautiously " why? ".      

Rudra started explaining the guilds current position to Patricia , about how they were being supressed by the alliance and that , 10,000 adventurers had spawn camped the latest dungeon and that to deal with those pests , he needed the army .     

Patricia was baffled , unable to process the information for a while , she just stared at Rudra      

" You need the army for what? ". She asked again      

Rudra sighed , he explained it all again , as slowly as possible      

Patricia said " I get the whole thing , however why do you want 50,000 tier 2 troops to deal with 10,000 tier 0 ones , that's just massacre ".      

Clearly she did not approve of such ruthless bullying , however this was more about making a statement for Rudra , he needed to show the alliance members that two could play the bullying game they were playing and that he could play it wayy better than they could.     

" Exactly why ". Rudra grinned evilly.      

Chatting for a while , Rudra consulted Patricia for advice over formations and best attack plans , before using his identity as a Won Knight to gather 50 thousand tier 2 NPC soldiers.      

With an hour left on his given deadline to remove the spawn camp , Rudra started to mobilize the army , should they not remove it , tomorrow was going to be a massacre.      

The sight of 50,000 troops on horses , was something to behold , as Rudra marched at the forefront on his Direwolf , now equipped with a True Elite robe and the mask , disguising himself as Augustus Won Knight , he wanted to create a fake image that there was an absolute unoffendable party present within the Elites ranks.      

Possibly even more confusion over his identity , as he wanted to mix reality and deception about his dual identity soo close that no one would be able to tell apart the real from the deceit.      

/// Part 3/7 of the seven chapter mass release , this chapter is included as some of you guys requested for more lore .... Soo here it is ! , guys m up at 4 am , writing this for you all , you better keep the power stones pumping , also please make sure we end up in top 100 , we are slipping at 94 now , it will be disappointing for me if even after the bonuses we end up above 100 . Trusting you all on this one .... Hope you hold your end of the bargain , as i am at mine ///      

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