Witch's Daughter And The Devil's Son

Regained Consciousness.

Regained Consciousness.

1Around the evening, finally, the thing happened that everyone was desperately waiting for. Slayer had regained his consciousness.       2

Drayce immediately went to see Slayer after his knight informed him. Arlan, who was with Drayce, accompanied him too.      

When Drayce and Arlan arrived in Slayer's chamber in a hurry, Erich Winfield and the royal head physician Heath Leuven were busy examining him.      

Cian arrived there, too, as soon as he got the news. Slayer, the commander of Megaris's knight force, was not just a guardian knight of the King of Megaris but seemed to be a close friend and someone dear to his king. Moreover, he had put his life in danger for the sake of rescuing him, the Crown Prince of Abetha.      

Cian stood beside Drayce and Arlan, waiting for the two old physicians to finish their examination, and later they could get a detailed update.     

Once the old Physicians finished their job and discussed something together, they instructed their subordinates to take care of other things.      

The two older men came to Drayce.     

"Is he awake?" Drayce asked without delay of a single moment.      

Erich Winfield smiled slightly at him, "What do you expect to happen after giving him a magical thing?" His sight mockingly conveyed to Drayce that he should not be surprised about the result.     

"I hope it worked," said Drayce, not being sure of how it will work.      

"Sure it did," Erich Winfield informed.     

"Magical thing?" The Head Royal physician, Heath Leuven, asked.      

"Care and worry from a beloved is no less than a magical thing," Erich Winfield replied, but his sight was still fixed at Drayce. As usual, he didn't bother lowering his head in front of one kIng.     

"True," Heath Leuven agreed and said as he looked at Drayce, "Your Majesty, Commander Calhoun regained consciousness and seems to be completely out of danger, but it will take time for him to get on his feet."     

Knowing he was out of any kind of danger was what Drayce needed to know. Rest things he could wait for as it didn't matter if his knight stayed on the bed and rested some more.     

"Can I see him?" Drayce asked.      

Heath Leuven nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty, but commander Calhoun might not be able to answer even if he recognized you."     

Drayce gave a light nod to show he understood and went to Slayer's bed. The attendants cleared the way for Drayce and the two princes.     

Slayer was lying in bed with his eyes closed. He looked weak as his skin turned pale, and his eyes had shadows under them.      

Drayce sat at the edge of the bed and called, "Slayer!"     

There was no way Slayer would ever fail to respond to his king's calling. Even if he were on the verge of death, he would make sure to respond to his king before taking his last breath.     

Slayer opened his eyes with much effort and looked at Drayce, "Your Majesty!"     

Drayce didn't know what to say, but only he knew how glad he was to see Slayer awake. He only stared at Slayer and held his hand as he patted it. It was Drayce's way of saying he would be fine.     

Slayer understood his king's silence. He pulled out a light smile and managed to speak in a weak voice, "I... am... absolutely fine... Your Majesty."     

Drayce nodded lightly to it. Arlan and Cian saw it and waited for a moment for these two, the King and the Knight, to get over their emotions silently.     

"Good to see you back, dead man," Arlan commented to lighten the sudden emotional turned atmosphere while Cian stayed quiet.     

Slayer looked at Arlan and greeted him in the same weak voice, "Your Highness...!"     

"Get better soon if you don't wish to see your Devil King crying," Arlan teased.      

Drayce glared at Arlan.      

Arlan cleared his throat lightly and spoke, "Well, I was just motivating him to get better soon," and then looked at Cian to change the topic, "He is crown Prince of Abetha, Prince Cian. The one we rescued."     

Slayer had not seen Cian because he was already captured by enemies in the fortress even before he could reach Arlan and Cian.     

Slayer greeted with a slight nod, "Your Highness!"     

Cian accepted the greeting, "I wish commander Calhoun to get better soon."     

Drayce looked back at Slayer, "You should rest. I will be back again."     

Slayer nodded lightly and closed his eyes which he somehow managed to keep open.      

Leaving Slayer in the care of attendants, the three came to where the two physicians were standing. Drayce looked at Erich Winfield, "I would like to have a word with you."     

Erich Winfield agreed and followed Drayce out while the others waited for them to talk.      

Drayce stopped as he stood facing Erich Winfield, "How much effect one elixir had on Slayer?"     

"His damaged core is healed, which seemed to be the toughest part in his recovery. As expected, it needed a miracle. Rest things will take time to heal on their own."     

"How about we give him one more elixir? Drayce asked.      

"Too much of anything is not good, and here we are talking about some magical energy which is cultivated by someone else. We are still not sure about how powerful it is. It would be better to let him heal on his own and cultivate himself with the energy his body will create. If it's still needed, we can give it to him later once we see his progress."     

Drayce agreed, "Let me know."     

Nodding, Erich Winfield entered back the chamber while Arlan and Cian stepped out to join Drayce.      

"King Drayce," Cian called for him.      

Drayce looked at him to know why he called.      

"Tonight's meal for Seren would be prepared in the Royal Kitchen as per the instructions of the Royal Head Physician. I would like to get help from King Dryace's pet."     

"Dusk! His name is Dusk," Drayce informed.      

"I would like to receive help from Dusk," Cian repeated.     

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