Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Return home - Part 4

Return home - Part 4

3"This man is crazy." Preston scolded Jared again when he saw the boat before him. Even though he was some distance away, he smelt the odor of fish and the sea and felt nauseous. "Couldn't he have sent me back on a speed boat? Why do I have to use a fisherman's boat?"     3

"I hear you, brother," Jared remarked from behind and Preston rolled his eyes in dismay. "I hear you scolding me."     

"If you do, then do something about it and shut me up." Preston rebuked, keeping his face fixed on the sea rather than the man behind him.     

"That's something I can't do. I am sorry."     

"Why, though? Do you want to torture me? Do you want to kill me?" Preston narrowed his eyes and his jaw ticked in anger. Was it not enough for him to smack his head until he bled? Did he have to go as far as to force him on a fisherman's boat with a stinking smell that could make anyone nauseous and sick?     

"Far from that. My intentions are anything but harmful to you." Jared approached and stood beside him while Preston tilted his head and stared at the man with narrowed eyes.     

"Do you see this wound here?" He pointed at his forehead. "I wonder who inflicted it on me."     

"Well, that was me, and you know why I did it. Now stop crying." Jared reprimanded and Preston sighed as he pushed his palms through his pockets to suppress his desire of punching Jared's nose.     

"In case that, I would have loved it if you had arranged for a speed boat or even a normal boat. Why did you go as far as a fishermen's boat?" Preston too did not hold back and complained with full vigor.     

"Looks like I smacked you quite hard. You have become stupid."     

Preston gave him an unimpressed look while Jared stared back at him innocently.     

"Have you seen the area around here?" Jared circled his index finger, making Preston wonder where this was going. "Imagine you are the officer patrolling the port. What would you do if you saw an unrecognized speedboat making it towards you?"     

"Oh." Preston perceived what he was trying to say and turned his head to look at the sea again.     

"Yes. Moreover, I am on the run right now. I do not wish to gain attention on me for the time being. So, this is the best choice for us."     

"Looks like you really smacked me into becoming a fool," Preston commented, accepting his fate for the time being.      

"I am glad you understood me."     

"But would the patrolling officer not suspect anything if he sees me? I am an unfamiliar face among the familiar ones."     

"You do not have to worry about that. My men will handle all of it. Just go ahead with the flow and handle the situation when necessary." Jared looked behind and retrieved something. "Just change into these and you are good to go."     

Preston gave him a skeptical glance before he opened Jared's 'gift,' only to frown immediately. "Not only do you want me to return on a fishermen's boat, you even want me to look like one."     

"It's just precautionary measures. Otherwise, you will only gain unwanted attention towards you. But you will not face much difficulty since it's dusk, almost time for everyone to return home." Jared assured him and Preston sighed in defeat.      

"Do I have another choice?"     


"I so fucking hate this." Preston returned to the manor and changed into the 'appropriate' attire as he prepared to return home.     

"You look good." Jared teased and stifled a laugh, making Preston scowl at him.     

"Is there anything else I should take note of?"     

"Not that I can remember. Just cover your forehead with your hair and you are good to go."     

Preston's lips twitched in dismay. But he did not complain about it and tried to cover his forehead with his hair as much as possible.     

"I have prepared everything for you. You just need to return home safe." Jared handed him a small bag and Preston took it with enquiring eyes.     

"Just precautionary measures. I hope you don't have to use them."     

Preston did not comment a word and looked ahead at the boat.     

"Everything's ready. You may set off now. Stay safe." Jared sighed and Preston pursed his lips.     

"Let's meet soon."     

"We will. Don't worry." Jared smirked and nodded at him and Preston made his way towards the boat.     

Once he was on it, he turned around and looked at the man and manor behind him, his eyes concealing his true thoughts at that moment. An undecipherable expression settled on his face and he frowned lightly.     

"We will meet soon, Jared. We will, for sure." He promised and sat beside one of the fishermen who looked more like a thug.     

"How long will it take for us to reach the shore?" He queried the moment the boat motor roared to life.     

"About forty minutes. Sit tight, Sir. This might be a little sickening for you."      

The boat jerked and Preston almost tilted forward due to the sudden impact. But he soon grasped the safety handle behind him and held onto it for dear life, cursing Jared again for his unbelievable and unimaginable plan.     

The smell of dead fish and salt assaulted his nose, and Preston suddenly felt nauseous. But he controlled himself and focused his attention on the stars, allowing the cold wind to caress his face and ease his discomfort.     

Slowly but surely, he was able to suppress his desire to puke and just as promised, after traveling for thirty minutes, he saw the mainland. Preston almost cried in joy when he saw the home he so desperately wanted to return to.     

Staying on the island had made him homesick and he just wanted to return to the place which made him comfortable, to the life he was accustomed to and his job, which he missed the most.     

"Deputy, Ryder, Maggie, I hope you guys are prepared. I have a huge surprise for you and I hope you will be surprised."     

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