Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Art of seduction

Art of seduction

0Aria thought about her fate once her father moved out of the mansion and immediately after, her eyes widened, in mortification. She recalled Noah's threat messages and at once, she concluded that the man would not allow her to leave his bed in the upcoming days. His lips quivered in fear and she was ghastly pale.      

Aria had not been this scared even when she was dealing with Kevin. 'At least I knew what his fate would be. Right now, I am not certain about my fate. Noah!!!' She wailed in her mind and right at that moment, she saw Noah walking down the steps, with his hands in his pajama pockets from the corner of her eye.      

'Speak of the devil.' She cursed him in her mind and lifted her head, only to find a smiling Noah staring at her in return. Although the smile looked innocent and harmless, she knew that was not the case with the way his eyes gleamed in wickedness. A shiver ran through her spine and she averted her eyes once, unable to meet the man's scorching gaze.     

Noah's smile widened seeing Aria's behavior and he held his chin high, with a smug expression. "Dad, I'll prepare dinner."     

"Sure, son. Go ahead." Oliver prompted without looking up. However, he did not forget to add, "Aria, go help him." That was all it took for Aria's worst fears to come true. She stared at her father in horror. But to her dismay, Oliver did not even raise his head to notice her silent protest. He continued working, ignoring his daughter's pleading gaze.     

Noah tilted his head and raised his eyebrow, his smile widening as evil thoughts ran through his mind. "Aria," He held out his hand. "Shall we?"      

"No, I haven't washed myself yet." She gave an excuse and patted her back in her mind for her quick thinking.      

Noah's smile vanished and he narrowed his eyes, trying to intimidate her. To his amusement, she only blinked at him, provoking him silently.     

"It's fine, Aria." Oliver was the one to respond, breaking the couple's eye contact. "I don't mind and neither does Noah. Isn't it, Noah?"      

"Definitely, Dad." Noah went along with his father-in-law, thanking him silently. 'Dad, you are the best. You know me so well.' He noticed Oliver encouraging him with a small smile, which Aria failed to notice.     

Meanwhile, Aria could only scold her father for personally sending her to the wolf's den. 'Why do I feel that Dad is helping Noah? What are these two plotting?' Before she could even think of the possibilities, Noah had pulled her up, stunning her. She did not even have the time to object as Noah led her to the kitchen silently.     

Seeing his hungry gaze, Aria had the sudden urge to run away from the living room. "Umm, Noah. I remember now. I have an important case to study. So..."     

"You can study about it later, Aria."     

"But," Aria was so lost in coming up with excuses to escape from Noah's clutches that she did not notice they were already near the kitchen, far away from the living room.     

"Aria, are you trying to avoid me?" Noah stopped suddenly and held her shoulders, staring at her intently. However, unlike him, Aria did not have the courage to meet him in the eye and she lowered her head, focusing her eyes on her feet.     

"Not at all. Why would I avoid you?"     

"Who knows? Maybe because you know what is going to happen later in the night. Maybe because you know..." Aria covered his mouth, stopping him from speaking any further.     

"What nonsense are you speaking?" She glared at him, trying to burn him through her eyes. To her dismay, it had the complete opposite effect of what she had expected. Instead of dropping the matter, Noah smiled widely and Aria could feel his lips sucking on her palm.      

Aria blinked at him and when it registered what he was doing, she tried to withdraw her arm, only for the man to hold her wrist tight. He continued to suck on her palm and stared back at her, making Aria fidget in her place.     

"Noah, what are you doing?" She squealed at the end when she felt the man lick her palm and tried to withdraw her hand again. Only this time, Noah pulled her flush and twisted his body such that Aria's back was pressed against the wall. Now, Aria had no place to move. She was sandwiched between the wall and Noah, with their fronts plastered to each other.     

"What am I doing?" Noah feigned innocence and pushed Aria's hair behind her ears. "I am just kissing my girlfriend." He muttered and inched his lips closer to her, blowing lightly on them. His cold breath made Aria shudder and she was rendered blank momentarily. Gone was the Aria who had called Maggie as she discussed strategies to kill Jared. Now it was Aria who had fallen head over heels with the man who was slowly seducing her.     

"Noah, you cannot..." Before Aria could push him away, Noah dived in to capture her lips, swallowing all her words. The sudden interruption took Aria's breath away and she tried to free herself from his grasp. But Noah was having none of it. He held her wrist to her sides, trapping her in his embrace successfully. He pushed himself closer to her such that their chests were touching while making sure that he was not suffocating her.     

Aria's meek attempt at pushing him away was rendered useless as the man did not budge even an inch. His gentle kiss turned passionate, especially when he realized that she was not responding back. He sucked on her sweet taste, relishing it to his heart's content.      

Aria closed her eyes, relaxing her body eventually as she succumbed to his sweet torture. She started to kiss him back, trying to savor his lips, lightly sucking on them. However, before she could proceed any further, Noah pulled back with a devilish smile on his face. The sudden loss of contact left Aria gaping at him in a daze and she blinked innocently.     

"What happened?"     

"What happened?" Noah questioned back, raising an eyebrow.     

"I don't know. You tell me. Why did you stop kissing me?"     

Her words made him grin wider and Noah licked his lips, enticing her even more. Aria's eyes followed his actions and she gazed at his lips wanting to have a taste of them again.     

"Do you want me to kiss you?"     

Aria nodded her head absent-mindedly and immediately at once, she shook her head, realizing what she had done. Her cheeks were tainted pink and she shut her eyes in embarrassment. "I did not mean that." She whispered, not having the courage to speak out loud.     

"Oh, so you don't want to kiss me. Am I right?"     

"What? No." Aria opened her eyes and blurted out.     

"Then, do you want to kiss me?" Noah twisted her words making Aria unable to form any coherent response. Aria was silent and seeing her cute expression, Noah leaned closer to her ear, and breathed softly, making her shiver in delight.     

"Tell me, Aria. What do you want? I'll do as you say." Noah licked her earlobe and Aria yelped at his sudden touch. "All you have to do is ask."     

With that, he pulled back and stared at her, waiting for her answer. However, he made sure to press himself on her, running his hands on her waist once in while. Aria had no idea when he had released her wrists. She glowered at him, his smile irking her to no extent. Her eyes fell on his lips once again and this time, without giving him any reply, Aria pulled his head down and attacked his lips, stunning the man momentarily.     

But it did not take long for him to respond back, his eyes shining in desire. He smiled into the kiss, praising himself for successfully executing the art of seduction. And thus, Aria was seduced without even knowing what had happened.     


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