Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Falling in love

Falling in love

1"Does Joshua Martin have a girlfriend?"      2

Ronnie was dumbfounded by Ivy's question. He narrowed his eyes to see what she wanted from him and why she was asking such a question. Ivy noticed his gaze on her and immediately realized what she had done.      

'I asked Noah's guard about Joshua. I must have gone mad. Why? Why did I ask Ronnie and why did I ask about him?' Ivy closed her eyes in embarrassment. 'Awkward, awkward utter awkward.' She shifted her weighted on her legs and she scratched her neck. Not knowing what to say, she smiled cheekily. "Forget the question I asked just now." Immediately she ran to the kitchen and covered her face.     

"Why did I do just now?" She lamented, making a sorrowful face. "Ivy, why are you behaving like a teenage girl who has lost control of her hormones." She smacked her head twice. "Why?" She wailed as she banged her head against the refrigerator.     

"Excuse me, Miss West." Ronnie interrupted her suddenly, shocking her. She pulled back to see him. He was standing at the entrance of the kitchen with a subtle smile on his. Ivy realized that he must have seen her weird state and she became even more flustered.     

"Yes?" She answered, but her voice came out as a croak and she cleared her throat awkwardly. "Do you need something?"     

"I wanted to answer the question I was asked about Master Martin. Miss West, do not worry he does not have any girlfriend right now nor is he in any sort of relationship." Ronnie gave her a gentle smile and returned to the living room, while Ivy cursed her tongue. Her embarrassment was obvious from her blaring red face. 'I am done. I am utterly done.'     

Meanwhile in Aria's room.     

Aria rolled to the left and opened her eyes slowly. She was in her room. She tried to get up, but she winced the next second. She was having a killer headache. She felt like someone was hammering her brain. Aria held her head in hands as she took deep breaths.     

At that moment, the door to the bathroom opened and Aria looked up to see a dashing Noah step outside. He was wearing his pants and shirt, that was not the matter. His shirt was not buttoned and she could see his sexy body beneath it. Unknowingly she gulped. She wanted to run her hands over those taut muscles. Noah looked absolutely delectable. Aria sighed in bliss looking at the male God in front of her. 'I must have saved the world in my previous life to get such an amazing man.'      

Aria's thoughts ran wild and she started imagining all she could do with the male god in front of. But the next second, she shook her head. 'Pervert Aria, stop this nonsense and stop drooling.'     

Noah had sensed Aria's gaze on him as soon as he had come out of the bathroom. However, he had ignored her. He wanted to see how long she would continue staring at him. He knew she was captivated by his charms just the way he was captivated by her adorableness.     

Noah smirked seeing Aria in a daze. Her eyes were fixed on his chest and she was looking at him lovestruck. "I can remove my shirt if you want. You can see to your heart content."     

"Really? Can you do that?" Aria blurted out without thinking. She then realized that something was wrong. She had said something she should not have and immediately covered her mouth.     

"Definitely." Without hesitation, Noah started to remove his shirt slowly.     

"No don't. I don't want to see." Aria yelled and the next second she groaned. Her head was still throbbing.      

"Are you alright?" Noah ran to her, concerned.     

"Yes. It's just a headache. There are some Advil pills in the drawer over there. Can you bring them?"     

Noah gave her two pills and she took them. It took her some time for the headache to reduce. "Wow, why is my head painting to this extent?"     

"Don't you remember?"     


"Then let me remind you that you were drunk last night. This is the effect of hangover."     

"Hangover? But I don't remember drinking." Aria said with an innocent face eyes full of confusion.     

"Really? Then, who was the one who begged for another glass of wine? Let me think." Noah pretended to think with his eyes lingering on Aria. "I think it was you."     

"No way. I don't drink. I..." Aria stopped talking suddenly when she recalled something.      

"Did you remember now that you drank three glasses of wine? Also, remember that you were clinging to me the entire day." Noah teased with a wide grin on his face.     

She could not retaliate anymore. Flashbacks of what had transpired the previous night ran through her brain making her tongue-tied. She recalled that she had been clinging to him the entire night, not allowing him to leave her. She had also kissed him like there was no tomorrow.     

Aria blushed and looked elsewhere. She had no courage to face Noah, who was still wearing his shirt unbuttoned. His well-defined abs were right in front of her and she couldn't stop herself from glancing at his body occasionally.     

Noah smiled inwardly seeing Aria flustered. He was getting accustomed to all the different traits in her and he was getting more and more attracted to her.     

When he had first met her, she had been daring as to chide him. Then she had shown him her concern when his grandfather had been sick. When he had professed his feeling to her, she had been shy and flustered, yet highly adorable. Also, he couldn't forget the drunk Aria who was being clingy and touchy with him. He couldn't deny that he was falling in love with her every trait. She was a keeper.     

"What happened Aria? Are you being shy now? What happened to the bold woman who said that I was your Alli and you were my Ari."     

Aria fidgeted in her place, trying to see if she could escape from Noah's stare. But it was impossible to do so. He was right in front of her blocking her way. If she had to escape, she had to go from the other side of the bed. However, it would be easy for him again to catch. She was in a fix, it was impossible for her to escape from his penetrating gaze.     

"Also," He started again, making Aria look at him for a second. "If I am not wrong, I heard someone confess their feelings for me."     

Aria's heart skipped a beat. She then recollected that in her drunken stupor she had told that she loved him. 'What did you do Aria?' She scolded herself for her stupidity, but what she had told him was the truth.     

Not able to face Noah anymore, Aria jumped off the bed, pushed him lightly, and ran to the bathroom. Her face was glowing in shyness. Noah chuckled seeing her scuttle like a little rabbit. "I love you too Aria. But you get my answer only after I tell you the truth. I hope you will be patient until then.     

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