Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Possessive Noah

Possessive Noah

3Noah and Aria went to the couple who were still bickering with each other. "Guys, cut it. Cut it. Now we do not want a war to take place here. We are already at war."     

Hearing his voice, Ivy and Joshua stopped talking and the realization hit them that they were outside and they had an audience all along. They had been so involved with themselves that they had not noticed a thing around them. Ivy gave a sheepish look while Jo casually put his hands in his pant pockets.     

"Ivy, I want to take Aria with me." Before the overprotective sister could protest, Noah continued, "Don't worry. I send her back in time."     

"Wait a second." Aria stopped him suddenly. "You didn't ask my permission at all. When did I agree to go with you?"     

"Are you saying that you are not willing to come with me?"     

"I did not say that."     

"Then, is there a reason to argue when I know what your decision is?" Noah smirked marking Aria's lips to twitch. "If you are still not satisfied, then I'll ask you now. Aria, would you like to go out with me at this time of the night? I promise I'll drop you back."     

Aria's face heated up at once. She did not know that her man was this shameless. He did not even care about the other two people in front of them. However, Aria did not deny his request. She too wanted to spend some quality time before she left. 'Who knows when I will meet him next?'     

"Okay, brother-in-law. Who am I to stop you and why would I? Go ahead. Take care and give her lots of kisses and hugs. She is going to miss them for the next few weeks." Ivy teased only to get a glare in return from her sister.     

"Now that my sister-in-law had commanded, I must follow them. I'll make sure to obey you at all costs." Noah replied with a straight face. Aria's jaw dropped in horror. 'How could this man speak so casually about these things and also keep a poker face?' He looked perfectly normal while Aria was blushing like a ripened tomato.     

"That's more like it." Ivy sent a wink to Aria making her scowl.     

"Bye, bye lovebirds. And Aria take care. See you soon." Joshua hugged Aria. "Please be safe and don't forget to think about me." Aria laughed out loud hearing his words. "And I promise, I'll think about you every day. I'll miss you."     

Noah pushed Joshua away from her and draped his arm around Aria. "Why should she think about you? She has me and she will think about me."     

"Noah, she can't always be thinking about boring people. Some times, she has to think about good and handsome people too and who is the best choice for it?" Joshua pointed to himself. "Nobody but me."     

"What a narcissist," Ivy remarked.     

"Thank you sweetheart for your sweet compliment. There's nothing wrong with loving oneself." Joshua beamed at her.     

"Yeah right." Ivy folded her hands and pulled out her tongue teasingly.     

"Thank you and I'll definitely miss you and I promise I will think about you," Aria said with a laugh.     

"That's like it. See." He looked at Ivy. "Not everyone blind. Some people don't know to appreciate good things."     

"Where is the good thing? Bring it in front of me and I'll appreciate it too."     


"You guys continue. We will leave." Noah pulled Aria with him without another word and started walking towards his car.     

"Noah, wait. Let me talk to my sister." Aria protested.     

"Aria, you can talk to her all you want when you return home. We have very little time. So, I want to spend it with you. Please." Noah requested but he did not stop walking.     


Meanwhile, Ivy blinked seeing Aria and Noah hurry. Since they were gone, there was no reason for her to continue staying. "I guess it's time for me to leave."     

"Yeah." Joshua scratched his neck awkwardly.      



Ivy reluctantly took a step towards her car. She did not want to leave, not yet. She had no idea when she had started liking Joshua's company. It always made her forget her worries. Joshua too was in the same state. He did not want her to leave. Something struck him and he stopped her immediately.     

"Ivy, you told us that someone was following you. Do you want me to trail behind you just to make sure everything is alright?" He stared at her hoping that she would accept his offer. At least that way he could see her for a while longer. He could also see who had the audacity to follow her.     

"Is it fine for you? Ain't it late?"     

"I have no problems with it." Joshua shrugged his shoulders.     

"Then okay. Thank you so much." Ivy smiled at thankfully.     

"No problem."     

Ivy and Joshua went to their cars. Noah and Aria observed everything from Noah's car and they smiled in victory. "Thank the heavens, he is watching out for her. I would be worried to death if she were to go alone at this time of the night. We don't know what kind of a person is stalking her."     

"I know Joshua. He will not let anything happen to her. Don't worry." Noah assured her and started his car. "Stop worrying about others. You will have to worry about yourself now."     

"Why?" Aria asked in confusion.     

"You said that you are going to miss another man instead of me. I appreciate your courage." Noah sneered. He glanced at her before he started driving.      

"Noah, he is your friend. Are you jealous of him?" Aria was surprised by his childish behavior.     

"I am a very possessive person Aria. So, yes. I am jealous." Noah did not deny Aria's words. Instead, he embraced them wholeheartedly.     

"Noah, he is just a good friend."     

"I don't care. Brace yourself for what is to come your way."     

"What are you going to do?" Aria raised her eyebrows daringly.      

Noah took another glance at her and smiled. "Patience love. Don't worry. I am not going to eat you."      

Though Noah told her that he would not be eating her, somewhere in her mind, Aria knew that was not the case. He was hellbound on following Ivy's orders and she couldn't stop herself from anticipating what was about to come.     

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