Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Late night drive

Late night drive

3Unbeknownst to what was happening in her house, Aria was enjoying her time with Noah. They were going on a late-night drive around the city. She was the one in charge of the talking while Noah would reply a word or two occasionally. She did not feel bad the Noah was not actively participating in the conversation nor was he dissatisfied that she was blabbering non-stop. It was a happy moment and the atmosphere in the car was warm and cozy.      3

"Noah, where are we going?" Aria asked after blabbering for a while.     

"You will find out shortly." He answered with a mysterious smile, making Aria wonder what plan he had in his mind.     

"Can't you tell me right now?"     




"Pretty please." She looked at him with puppy eyes and it made him melt at once.     

"Aria, this is not fair. You are cheating." He complained as he drove up the hill.     

Aria noticed the change in her surroundings. "Everything is fair in love and war and by the way why are we going up the hill?"     

"Patience my love. Patience is worth the wait." He gave her a huge smile stunning her for a moment. He was so handsome when he smiled that Aria went into a daze momentarily, which Noah did not fail to notice. He chuckled inwardly seeing her in a trance and he snapped his fingers in front of her to bring her back.     

"Where did your mind wander off to?" Noah asked, his eyes not leaving the road. Now that they were driving on the steep hill, he had to make sure not to lose control. This was an accident-prone area and the twist and turns were quite sharp and narrow that only expert drivers could drive past it without any hustle.     

Aria got out of her daze and looked ahead. She did not want to reveal that she had been lost in his smile and for her relief, Noah did not stress the matter further. "Sit tight, Aria. This road is a little curvy, we need to be careful."     

"Okay." They were at the last turn and it was the sharpest of all. Even a small mistake would plummet them to death. But Aria was not scared. She trusted that Noah would never do anything that would risk her life. And as she had imagined, he knew what he was doing. He cherished her life more than his and he would never allow any harm to even grace her.     

After a few minutes more of driving, Noah stopped the car. "We are here."     

Aria roamed her eyes around her in confusion. She could not see anything, except for the tall trees and plants. It was dark outside, but she could still make out due to the moonlight.     

"Noah, where are we?" She asked but did not receive any response. She turned to see that Noah was not in the car. She had no idea when he had got off. Aria too got off the car wondering where he had gone. He was nowhere to be seen. Her heart beat wildly and she was getting scared. "Noah." She called out loud only to get silence in return.     


"Hmm." This time she heard him right behind her, startling her. He was so close to her that she could feel his hot breath on her neck. Her body became stiff at once.     

"Shhh. I am right here. No need to worry, love." He whispered and goosebumps rose on her skin. His voice sounded incredibly tantalizingly and her mind had stopped thinking long back. All she could hear was Noah's voice and all she felt was his hot breath on her neck. She even forgot where they were.     

"No-Noah, what are we doing here?"     

"I have a surprise for you." He said and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind.     


"Yes, but I want you to close your eyes."      


"Aria, do you trust me?"     


"Then, please. Please close your eyes." He requested and kissed her cheek making her blush.     

"Okay." She whispered and Noah smiled. He gave her another kiss on the cheek and stood in front of her. As promised, she had closed her eyes. She looked breathtakingly beautiful with the way the moonlight fell on her skin, making her glow. All he wanted to do was to kiss her right then and there. But he controlled himself. He still had things to do.     

"Aria, until I say, don't open your eyes. Okay?" He asked her one last time.     


"Good girl." Noah gave her a peck on her lips, stunning her again. "Don't worry, I am right here." He held her hand and led her forward, making sure every few seconds if she was alright. Throughout the entire time, Aria had kept her eyes closed much to Noah's happiness. He realized this beautiful girl trusted him blindly and this made him happy as well as guilty at the same time. He brushed off the other thoughts as immediately as they had come to his mind. He had a long time to think about them now that Aria would be gone for some time. Now, all he had in mind was to surprise her.     

Noah slowly led her to their destination and finally, he stopped. Aria had not spoken a word the entire time. Her small hand was tightly engulfed in his sending warmth through her body. He stood behind her again.      

"Noah, are we there yet?" Aria had sensed that they had arrived when they had stopped walking.      

"Yes. But don't open your eyes yet. Wait until I say so." Noah said and again his breath hit her neck.     


Aria did not have to wait long. Just after a few seconds of waiting, Noah's words fell on her ears. "Aria, you may open your eyes."     

Aria opened her eyes slowly, blinking a few times trying to adjust to the darkness. Once her eyes adjusted, she gasped loudly. The sight in front of her was so gorgeous that she did not know what to say. She could see the entire city below her. The light from the buildings made them look like fireflies. It was utterly breathtaking mesmerizing her to the core. At that moment, she had only one word in mind, amazing.     

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