Falling in Love : I love you, Today and Forever

Stuck forever?

Stuck forever?

0Jared smiled as soon as he entered the room. He had not seen Maggie anywhere outside the room. In fact, he had not seen anyone around him before he entered the room, for the place was secluded from the main part of the warehouse. 'I am sure Maggie is still inside, and now, I will catch her. Maggie get ready.' He smiled wickedly, thinking about all he could do to her when he caught her.     3

With that thought in mind, Jared started to climb the stairs. "Maggie," His low voice echoed through the closed room. "Dear, I know you are here." He chuckled, not knowing that the girl he wanted was already a step ahead of him. Jared knew the layout of the room, and there was no way out for anyone in between. The stairs connected his room to this secret exit with no other escape route in between. "There is no use hiding from me, Maggie. Show yourself to me, and I'll be lenient with you. Otherwise," Jared stopped, stating his threat and intentions clearly.      

However, he did not receive any response from the girl who was driving him crazy. "Oh, so you want a chase. Am I right?" Jared licked his lips, liking the game he was playing. Although an unknown enemy had attacked him suddenly, he was more interested in catching Maggie as he was sure that the attackers were here for her. She was the bargaining chip he had at hand, and he would never let her go at any cost.     

"Then, I will give you one, Maggie. Be prepared, my dear, because you might not like what awaits you once I get to you." Jared warned and continued to climb the stairs. Unlike Maggie who had no idea where the stairs led to, Jared knew the room better than anyone did. So, he climbed them as quickly as he could, and within a few minutes, he had covered more than half the distance.     

However, instead of having a great feeling about his achievement, he was starting to worry about it. A bad premonition ran through his mind, and the realization made him bolt up the stairs at full speed. "Maggie," He bellowed at the top of his lungs, his mind already processing the undeniable truth. He had covered more than half the distance, and Maggie was still not in sight. He was now certain that Maggie had escaped the room before he made it to her.      

"No," He roared when the truth finally settled in, and he kicked the railing in anger. Maggie had escaped from his clutches even before he could get to her, and Jared had no idea how far Maggie was away from the warehouse now. Moreover, she was not alone. An unknown enemy had come to save her, and with their support, it would be easy for her to get away from him. And that was the last thing he wanted to happen.      

He wanted Maggie at all cost, for she had his heart. Also, his Godfather would skin him alive if he were to find out what had happened. Jared shook his head imagining what would happen to him once the matter reached his Godfather, and that was the last thing he had in mind. "This is not good. This is not good." He muttered, turning around and sprinting down the stairs. 'I need to get out of this room and get Maggie before she leaves from here.'     

"I am going to kill those bastards who dared to attack me. Maggie, you just wait and watch what I am going to do to you." He seethed, his speed not reducing, even though the man lost his footing at one of the steps. He reached the end in no time, and he twisted the knob in a hurry. However, to his dismay, the door did not budge. It refused to open for him.     

Eyes widened in shock, Jared tried the knob again only to meet the same result. Although the door shook lightly, it did not open at all, and Jared's fury had reached the peak by now. He kicked the door in anger. "What the fuck!!!" He cursed loudly, and the next moment, he stood frozen in his spot when a possibility struck his mind. "No fucking way!!" He stared at the door in horror. "Maggie, don't tell me you are behind this." He banged the wall in rage. But everything was useless. Noting he did worked and the door remained shut, prohibiting him from leaving.     

The bobby pin Maggie had inserted inside the keyhole stayed firm in its place, not allowing Jared to open the door. Jared was at wit's end, not knowing what to do. His mind was trying to come up with a plan to escape from the room when remembered his phone. 'Yes, I could call my assistant. He will get me out of here. Yes, why didn't I think of this before?'     

Jared did not care that his assistant would find out about the secret exit. It was more important to leave the place that was slowly starting to suffocate him. He cursed in his mind for not installing windows. At least, they could have helped him leave the place soon. He dialed his assistant's number. However, nobody picked up his call. He tried again only to meet the same result. "Pick up. Pick up. Pick up." He shouted over the phone, only for it to fall on deaf ears, for nobody was listening to him.     

Even after many attempts, nobody picked up the call, and Jared was losing his mind. "What the fuck!! Where are you? Pick up the damn phone." He roared. However, everything was useless, for the man he was looking for help was lying dead just outside the room, his body blocking the entrance.     

He then tried his earpiece, trying to connect to his men. However, to his horror, he could not find the device. His ears were bare of any earpiece, and Jared cursed himself for being careless. He had no idea when he had lost it and if it was even in the room of exit or not. Searching for the small, wireless device was impossible, given how dark it was around him.     

Jared now had no idea what to do. He could only be relieved that his phone was charged. Otherwise, the man would be stuck in here forever without having any access to the outside world. He scrolled through his contacts, trying to see if he had any gang member's phone number. For the first time in his life, Jared regretted not having his men's numbers in his phone. "Why? Just why?" He berated himself as he scrolled through the phone when his gaze fell on one of the phone numbers he was all too familiar with.     

Jared knew he had no other option. He had nobody he could approach at that moment, and only this man could help him leave the room alive. Taking a deep breath and stiffening his heart, Jared dialed the last man he wanted to talk to right now. "Hello, Godfather."     

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