The Dragon Evolve God

Olmoth In Trouble

Olmoth In Trouble

1Although the 7 Demon Royal Knights appeared, but Prince Eraga is not with them as he's still in his room chilling. Of course, Geemo is also in Prince Eraga's room spying on him and watching him every move.     

When the 9 Elf Royal Knights saw the 7 Demon Royal Knights, they immediately became nervous and scared.     

"Shit! Looks like they're here...." said one of the female elf royal knights fearfully.     

"Quick! Let's just sit somewhere else and not make a scene," said another male elf royal knights worriedly.     

"Yo Dior, you come with us too," said the elf royal knight leader named "Karok".     

But Dior didn't move and just shake his head as if he's saying that "I'm fine, you guys go ahead,".     

Dior knew that sitting with Prime is safer as compared to other places, so that's why he chose to sit with Prime instead of with his royal knight buddies.     

However, just as the 9 Elf Royal Knights was about to leave, suddenly one of the 7 Demon Royal Knights began to speak and said:     

"Yo Karok! Long time no see! How have you been?"     

From the way it looks, it seems like Karok has met these 7 Demon Royal Knights before.     

"Eh? You know them?" said an elf girl royal knight named "Sivia".      

"....." Karok didn't know what to say.     

At the same time, since Karok has been called out by one of the Demon Royal Knights, therefore he couldn't hide any longer as that will appear as rude if he does that. So instead, he forced a smile on his face and said:     

"Haha, long time no see Olmoth and I'm fine, what about you?"     

That's when the 7 Demon Royal Knights began walking closer toward the 9 Elf Royal Knights.     

"Hahaha! I'm good, so what are you up to?" said Olmoth who is the leader of the 7 Demon Royal Knights.     

Similar to Prime looks, Olmoth also had black hair, red eyes, and sharp teeth except that he has demon horns while Prime doesn't.     

"Nothing much, just having my lunch with my buddies," said Karok.     

"I see, well do you mind if my buddies join with you guys too," said Olmoth in a friendly manner.     

"Err sure..." said Karok reluctantly.     

Then just as Olmoth was about to go and take his food, suddenly he noticed a very beautiful elf girl in Karok's group.     

"Heh? Who is this beautiful girl with you? How come you never introduce her to me," said Olmoth as he stared at Sivia lustfully.     

That's when Karok suddenly feels fear in his heart because he knew this would happen since after all, everyone knows that Olmoth is a hardcore womanizer. However, Karok was too weak to protect Sivia, so he could only play along and said:     

"Olmoth seems to be interested in you, so go ahead and introduce yourself to him," said Karok to Sivia.     

"But....." Sivia seems afraid.     

"Idiot! No but! Go and introduce yourself to him and stop putting us in trouble," Karok whispered to Sivia angrily.     

Having no choice, that's when Sivia slowly walk up and began introducing herself to Olmoth. And seeing how scared Sivia is, Olmoth then smiles and said:     

"Hahaha! Relax, also how about coming to my room later after lunch?"     

"Eh?! Sorry, I think that's a bit....."     

"Oh come on!" said Olmoth aggressively as he hates it when women reject his offer.     

However, Sivia still said the same thing because she's a pure type, so she's not used to doing dirty things without loving someone first.     

Each time Sivia hesitate, the more Olmoth became annoyed and eventually, he walked closer toward Sivia and grabbed her right hand, and said once more:     

"You're coming later right?"     

This time, Olmoth had a cold look on his face instead of looking friendly earlier.     

"Sivia! Stop embarrassing us and just say yes already!" said one of the male elf royal knights frustratingly.     

"Yeah! What are you hesitating for," said a female elf royal knights in an agreeing manner.     

"Hahaha! You see even your buddies say you should come with me later," laughed Olmoth evilly.     

Despite all the pressure, Sivia still refuses to say yes as she rather die than to give away her virginity to someone like Olmoth.     

Seeing Sivia still hesitating, that's when Olmoth became impatient and said, "You know what? Why don't you come to my room right now? As for lunch, well you can eat with me in my room,"     

When Dior saw that Sivia is in trouble, that's when he quickly look at Prime and said:     

"Sir Prime, I know that Sivia offended you earlier by saying mean things, but can you please forgive her and save her?" said Dior worriedly.     

"Huh? Why should I? She said mean things to me earlier, so it's only natural that she's getting her karma now. So to answer your question, no I won't help her sorry," said Prime stubbornly.     

"....." Dior didn't what to say.     

Since Prime won't help, it was then at this moment, Dior stood up and went up to Olmoth and said:     

"Please let sister Sivia go as doing this will not be good for your reputation,"     

"Huh? Who the f**k are you to tell me what do?" said Olmoth while feeling annoyed even more.     

"Dior! What the f**k are you doing?! Get back now!" said Korak angrily.     

"Hmph! You're such a terrible leader, so shut up!" said Dior angrily too because he's disappointed at Korak for being a coward and don't fight back to protect Sivia.     

"Dior you...." said Sivia as she was about to cry.     

"Dior you! How dare you talk to your leader like that?!" said Korak as he became even more furious.     

Dior has always been respectful toward Korak, but today, Dior was totally out of character and Korak was shocked by it.     

Since Prime won't help, so Dior's plan was to get himself in trouble, so that way Prime will step in to help him.     

"So what?! You're just a coward who acts like a puppy for the demon race," said Dior as he was referring to Olmoth.     

"You! Say that again!" said Korak as he feels humiliated and angry.     

Sadly is true because normally Korak is known to be a brave man that would fight almost anything without backing down easily. But for some reason today, it seems like Korak is extremely scared of Olmoth, and would do anything even sacrificing Sivia just so that he doesn't offend Olmoth.     

In the past, Korak has fought with Olmoth before, so he knew exactly how powerful Olmoth is, which is why he doesn't want to take the risk.     

Of course, he could've informed this problem to the king, but since it's just a trivial matter, so he rather not bothers the king and settles everything by himself, and that is by sacrificing Sivia to Olmoth.     

"Hahaha! Then I will say it again once more, and that is you're a pussy girl who will do anything to lick Olmoth's feet," said Dior.     

"Dior you!" said Korak.     

"What? You're gonna release your anger on your own kin instead of the demon race?" said Dior as he could see that Korak is tightening both of his fists angrily.     

Seeing that Korak didn't dare to attack him, that's when Dior shifted his attention back at Olmoth and said:     

"The same goes for you, you're just a pussy who bullies the weak and if you think you're so powerful, then why haven't you have your own kingdom yet huh? The answer is, you don't because you're just Prince Eraga's chess pawn that's why," laughed Dior mockingly.     

The moment Dior mocked Olmoth, that's when Olmoth became pissed and instantly took out his sword and tried to slice off Dior's head. And the moment Korak saw that, he immediately pushed Dior away and took the sword attack instead and as a result, Korak's right hand was slice off completely.     

"Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" yelled Korak in pain.     

"Kyaaa!!!" yelled Sivia in fear.     

"Korak you....." Dior couldn't believe it because he thought Korak hated him, but surprisingly, he was wrong about Korak at all.     

However, Olmoth was still pissed and was determined to kill Dior no matter what, so without waiting for Dior to get up, he immediately appeared in front of Dior again and aim for Dior's head. But just as he was about to slice off Dior's head, that's when suddenly his sword was stopped by two fingers.     

And those two fingers was Prime's fingers, and when the crowd saw that, they were extremely shocked.     

"What?! Did he just stop Olmoth's sword attack with just his two fingers?" the crowd couldn't believe it.     

That's when Olmoth stared at Prime furiously and said:     

"Who are you?! How dare you interrupt me when I'm trying to kill someone!"     

"Well you can kill anyone you like, but don't you dare to touch my friend," said Prime calmly.     

Even though Prime was talking calmly, but for some reason, the pressure that Olmoth felt is like having 10 giant mountains landing on him. In another word, he knew Prime was very angry, so angry to the point that he can't even describe in word.     

Although Prime might appear to be calm on the outside, but deep down in his heart, he was furious!     

At first, Olmoth didn't know what was going on, or why Prime was able to emit such pressure against him. But when he looked closely at Prime's appearance, that's when he realized he was actually facing an actual dragon, or someone from the dragon race.     

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