Chapter 99: Offer??

Chapter 99: Offer??

2Urim's POV,      3

'Hmm' I looked intently at my sword and continued trying to adjust it's size, but it has proven difficult as always. at times I did it unconsciously but Torug says it's not something the sword was supposed to be capable of doing and so he suspected that it's skill of mine. This made me curious, although brother has promised to give me a different weapon later, it would be great if I could succeed.     

The sound of the moving wagon filled the background, accompanied by the footsteps of the wolves. Unfortunately for me, Torrelsav brought Gilgar and her sister along, so She chose to ride with me, despite her father's odd gaze, on the other her sister was riding with her father.     

Aside from this two, Nazu's Murku(right hand man), 'Raal' was here.     

'Hmm' Gilgar is getting restless again ...The Halfling girl would look around from time to time, try to stand on my little wolf's back while resting her arms on my shoulders but I remained focused on my 'favorite' sword, I'm definitely not aware of the gaze Torrelsav is giving me.     

"What are you doing?" She finally asked with a curious tone, I suddenly felt a shiver down my spine...'Ah Torrelsav again, Gilgar you would be the death of me'.     

Honestly, I would have taken her as my own by now, if not for me wanting to wait till Torug...     

"You've been staring at the sword" She added, a sigh escaped my lips unconsciously.     

"Nothing..." I say.     

"No way!"     

"..." can you be quiet? your father is riding right next to us you know?.     

A grunt came from my right, it was Raal, he seemed to have a problem with the small bamboo in his hand.     

"I can't believe I ran out of wine" he turned the odd shaped bamboo and shook it a bit, "it's really finished".     

Then He turned to eye the wolf under him, "I know you did it..."     

It shook it's head furiously but this apparently confirmed Raal's suspicion. And so, a strange argument began between Rider and Wolf.     

Bhok wasn't far behind either, he was riding with an Orc Rider while a few of his men would be walking themselves.     

Gilgar broke out in a laughing fit, so did everyone on this trip, me on the other hand was glad that everyone's focus had shifted from me.     

It didn't take long for us to get to the edge of our Blackmoon territory, the symbol of a moon was carved onto the final tree before being smeared with dark coal.     

This was what Brother used to mark the edge of our lands, at all sides.     

Even without the mark, I could oddly feel when we leave it's boundaries and I'm sure it's the same for the others. The journey continued without any delay, Luckily we got some information about the situation of the war.     

Apparently, there's a cease fire between the two sides as they try to recuperate for a while, this was why brother felt it was a good chance. According to him, this situation won't last long and someone will mess things up.     

Anyway, I think he is right... Brother is always right, giving them weapons will be like a gift from the sky but I also feel it's not so simple as ...     

"Urim, isn't that...?" Gilgar's surprised voice suddenly came from behind me and I looked at that direction, Torrelsav rode his wolf closer and everyone one became alert.     

In front of us, was the group that had left our town a day before. That's right, Kharag Greyeye seemed to have been waiting for us here.     

I raised my right hand, ordering everyone to stop. Gilgar and Largash came down from, My and Torrelsav's wolves.     

When they came down, Me and Torrelsav, wordlessly approached the Greyeye Chief, who was sitting beside his sleeping Bear.     

"your here?!" He looked surprised but I knew it was fake, then the death of our tortured Hobgoblin Hunter resurfaced in my mind.     

'He's definitely related to it' My heart grew cold but I suppressed my anger, Brother's word kept ringing in my head till I was able to put away the stray thought.     

"Chief Kharag, what brings you to this parts" I finally said with a laugh as Torrelsav waited for me to speak. Instead of replying me, he looked at the wolves we were riding greedily and then at the Wagon.     

His men had cleared an area and set up camp not to far amongst the tall grass. that's why we didn't notice them before.     

"Ah I am still going around with my invitation" he says, "If only Malu wasn't dead, I wouldn't have to do this..."     

"you could have sent your son though" Torrelsav muttered nonchalantly but Kharag pretended not to hear.     

"Very well, we will be on our way" I immediately dissolved any room for an argument.     

Immediately I ordered the group to keep moving, 'I better keep away from them as much as possible until I return'.     

After gaining a little distance from Kharag, I heard him shout, "Urim yes? why don't you come over to my clan!!... you won't have much of a future standing behind your brother!! He won't let you ever surpass him".     

Hearing his words, I almost slipped into Blind rage as I had thoughts of charging at him. That was a slap to my brother and clan, the anger wasn't mine alone as anger began to build up amongst us.     

"Urim...calm down" Moz's voice suddenly sounded in my ears and not long after, Torrelsav advised the same.     

'I almost did what Brother advised me to always avoid...' I quickly performed the Heart Sutra while looking at Kharag, but then...'why is Moz here?'.     

Forget it, we'll find out later...     

With a loud voice, I replied "I'm sorry but I'll have to decline, I wish you safe travels."     

He kept on smiling but was now looking beside me and not at me. a look of delight flashed through his eyes but I quickly left with the others.     



Blackmoon Town,     

Throne Hall,     

Torug's POV,     

"Good, good, good" I repeatedly said as my vision returned to the view of the Hall, at some point, I had cracked the armrest of my throne but my mind was preoccupied with what I had just seen.     

"Twice... Kharag, twice...I guess it's time I returned the favor or you'll soon feel that you can use my head to drink wine!" with those words coming out of my mouth in a dark manner, I stood up from my throne and looked at the unconscious Janetta.     

'He must feel I'm unaware of...but why doesn't he attack directly? why does it seem like he's trying to provoke me into starting something and this also confirmed my suspicions as he was obviously not aware of me and Urim's relationship before...' Lost in thought I subconsciously called for Alpha, before heading for the gate.     

"It's time I breakthrough to the next circle of evolution, before I use the upgrade card... one pill will be left for emergencies" Without any warning, I rode out of the town, "it's time I visited the valley".     

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