Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Stay with me for six hours

Stay with me for six hours


Tattered shoes…


Shen Mengqi's eyes were wide open; she would never have imagined Ye Wanwan saying such a thing.

Gu Yueze was akin to a god to Ye Wanwan--nobody was allowed to say anything bad about him around her.

Shen Mengqi's heart was full of surprise and doubt so she kept staring at her, "Wanwan, you… how could you say something like that about Mr Gu?! Ye Yi Yi was to blame for everything; her father snatched the Ye family away and she shamelessly snatched your fiance. Mr. Gu didn't have a choice! What happened exactly? Why do you think this way all of a sudden?"

With Wanwan's undying love for Gu Yueze, to the point of even cutting ties with her parents, how could she give up just like that?

Ye Wanwan simply replied, "Nothing much, I've just thought things through."

Shen Mengqi hurriedly tried to convince her, "Wanwan, don't be impulsive, you've had feelings for him for so many years after all…"

Ye Wanwan yawned, obviously not interested in continuing this topic and interrupted, "I'm tired, it's time to sleep. I'll chat with you again next time!"

Shen Mengqi wanted to say more but Ye Wanwan was already lying in bed yawning, so she could only leave.

Why do I get the sense that after Ye Wanwan returned to school, something's changed…

In the past, she said everything she thought but now, she's much more controlled and even her attitude's become more nonchalant.

After she was sure that Shen Mengqi was gone, Ye Wanwan got up and walked to the bathroom.

The conversation she had with Shen Mengqi just now probably allowed her to achieve half of her objective.

Of course, she wanted to take this chance to express her heartfelt feelings towards Si Yehan but with Si Yehan's cunning, he'd think that she was aware he was around so she said all those things deliberately for him to hear.

So she wouldn't insist that he believes her. As long as he heard everything that Shen Mengqi said just now, that would suffice.

Ye Wanwan pulled open the bathroom door and quickly invited the great devil out, "Sorry, sorry! That person is gone! It was Mengqi; I thought it'd be the dormitory in-charge making his rounds! It gave me quite a scare!"

When Ye Wanwan opened the door, Si Yehan's tall body was leaning against the basin. In the basket beside it was the pile of clothes that she'd washed and at the very top was her strawberry printed bra.

Ye Wanwan was instantly embarrassed so she quickly took a towel and covered it. Then, she observed Si Yehan's expression.

However, an ordinary person like her wouldn't be able to decipher his thoughts so easily. There was no expression on the man's face and she couldn't tell what he was thinking about.

Si Yehan looked at her for a few seconds, then he caressed the delicate jaws of the girl with his fingers, his low voice lingering in the narrow washroom, "Six hours and then I'll forgive you."

"Ah? What six hours?" Ye Wanwan didn't understand.

Si Yehan: "Sleep with me."

Ye Wanwan: "…"

Why is this different from what I expected?

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