Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Carcass Horde Formation

Carcass Horde Formation

3Everyone expressed their gratitude when Chen Xiaobei returned. Even Luo Puti asked for Chen Xiaobei's opinion before she gave orders to proceed.     

After the shocking scene earlier, Chen Xiaobei became the "mvp" of the team. Regardless of how high their cultivation was or whether they were an inspector or an elite, everyone obediently followed Chen Xiaobei at the moment, not daring to make any moves of their own. As they walked deeper into the forest, they could not help but exclaim, "Spiritual Qi! Such rich Spiritual Qi! And it's very pure!"     

"Shouldn't this cave be the heart of the entire forest? If you train here, your strength will definitely be enhanced!"     

"We came here for a mission! How can we have the time to train here? Aren't you afraid of being killed by Xiangxi Phantom Lord while you're practicing?"     

"Then… It's important for us to complete this mission first!"     

Everyone did not dare to be careless and continued following Chen Xiaobei.     

On the other hand, Ouyang Jingxin and the other four had manancing look on their face. Their plan of killing two birds with one stone seemed to have changed slightly, to include a third 'bird'! As long as the plan was successful, this cave full of Spiritual Qi would belong to them!     


Just then, there was something below Chen Xiaobei's foot which broke when he stepped on it. He quickly raised his hand and signaled everyone to stop.     

"Isn't that a skeleton of a dead person? What's the big fuss?" Lin Qisi glanced at the debris beneath Chen Xiaobei's foot and dismissed it.     

*Oooo… Wuuu… Wuuu…*     

"Who's th—"     

Before Lin Qisi could finish his sentence, a powerful rush of wind blew past! The wind rushed through the stone walls at an extremely fast speed. Its friction against the wall made strange noises that sounded like the howling of wolves and ghosts. This sent chills down everyone's spine!     

At the same time, the temperature around the entire area suddenly dropped. Despite their extraordinary level of strength, they all shivered and felt extremely uneasy!     

"W-What is going on here?" Lin Qisi was frightened and quickly hid behind Ouyang Jingxin. Just a second ago he was still acting high and mighty but now he was as timid as a mouse which was a well-deserved slap to his face.     

*Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!*     

In the next moment, three bonfires lit up in front of everyone and it illuminated the darkness around!     


With the flames, everyone was instantly surprised by the scene that appeared right in front of them!     

It was an wide underground cavity with a radius of nearly a hundred meters that was as big as a soccer field! What was more unimaginable was that the vast ground was covered in bones and these bones were from all sorts of beasts, such as wolves, tigers, leopards, iguanas, and eagles!     

Some had already turned to skeletons but some were still decomposing! It was a shocking scene to all those present. It frightened them as it was something that went beyond their imaginations!     

"This is way too eerie… What is going on here?"     

Everyone's was perturbed, some even left rooted to the spot.     

"Xiangxi's Sorcery of Walking Corpses!"     

This time, Luo Puti slowly opened up and said, "This is the home of Xiangxi Phantom Lord! He uses sorcery to control the carcasses at will! If I'm not mistaken, these carcasses had been here for a long time. It might be slow but it will eventually reach us!"     

As soon as the word was out, everyone came to a realization. Truthfully, they all had relevant information before they set out on this mission. It was only because that this was their first time seeing it that they did not think about it.     

Chen Xiaobei was the first to hear about this sorcery and asked grimly, "As such, is the Xiangxi Phantom Lord controlling these carcasses to launch an attack on us?"     

"That's right! You all have to die in my sea of carcasses! Heh heh heh heh…"     

Just then, there was a strange laughter coming from the front which attracted everyone's attention. They saw a dead end which was full of carcasses, then a mysterious figure slowly emerging. There was a white bull's skull on its head with a pair of sharp horns pointing upwards, but it had a figure of a human!     

"That bull's head is just a mask!"     

Someone quickly responded and exclaimed in a loud voice, "He is the Xiangxi Phantom Lord! Our target for this mission is right ahead!"     

"Hehehe… Want to catch me? Get over here then! I'll use all of your blood as a sacrifice for my Carcass Horde Formation!" Xiangxi Phantom Lord had a cold smirk as if he was belittling everyone.     

*Click… Clack…*     

The next moment, the sound of bones colliding and twisting filled the entire area.     

Within a blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen carcasses arising; most of them were bodies of beasts and a few of them were humans.     

"Aren't they just a pile of carcasses? It sure is mysterious but can it really hold itself together?"     

Wang Poqiong cracked a smile and ordered, "Everyone get together! Capture the Xiangxi Phantom Lord!"     

"Yes, Sir!"     

The Hua Dong division responded quickly and followed Wang Poqiong's footsteps into the sea of carcasses!     

"Xiaobei! I'm going to arrest someone; your cultivation is low so you stay here and don't move!" This mission was special to Luo Puti and after speaking briefly, she rushed out!     

 "Don't you go rushing in! This formation is not as simple as it looks!" Chen Xiaobei hurriedly reminded, he wanted to rush into battle but his shoulders were buckled down by someone.     

"Mr. Chen, you will have to listen to Shijie Luo. If you go, she would be distracted, needed to take care of you!" Ouyang Jingxin persuaded with a smile.     

Chen Xiaobei's forehead was slightly wrinkled. Since the beginning, he was very cautious of this hypocrite.     

Chen Xiaobei had a strong feeling that he was plotting something along with his advice!     

After giving it some thought, he would rather rush into the Carcass Horde Formation but it was better to stay in place and observe how to break this formation in battle. At the same time, he also wanted to see what Ouyang Jingxin had up his sleeve!     

"Okay, I won't go." Chen Xiaobei nodded and did not make any moves.     

"Hehe! You're a weakling, you finally have some common sense?" Lin Qisi mocked him. "Your strength is just trash, so be a coward and stay here obediently! How dare you to give a command to a commander! Keep dreaming!"     

"Qisi, you are injured, stay here and watch the battle with Chen Xiaobei." Ouyang Jingxin said.     

"I…" He did not want to stay put as he was ridiculing Chen Xiaobei. After looking into Ouyang Jingxin's eyes, the realized the plan had already begun.     

Lin Qisi quickly nodded. "Yes, my head is still sore. I will just stay right here!"     

Despite Chen Xiaobei's calm demeanor, he came to a conclusion that there was a plot! He then secretly thought of a strategy to respond!     

 "Brothers! Let's go too!"     

Ouyang Jingxin waved his big hand and together with Lin Nutao, he led the two divisions of Hua Xi and Hua Nan to rush out!     


Meanwhile, Luo Puti as the leader on the battlefield was having an encounter with a fierce skeleton wolf! Her gorgeous True Nirvana ice crystals solidified into a blade and that skeleton wolf was already on its knees!     

"Hehe… True Nirvana?"     

Xiangxi Phantom Lord was smiling from the far end of the Carcass Horde Formation.     

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