Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

I’m Going To Slap You To Death!

I’m Going To Slap You To Death!

1"Motherf*cker! You son of a bitch! You dare compare us to ants?" The throngs of bodyguards turned around and shot Chen Xiaobei death stares. In their mind, it was impossible for him to defeat hundreds of people at one go no matter how great his skills prove to be!      2

"Cut the bullshit and kill him! Prove with your fists that you people are better than ants!" Yap Xianghu shouted angrily. "Go!"     

Yelling, all of the bodyguards charged towards Chen Xiaobei. However, they did not have the space to move around freely and were clustered here and there, but they were synchronized enough to move in a formation that resembled a dragon.     

It was therefore unfortunate that none of them were capable of defeating him.     

"Get the hell out of my face!" Chen Xiaobei roared, before dashing to the front and leaping into the air with his left leg.     


Chen Xiaobei landed a kick on the first of the out-of-luck bodyguards and the man shot behind towards his comrades like a cannonball. A few of them dropped to the floor, but those who were still standing kept their blind charge. The scene was awkward; the dragon formation had turned into something like a traffic pile up.     


Chen Xiaobei did not stop. With the place being too crowded for his opponents to dodge, he kicked. All of them began to fall like dominoes; the people at the rear were unable to stay on their feet as the people kept getting pushed back.     

"Argh… Ouch… Mommy… What kind of strength is that?"     

As the fallen moaned in agony, Chen Xiaobei trampled on them and moved to the end of the hallway.     

"Bunch of ants! You guys can't even touch me!"     

Chen Xiaobei now stood in front of Yap Xianghu, ignoring the hundreds of goons that were still behind him.     

"Son of a bitch! You were cheating!" Most of the hired guns were not satisfied; they wanted to get up and fight him again.     

"You guys are f*cking useless! Get lost!" Yap Xianghu promptly shouted at them; he now realized that every single one of them were simply no match for Chen Xiaobei.     

"Master! Yes, yes – We… We'll get lost now…" None of those goons dared to disobey Yap Xianghu's command and cleared the area immediately.     

From their obedient attitude towards Yap Xianghu, Chen Xiaobei could tell that the young man before him had already taken Yap Liangchen's place as the new heir to the Yap Family.     

"Seems like you have some skills, brat! You're almost a worthy opponent!" Yap Xianghu said arrogantly.     

"I'm curious. Where'd you get that confidence?" Chen Xiaobei replied. He was unintimidated – in fact, he even felt like laughing at his adversary.     

Yap Xianghu may act all high and mighty, but Chen Xiaobei knew that was ultimately a backup scion to the Yaps – they had no choice but to choose him after Yap Liangchen brought great shame to the family.     

In other words, he did not have Yap Liangchen's talent – who was also the one who received Spiritual Qi from the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant. Without those things Yap Xianghu was so much weaker than his predecessor, and so much so that Chen Xiaobei did not bother to examine him with his Netherspirit Battlescouter.     

"Where did I get the confidence?" Yap Xianghu still did not realize the situation that he was in and kept bragging. "I'm the heir to the Yap Family! I'm the star of hope who will lead them to a glorious future! That is where I get my confidence!"     


A palm landed on the heir's face right after he finished his sentence, the immense force sending him flying towards the wall. His face swelled instantly as blood gushed out of his mouth.     

"How dare you…" Yap Xianghu was enraged, glaring at Chen Xiaobei with his wide eyes. He never expected that the man had the guts to slap him, and before he could finish, he was grabbed by the throat.     

"You're the heir of Yap Family, right?" Chen Xiaobei asked with an eyebrow before landing another slap on his face.     


His right cheek swelled immediately too; and the more Yap Xianghu struggled, the more Chen Xiaobei tightened his grip. Sensing that his tormentor was almost breaking his neck, the young man stopped struggling.     




"Star of hope? Worthy opponent? And you want me dead, right?" Chen Xiaobei kept asking haughtily while slapping his victim. "I came here to deliver the pendant to your family, but you prepared a bunch of ants to ambush me! You spat at my good will, so I shall slap you to death!"     

"Ouch… Help… Grandpa… Grandpa…" Yap Xianghu wailed in agony as tears streaked down his cheeks.     

"I told you that you shouldn't be so polite! I won't stop slapping even if you call for your grandpa!" Chen Xiaobei was not about to show mercy.     


The door of the president suite flung open out of the blue. An elderly man with a stern expression walked out and started yelling in rage.     

"Bastard! Stop right there!"     

"I'm not your servant! I'm not obligated to obey!" Chen Xiaobei replied toughly and ignored the old man while maintaining his palm assault on Yap Xianghu.     

"Grandpa… Help me please…" The young man was drifting in and out of consciousness; he used his last breath to cry for help.     

"Shut up! You're an embarrassment to the family!" The old man barked.     

With his grandchild within Chen Xiaobei's clutches, the elderly man did not dare to try anything. He negotiated while suppressing his fury.     

"You… How can I make you stop?" The old man said darkly with a frown.     

"Release Yap Liangchen first!" At the same time, Chen Xiaobei activated his Netherspirit Battlescouter to check out the old man.     


[Cultivation: Later phase of Qi refining stage. Health: 13000. Combat power: 13000!]     

The geezer was formidable, though not as troubling as Chen Xiaobei had foreseen.     

Yap Liangchen had ten thousand combat power – the old man was just three thousand points higher. Chen Xiaobei was surprised but it made sense; after Yap Liangchen was picked out as the heir of the Yap Family, the elder had to hand over the Flaming Cloud Spiritual Pendant.     

Thus did the old man's training and cultivation came to a stop, which further illustrates how vital Spiritual Qi was for cultivators.     

"Liangchen! Come out!" The old man shouted.     

Yap Liangchen looked worried when he came out of the room and saw Chen Xiaobei. Chen Xiaobei was relieved after seeing that he was in good health.     

"Bro Bei!" He exclaimed. "Why're you here…? It's dangerous here…"     

"Yap Liangchen! What did you just call him? Bro? Are my ears playing tricks?" The old man suddenly shouted angrily. "Where's your pride? Where's your dignity? You are the grandson of Yap Lanshou! How could you lower yourself and become this bastard's follower?! Huh?!"     

"You know nothing!" Yap Liangchen was visibly upset but maintained his proud declaration. "Bro Bei is the dragon among us! A true hero! It's my pleasure to be his follower! Old man, you should become Bro Bei's follower as well! If not, the Yap Family will fall at his feet!"     

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